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Everything posted by deathsprint

  1. Pulse Gaming is looking for players for Halo, gears of War, Battlefield , Call of Duty and more. We love to compete in any game so if there is a game you really enjoy please come check us out. Events: We host tons of fun events at Pulse Gaming such as Community game nights on both xbox 360 and ps3 for everyone to enjoy where we also usually give out a prize or two. We host our own tourneys for everyone to enjoy. If you really enjoy playing with lots of people come check us out we have 150+ members that would love to welcome you to be apart of Pulse Gaming. COD Elite: We take this very seriously, this is a way for us to showcase skill and rank up within the cod community. This allows us to adveritse as well as have fun at the same time. If you have a COD elite account looking to join an active team please let me know. Social Network: We are on twitter as well as facebook, we love to interact with everyone as much as possible and this is the best way to do this. We also have a nice size YouTube channel that we post videos to for users to see. Some things we look for are Maturity, participation and respect. These are things we take seriously. Below is our definition of what we believe. Maturity: In order to maintain fun, good conduct, and discipline within the community maturity is absolutely essential. We ask that your at least 18 years old. Few exceptions will be made if you display respect and maturity. Participation: If you would like be apart of Pulse Gaming is what you make of it. Respect: Treat others as you would like to be treated. So if you like what you see and love to compete please come join us and register at www.teampulsegaming.enjin.com
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