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Everything posted by ioniablackbird

  1. Maybe lower it, yes, remove it, no way. Have you ever went into a custom game or forge and tried killing teamates? lol you can use a whole clip and not drop a shield
  2. I personally never played big team in H3 or Reach just to avoid the non slayer gametypes. I think there should be more maps in big team, but I'v never been into the whole objective game sceene.
  3. I love assinating them, so awesome to rip someone out of invis just to stab there face! And I like how your rectule turns red when you swipe it over them. oh look, there you are
  4. Actually the rush will be to level 60, thats when you actually get the perk. And I'm 130, and over half of them I never ude. Mostly just wetworks. Pioneer I used a bit, but it's kinda pointless now. Rogue? not that good, Stalker? gives you a general area, doesen't last that long. wheelman, ok if you can convince someone to get in that rolling doublekill. Yea mostly you will find them taking a slot you could better use for something else.
  5. Because if you want to make money you make a game more people can pick up and play. Hardcore is the minority, casual players buy more games. It would make no sense from a business sense to make it more noob unfriendly
  6. I almost always run stealth on my first life, it's to good to pass up the P.V, counter, than I switch depending on the maps.
  7. The only time I've ever fell is when it changed host mid jump, what exactly are you taking about?
  8. awesome, I can get the mastery!!!!!! lolz
  9. Regicide is fun, but FFA was a blast! Regicide just seems broken, you want 2nd place right up to the last kill or you just get ganged up on and end up 2nd or 3rd
  10. Yea, so pretty much Commander of Spartins, including Chief, so most likley not our next Johnson. If the Infinity dont play a major role in H5 we probibly wont hear from her again
  11. Man, I just see the Falcon as a flying triple kill with all the power weapons. Hornet, yea I miss that
  12. MOA! Herds and herds of MOA!
  13. Raider hel, Raider dsst shoulder,recruit tiger legs, tracker visor,light green and purple colors
  14. In big team I always spawn with a PP, I've never seen the Gauss last more than a few Min, there are way too many places to ambush it.
  15. actually worked rather well for Regicide, overcharge and spray. haven't hit first, but 2nd 2 out of 3 matches.
  16. Make sure you have the first three done on heroic. For the dsst shoulders you have to have the first 15 missions on legendary
  17. ioniablackbird


    As long as the other team doesn't support it, otherwise its a walking perfection machine. Give me 1 guy on a ghost for close support and I can destroy in those things, if you don't have close support tho, PP kills ya, DMR's pick ya apart, and watch out for that inceneration cannon, your big slow target can get cross mapped easy
  18. how many of them were on crimson maps? i think it only unlocks for those maps
  19. How else are you going to max out those commendations? I have yet to run into a grunt in MM. And yea, dew double xp, fasttrack 6 1/2 min games for 14000 xp is about the best you can do. We had a 4 man group doing speed runs on the same map for 2 hours strait, booooring, yes, lame, yes, holy bajeezus did we rank up, yes
  20. Guess I got really lucky, did that mission untill I maxed my hunter and banshee commendations out and never got team shot once, unless you count walking into a missle barrage aimed at the wraith. Maybe all the kids being in school in the AM when i'm on helps.
  21. Didn't know my other account was active, but i see the message saying I have another code. Gee, anyone want it? F39fd htwj6 pfg4h dw34w 4dktz Merry Christmas to someone!
  22. I think it was intentional, they wanted you to use the promethien weapons, to interduce them and get you familiar with them.
  23. I vote yes, but can't you just see the "one guy" running out just to burn them up?
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