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Everything posted by Cocoa

  1. You should consider all loadout weapons not just the one you prefer. Carbine needs a buff, DMR needs rate of fire reduced and less bullet magnetism. The Designated Marksman Rifle should require a user to have excellent aim and to time each shot. This is NOT the case in the current state of the Designated MARKSMAN Rifle. The BR and LR are currently balanced very well respective of each other and all automatic loadout weapons. Lastly, I would just like to state that I already have the Master commendation for the Carbine and after maining the weakest of the precision weapons and now switching to the others I came to the above conclusion.
  2. Cocoa

    RE: The SAW

    As I said it should have been some type of energy weapon. Maybe a UNSC attempt to replicate Covenant plasma tech, same damage, rate of fire and range as the SAW, just with a more creative weapon model and particle effect. Think Focus rifle sustained energy beam but larger in diameter. Flex that creative muscle indeed. Its suppose to be futuristic weapons, not every gun need rely on bullets simply because its man made.
  3. Replace it with a Fuel Rod Cannon now once in a while.
  4. This is neat app, does what the waypoint app was supposed to do. Wonderful of you to not only take the time to make it but also provide it gratis. You have my utmost respect and sincerest thanks. Good show Mr. Farrelly. On a side note I would like to ask how one goes about creating such an app. What tools and programs are utilized in such endeavors?
  5. Cocoa

    fotus armor

    New armor idea Fetus Armor Discuss.
  6. Cocoa

    The SMG

    More importantly, where's Buck?
  7. Great for Regicide and Koth.
  8. I performed four consecutive melee attacks on an opponent the other day and he shot me with his pistol and hit me once and I died. Its lag, it happens.
  9. Imma let you finish but I gotta say that COD World at War was the the best Treyarch COD game. As far as Gears of War goes I have felt it broken since the first game. Gameplay was designed and intended to be a cover based third person shooter, it instead devolved into a shotgun spamming tumble around the ground mess. People complain about the addition of the sawed off shotgun to GOW3 but I felt it to be a much more balanced weapon than the Gnasher shotgun. Lastly I hate, hate, hate, HATE threads about leaving Halo. Stop being a drama queen and just take your copy and trade it, break it or whatever you please to do with it and shut up. No one cares that you have been playing since Halo CE and were in a clan bought every legendary edition and made a Cortana body pillow. If you are really going to stop playing then do it and move on.
  10. Wanting weapon balance, ordinance drops retooled, spawn points fixed to prevent camping and and over powered Armor Abilities fixed does not make one a hater.
  11. I have seen people regularly advocate playing on 1 or 2 and just use the DMR. I HATE THOSE PEOPLE. I play at 4 to 7 depending on how many cinder blocks I have judo chopped in half that day. In Halo 3 it was 8 to 10 all day.
  12. If you only manage to take down someones shields with the charged shot you can easily get a headshot using the remaindet of the clip. If you think about it, its a good argument for nerfing it to only bring down shields with a charged shot because unlike the charged plasma pistol it can get a quick and easy head shot with one clip, but does not track or disable vehicles.
  13. Agreed, I can also think of one more loadout weapon that should be removed.
  14. All I ever seem to encounter is DMR BOLTSHOT PLASMA GRENADE PROMETHEAN VISION/JETPACK DEXTERITY/AA EFFICIENCY EXPLOSIVES Gets annoying. Try a new weapon once in awhile.
  15. My only problem with the Storm Rifle is that it overheats way too quickly. Carbine needs a slight damage buff.
  16. Cocoa

    RE: The SAW

    I have to agree, why bother with the Assault Rifle ehen they have the superior SAW. Maybe if it had been a Covenant or Promethean style weapon it not seem so out of place.
  17. Ragnorok CTF, enemy Mantis is guarding their flag midfield destroying us when ee get over the hill. I jump in the driver seat of the hog and two of my teamates take gunner and passenger, we make a pass at the Mantis and the passenger bails towards the flag. As the guy picks up the flag my gunner gets toasted by a rocket from the Mantis, do I try and pick up the flag runner or ditch the hog and try and sneak up on the Mantis? **** it, I bust out of cover driving at maximum velocity toeards the giant walking death machine. Catching some air I ram right into the metal beasts pelvic area causing the back end of the hog to fly up catapulting me into the air, I press and hold X and grab hold of the monster and plant a grenade. Jumping off I land right ontop of an incoming enemy Warthog, hijack it and proceed to drive my happy *** back towards base picking up the flag runner along the way. If only that flag runner knew what I went through to get him to base.
  18. As I have said before, as long as he dies I have no issue I do take issue when my teammate turns their attention to stealing my kill and we get ambushed by the remainder of the enemy team.
  19. Cocoa


    Agreed, and Meltdown is one of the few BTS maps not dominated by DMR noobs. Because Vortex and Meltdown do not let you camp one spot the whole match. They require you to move around the map and engage the enemy in close quarters and mid range combat quite often. So if you have your look sensitivity set on 2 and have DMR in all your liadouts you get funkd up.
  20. Always funny when someone has a guest in Regicide and just kills them over and over. Yeah you had 16 kills but 15 of them were your guest.
  21. Halo CE Plasma Rifle, dropped shields and stunned your opponent. It was like being electrocuted with lasers.
  22. I despise people who go into objective playlists to farm kills. You got 35 kills and one death in a ctf match, if you lost the match it means zilch!
  23. Mauler had less range and damage but higher rate of fire.
  24. Glad I am not the only one with the reticle issue, thought I was going blind.
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