Lee James Garry
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Thank u 343 for destroying halo 4's online player capacity
Lee James Garry replied to Lee James Garry's topic in Halo 4
Ok i never said its not a great game either your really dumb/slow in the head or your a really bad troll. i said the game is amazing the gameplay is great graphics beautiful im only talking about the population and the difference between me and u saint mudknot.. is you talk alot of (i THINK ITS A FANTASTIC GAME) what you think is your opinion i agree with your opinion but im telling u the player capacity has droped to a ridiculous low. because of there being no skill based ranking system now stop being an idiot and (UNDERSTAND I LOVE THE GAME THE GRAPHICS THE GAMEPLAY and i DON'T LOVE REACH ......) now stop trolling/being Dumb/Down-syndrome whichever one it is noone cares what u think because that's an opinion the stats/facts are this games player capacity is dieing right now. i went online earlier and there was 70k on reach and 50k on halo 4 are you to dumb to see a new game thats been released only 4 weeks ago compared to a game which was released 2 years ago has 20k less players than the old game ((((((PUTS THIS IN BRACKETS/CAPS TO MAKE DOWNSYNDROME KID UNDERSTAND 70K players online (HALO REACH) 50K players online (HALO 4) = BADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD...)))))) Kids like you saint MudKNoob Are soo dumb that dont realize they are Stupid Classic Moron Syndrome lol. OK PLEASE ALL OF YOU PLEASE USE YOUR TINY BRAINS STOP THIS CRAP ABOUT ALL GAMES ARE NOT GONNA HAVE A BIG POPULATION HALO HAS ALWAYS HAD A 250K POP. THE ONE GAME THEY RELEASE WITHOUT A SKILL BASED SYSTEM AND THE POP DROPS THE LOGICAL EXPLAINATION WHEN SOMETHING CHANGES IS BECAUSE SOMETHING IS DIFFERENT AND THAT DIFFERENCE IS NO SKILL BASED RANKING SYSTEM Thank u good night retards Brainless idiots... -
Thank u 343 for destroying halo 4's online player capacity
Lee James Garry replied to Lee James Garry's topic in Halo 4
WOW ALL I CAN SAY IS WOW IM GOING TO TYPE THIS IN CAPS SO YOUR TINY BRAIN MAY UNDERSTAND IT... OK I NEVER SAID THE GAME WAS NOT FUN I SAID THE GAMEPLAY IS AMAZING I WAS COMPLAINING THAT THE POPULATION ((ALSO KNOWN AS TOTALL EMOUNT OF PLAYERS ONLINE JUST INCASE YOUR TO DUMB TO KNOW WHAT THAT IS)) IS DIEING FAST COMPARED TO REACH I NEVER SAID I PREFER REACH ONCE THANK U DOWN-SYNDROME IDIOT FOR TYPING A LOAD OF IRRELEVANT CRAP................ i dont have a high horse i dnt care what people think i care about halo and the population dieing off and the stats prove it its not an argument its a fact it was never an argument or a rant it was based on stats/facts compared to older halo games its dieing at a fast rate thats all... -
Thank u 343 for destroying halo 4's online player capacity
Lee James Garry replied to Lee James Garry's topic in Halo 4
think about what your saying your stating for 1 that a person whos first language is not english, that my english is bad well you must have a big brain to think of that all by yourself secondly im not bashing if u had a brain which u dnt ud realise im not bashing the site or the game its because im passionate about the game and want the online population to thrive and succeed. talking about people waiting for the specializations is bull crap to that wont bring everyone back it will bring a few but not all end of point the game is dieing not thriving and your too dumb to see when a true fan of halo is passionate/angry because the game is failing 4 weeks into its release thank u dumbass and GTFO... 300k people playing reach non stop in first 12 months of release... 30k to 60 k playing halo 4... in 4 weeks of release open your eyes you downsyndrome just because you grammar is good doesn't make u smart idiot seeya owned -
Thank u 343 for destroying halo 4's online player capacity
Lee James Garry replied to Lee James Garry's topic in Halo 4
god stop being a moron it doesn't matter if its 30 50 70 100k its still bad for only 4 weeks after release use your tiny brain and understand ITS BAD ANYTHING BELOW 250K IS BAD its ONLY 4 WEEKS OLD!!!!!! and the excuse about wait for the kids to get off school thats bullcrap if it had a ranking system it would be 250-200k right now reach had non stop 300 k at peak times not 30 k like h4 it had 300 k for 12 months strait school has nothing to do with it the game is dieing because of reasons already stated god i hate people with your goody 2 shoes everything is FINE mind set Open your eyes LOOK AT THE STATS of previous games and think before u go typing like anything below 250k is acceptable it is'ent end of discussion thanks -
Thank u 343 for destroying halo 4's online player capacity
Lee James Garry replied to Lee James Garry's topic in Halo 4
learn to read i said 8k on Europe peak times and your talking like 30 k is good lmaoooooooo kkkk 30 k is good for a game which is 4 weeks old thank u for making my point for me let me spell it out for u 30k is terrible population after only 4 weeks just in case your to dumb to realize it. gg thanks for making yourself look dumb lol((I can turn on HALO right now and see 30k+ in Slayer, BTB, CTF, and SWAT at the same time lol)). YES DUMBO WHETHER ITS 30K OR EVEN 50K OR 100K ITS TERRIBLE POPULATION SIZE FOR ONLY BEING RELEASED 4 WEEKS AGO. so many terrible kids dnt understand anything below 250k 4 weeks from release is BAD.... for a halo game now just be quiet on the forums and let the people who know what they are talking about get a word in no more 12 year old children telling me 30k + is good thank you for making me look smarter and yourself dumber/slower. thank u and good night ((this is the part were u stop replying on the forum because u realize what stupid stuff u wrote just incase u dnt know that CiaO...)) and any mention on my Grammer/grammar is useless as ive already stated english is not my first language gg and Goodnight lol idiot -
Thank u 343 for destroying halo 4's online player capacity
Lee James Garry replied to Lee James Garry's topic in Halo 4
True it was but it did drop to 100k at non peak times i was trying to make a point that even at reachs non peak times it always had 100k h4 dnt even have 70k at peak times after only 1 month, reach after 12 months 100k minimum non peak times nuff said -
Thank u 343 for destroying halo 4's online player capacity
Lee James Garry replied to Lee James Garry's topic in Halo 4
if anything im like arbiter and just to put u strait i like it because of the PLOT is good when i watch it i forget im watching a guy useing toys to tell a story when i watch rvb i realise im watching something boring maybe back b4 arby and chief existed it seemed good but now its been blown outa the water by arby and chiefs story thanks gg no re -
Thank u 343 for destroying halo 4's online player capacity
Lee James Garry replied to Lee James Garry's topic in Halo 4
i Bleve MY POINTS are still VALID THE GAME SHOULD HAVE BEEN SHIPED WITH THE 1-50 SKill system therefore my POINTS ARE STILL VALID they have lost a huge player capacity and it wont return just because theres a ranking system i know alot of people who have already sold the game because it dident ship with a skill based ranking system they wont get those customers back THEREFORE U downsyndrome my point is STIL (VALIDDDDDDDDD) Shows how little u know i was onyx in reach and lemme tell u now reach arena was a win LOSS system i had great stats in many games when my team would lose and dident rank up it was still win loss all that crap about your stats mattering was fake it was win loss shows u knew nothing about reachs system now i know your bull because ive been online at peak american times and peak Europe times peak yourope its about 8000 on btb and peak american about 15-20 k its not been 38k since the first week of release but kk whatever u say bk well done i already stated my grammer is bad english is not my first language and yes im still smarter than u and 343 put together jackal your probably some low level bronzy from reach or legit 20 from halo 3 talking like u know anything about games sadly u dont just sit and be quiet go play some BTB lol i dnt hate RVB but in terms of story and coolness its trash in comparison to Arby and the chief im a realist i dnt care which was made first i care only which is better the best/only good episode of RVB was the first one were thery are talking about god and life and so on that made me lol so i was like ok RVB might be good even tho they dnt Curse alot so i watched another 15 episodes and not one made me laugh the voice acting is terrible the plot is boring.... low quality stuff sorry.. -
Thank u 343 for destroying halo 4's online player capacity
Lee James Garry replied to Lee James Garry's topic in Halo 4
yea kk im wrong and ur comparing cod community to halo hardcore community lol idiot ur not taking into account every halo game that had a ranking system had a higher population than halo 4 has do your homework before saying someone is wrong ok brainless kid kk yea kk im wrong and ur comparing cod community to halo hardcore community lol idiot ur not taking into account every halo game that had a ranking system had a higher population than halo 4 has do your homework before saying someone is wrong ok brainless kid kk its the ranking system that keeps noobs and pros playing halo 3 was harder than Halo4 and noobs played it for years because they played ranked they had a goal of hitting the next skill level. not a hard concept to understand its like people who work to a old age statistically live longer because they have a job to do they dnt have time to die same goes for h4 no skill ranking system = no job to do = game pop dies fast... i love it how noobs like jackal only see things from their own view they are to stupid to realize that they are stupid and too look at the box from a different angle to see what smarter people see but they dnt have the brains to step to the side and see the box has 4 viewpoints instead of only seeing 1............................... -
Thank u 343 for destroying halo 4's online player capacity
Lee James Garry replied to Lee James Garry's topic in Halo 4
its nothing to do with the br/dmr or the strafing the AR is super powerful even mid range so bad kids can still get kills.... its the ranking system thats why no1 is playing theres only so many matchs u can win b4 getting a new helmit/gear/Specializations gets boring playing without a skill based ranking system just gets pointless/boring think about it HALO reach was a worse game in terms of graphics gameplay and fun yet it had 100 K players non stop for 12 months its because it had a skill based ranking system to keep people playing to get outa bronze outa silver into gold into onyx thats the reason the player capacity has fallen... and yes my remarks was sarcastic/aholeish... but thats because im angry im angry they let the player emount drop so low all because they dont put a skill based ranking system in im passionate about halo and want it too succeed and if u think the (PEOPLE)@ 343 having only 10k to 30 k players online at peak times is 343 succeeding after only 4 weeks of release then your dumber than they are and yes my grammer is bad suck on it could be worse i could have a char from RVB on my pic lmao sad... go watch somthing thats actually good aka arby n the chief i never said i could make a game i never complained about the game and dont try to correct me on 343/people kk 343 as a company im implying every1 at 343 is dumber than me i would not be a game designer i would be a marketing employeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. and id be LIKE PUT A RANKING SYSTEM IN OR THE GAME WILL DIE ITS HALO IT NEEDS A ranking system i love dumb asses like you who think they are smart correcting people when really its you who is the one who is dumb thinking im talking about designing/building a better game than 343 the GAME IS PERFECT THE MARKETING IS TERRIBLE PLAYERS NEED A RANKING SYSTEM TO KEEP THE GAME ALIVE . TO KEEP PEOPLE ADDICTED SO THAT THE PLAYER CAPACITY DOESENT DROP SO FAST LIKE IT HAS NOW MEANING THEY MAKE LESS MONEY FROM MAP PACKS WHEN RELEASED AND U STILL THINK THEY ARE SMART ??? WHEN THE GAME STARTED IT HAD 800K PEOPLE ONLINE ON DAY OF RELEASE NOW IT HAS 30K AT PEAK TIMES AND 10 K AT NON PEAK TIMES THATS A BIG LOSS DUMBO kk.. gg.. i wrote it all in caps to make u understand how dumb u are thanks. i love it how my grammar is terrible never even went to school and im still smarter than u lmao classic -
first of all id like to say my english is not that good but that doesent stop me being right. now let me get to the good stuff thank u for halo 4 thank u for not making an abortion like halo reach again... the game-play is fast/skilled, the graphics are crisp, and the balance of the overall skill in the game you have done is remarkable to say the least and u took out bloom well done u guys have a brain now someone really droped the ball on this one. i told u ignorant people at 343 i told u dnt kill halo 4 like u did with reach with a terrible ranking system and what do u do ??? u tell us that ur putting one in 3 months from release well done the totall players online is 10000 right now... well done u think all those players will come back ??? the 1.2 mill that bought it i seriously doubt it stop trying to make halo 4 like cod it will never be cod. when u dnt bring out a ranking system the online player base dies within 4 weeks and why because i wrote this b4 on the forum begging u not to release the game with a bad ranking system and what do u do u release it with no ranking system other than SR rank which means nothing other than playing alot of games.... well done youve killed a massive player base reach was a terrible abortion of a game and even reach never had less than 100k people playing for the first 12 months halo 4 is out 4 weeks and already 10000 players online theres 20000 on halo 3 !!!!!!!! just because of the ranking system... its not rocket science.... fix it and fast use your brains and stop trying to force halo into a COD world stop trying to get the 4 million who play COD to play halo its never going to happen be happy with the 1.5 million loyal players and make a good ranking system and keep them playing end of the facts... dumb so dumb.... P.S ridiculously dumb.............................................................. yes my grammer is bad and im still smarter than 343 oh and for god sakes dnt make the ranking system only visable in WAYPOINT IM PRETTY SURE DERP DERP THAT PEOPLE DNT WANNA HAVE TO GO TO WAYPOINT TO CHECK THEIR RANK AFTER EVERY GAME....................... it needs to be in the lobby it needs to be fast it needs to be fun that's the whole point of halo since 2 and 3 that tension at the end of each game PRAYING your rank will Rise from one number to the next being able to show off your rank and feel proud in the lobby of your 45 46 47 48 49 50. that's what halo is changing that will just make your ranking system Less fun i mean imagine it imagine losing a game and haveing to do the walk of shame aka going into waypoint loading it up to find out youve ranked down i dnt wanna have to log onto waypoint to find out ive ranked down it slows the game down the gameplay and the fun
hi 343 so yes what is the problem 80% of people poll for a visual skill based system to be returned to the game so why cant we have it just have both systems spartan points and a skill based system along side it for slayer pro and pro doubles and pro snipes. why not cater to both sides of the audience the Casual and the Competitive the casuals can have fun ranking up reach style and the competitive can go hardcore for that 50 they love to chase all i know is you may get sales this time but this will be twice your fans have asked for a ranking system 1-50 and u haven't delivered when halo 5 comes out i know for certain i wont be buying if this does not get resolved your literally going to lose 80% of your sales next time the fans will give up on you but its your choice. And don't come that crap that its because of cheaters people were cheating and boosting ranks in halo reach just to get the best armor cheating will always happen in online games ranking system or not... this games shelf life is literally going to go down the pan just like reach's nothing to work towards nothing to keep you playing to keep you addicted apart from getting some new weapons/armor mods then what happens when u reach the highest exp rank which anyone can reach just buy playing even tho they lose every game become the highest rank. what happens then ?? thats when players should be like ok i've maxed out my spartan now i want to try real ranked game-play now i want to get my 50 i want THAT 50 TO GO WITH MY INHERITOR RANK but there is'nt one that's when the game starts to die you can only rank up so much non skill based exp before getting bored playing its going to be like playing halo 3 social slayer all day but with a non visual rank running in the background yes the match's will be close/competitive because of the invisible rank but that is'ent enough if u don't have something to build up to/show visual improvement of your skill in game. p.s sorry for bad grammar/English but bad grammar wont stop me from being right ahh well enjoy the high sales of halo 4 because halo 5's will be 80% less..... looks like everyone one who wants to play competitive halo 4 will have to go to GAMEBATTLES kinda sad really that u have to use 2nd party software to get a rank
79 percent of people want skill based ranking system back what is the problem 343 please have two ranking systems Skill based and spartan points system make the game awesome please =((((
its old pic when i was younger was kinda vain back then ^^ dont look like that now tho haha settled down with gf
i dont think you understand having a ranking system like the one confirmed for h4 which has no skill involved the 1 to 50 in h4 atm is just whoever plays the most gets the highest rank winning or losing does not affect this just how often u play u can actually lose every game u play in this system and still become the highest rank making being the highest rank pointlesss if any noob can get there by loseing game after game that is not skill based like the halo 3 1 to 50 = be quiet noob you know nothing thx ok first of all let me start by saying everything u said just sounds like a low level no skill cod noob who was terrible at every halo apart from reach which was basicaly designed to bring noobs from cod over to halo and now back to the facts. halo has always been competitive it always had the 1 to 50 skill since halo 2 and 3 and guess what because it was competitive and people had to work for their ranks the games lived for a long time reach has been out not even half the time of halo 3 and the players have dwindled to nothing around 30 k so dont come that crap halo has always been about having fun yes it has but not just fun the competitive side was always there keeping players addicted and as for getting better weapons if your not good enough to get better weapons you shouldn't get them simple is'ent it ?? u cant kill with one weapon so why would u deserve another but lets look realistically they want you to have the weapons so its simple u can still get the weapons and noob armor upgrades by playing social slayer/noob playlists that are not ranked which you will get credits whether you win or lose. but there should be a second ranking system for slayer PRO meaning noobs cannot hit this rank just by losing game after ******* game... you should have to win to be the top rank so yes spoiler alert whichever of you noobs hits the highest rank in halo 4 first not the skill based ranking system the spartan points system getting to the top of the ranking system that anyone can get to even if they lose every game they ever played will get to the top of this system meaning being the top rank means ????? yes that's right being the top rank means nothing because no skill was invovled you could literally sit still every game never fire a bullet and slowly hit the max non trueskill rank meaning if anyone can hit that rank hitting it is utterly pointless and means nothing sorry to break it to all the reach noobs hearts who hit inheritor same thing means nothing lmao... unless your ONYX in reach or 50 in halo 3 those ranks mean somthing.... being inheritor in reach or in h4 means zero gg peeceeeeeee oh and sorry for bad english not my language