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Twisted Oracle

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Twisted Oracle last won the day on December 24 2012

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Twisted Oracle's Achievements

343 Guilty Spark

343 Guilty Spark (19/19)



  1. Check out my new halo 4 gun sync :D

  2. Weclome to the forums! And i am also from Ohio! Go Bucks
  3. A friendly reminder for everyone to be respectful towards your fellow member
  4. Welcome to the community A friendly suggestion is to try to set a good first impression because here at 343ICF we certainly "gafa" others and their opinions
  5. AL is just wrong But a bubble shield seems better
  6. XP is based on performance, if they camp in the corner they only get 800 XP
  7. I would like to see Snipers and Grifball or KOTH before classics
  8. That was not 343s intention. Microsoft tried to maximize its profits early on
  9. Welcome to the community! If you ever need any help feel free to ask
  10. Many rumors about halo wars 2 and halo 2 anniversary, but nothing solid yet
  11. If you ever need someone to talk to I'm hear Be strong
  12. When I first joined I loved this community, I admit part of my absence was do to the way things has been going. I'm doing my best to change the way I act on the forums, I can only help others will also
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