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Everything posted by AnimeAddict

  1. try a "knight-type" font cause this is for a character that uses a sword/hammer and Shield
  2. ok on second look take out the vindictus logo and the "sun"
  3. see for me this one is kind of tricky i believe we should have armor abilities but some of the ones from reach and H4 need to be left out or at least re-balanced if they cant do that then i say NO armor abilities and that they should go back to the way it was in H3
  4. HAHAHAHAH just imagine in the future they will use Battlefield 15 to do war instead of sending out soldiers xD
  5. most people dont consider puzzle and strategy or anything like that most people think of things like Halo Gears all the Violent video games or the "recreational" video games
  6. Classification: Signature Size 600x200 Background:http://86bb71d19d3bcb79effc-d9e6924a0395cb1b5b9f03b7640d26eb.r91.cf1.rackcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/vindictus-walkthrough-wallpaper.jpg Text: Alaris Font: something to match the image GET CREATIVE Suprise me
  7. yea i could agree with that if it took more ammo for the shotgun blast it would at least balance it out a little bit more even tho the damage is way to high
  8. In my book H4 got a - for one major reason THE BOLTSHOT SHOULD NOT BE MORE POWERFUL THEN THE SHOTGUN
  9. Probabbly the Elites just for the fact of their honor code and the fact that i could listen to them scream for hours when you stick them with a plasma grenade
  10. Sad news its only ONI/UNSC issued you cant buy it nah jk lol nah but idk try Ebay or maybe 343s store
  11. AnimeAddict

    Slyvia(My Vella )

    From the album: Vindictus

    Slyvia(My Vella )
  12. did you ever think that mario was just REALLY REALLY REALLY high? xD yea but i would rather think of ones id rather be ported into cause its easier to say which ones you wouldnt xD
  13. i wasnt saying that i think another member shud be replaced i was just suprised is all im not that coincided that i would think i deserve the spot more then someone else nor do i misvalue the impact the members on this list made to get where they are at
  14. ok im going to say this one time only ITS ONLY OVERPOWERED WHEN SOMEONE ELSE USES IT AGAINST YOU! lol cause whenever you use it i will tell you ur not gonna win that fight ive had over 30 instances of that
  15. AnimeAddict

    Halo 3

    well its not worth it anymore but for those of us who got it before its sort of a trophy if you will
  16. i was meaning to do this a few days ago but gratz Edward and have fun Cooliest xD
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