Favorite moment was shortly after I got reach, when me and my two younger bros jumped into our first personal match against 3 guys, who were apparently a well respected clan. Forget what they were called but the reason the main guy challenged me was because he was in matchmaking with me the game before and said he was impressed with my skill and wanted me to join his clan. I had already told my bros that we'd form our own clan before he offered, so I told him I wasn't sure and that we already had a little group going. We agreed that if we lost by a small margin (1- 5 pt difference or so) that I and one of my bros would join them (couldn't take all 3 I'm guessing) and if we won, which they were sure we wouldn't, we would decline. So we 3v3 these guys and they're way higher rank than us, and we whoop them, by about 7 kills. The guy is pissed. His exact words were " yeah, actually we decided you guys aren't good enough to join us, you camp too much and spam grenades ( the camping part was bs since none of us even thought to do so, but yeah) and besides I don't even have my best team mates with me." He ranted for like 4 minutes more before leaving the game. I'll never forget that match.
Also this is my first post on this site! Sorry about the text wall.