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Everything posted by Cocoa

  1. Cocoa

    DLC Required

    How do you know you will not like the maps if you have not played them? If you like the game, logic dictates that if money is a not the issue you would get the new maps. Killerdude1635 were you not complaining in another thread that you could not enjoy spartan ops because you did not have xbox live? Why do you give a damn about playlist?
  2. Cocoa

    DLC Required

    They would already have bought it. Did you miss the part about people who wait until after launch buying used copies and not 343 getting no money ftom that used purchase? So who should 343 cater to, the people who buy used and put NO money in their pocket or those who buy new at launch and continue to support the product by buying the new maps? Lastly, if you have a hard time financially scrapping together $25 for a map pack by April of next year then maybe you should not be buying games in the first place. Gearing the playlist for DLC worked gang busters for Halo 3, unlike Reach where every BTB match ended up being on the gulch.
  3. Cocoa

    DLC Required

    You do know that the DLC does not launch with the game right? You do understand that once someone buys the game 343 has that money already, they can't return the open game a month later and and ask for their money back. We are talking about a scenario that would most likely occur once the second or even the third map pack is released. A time when the average player is hungry for new maps, not launch, not a week after launch, six to nine months from now.
  4. Cocoa

    DLC Required

    Nice attack, care to elaborate or would you like to just continue being a massive dingleberry?
  5. Cocoa

    DLC Required

    I purchased the first map pack for Reach and barely got to play any matches onthose maps. Yes they had a playlist dedicated to those maps, but even it had a low amount of players. I gave up when they did the second map pack for two reasons, first why spend my money on maps I rarely will get to play, second that it included a firefight map that I would use ONCE and thats it. Give those who buy the DLC maps preference, limit those without the DLC to two to three playlist. It will give them incentive to buy the maps when they see that they are missing out. Now as for telling your friends you did not like multiplayer and matchmaking so they should not buy Halo 4, if they did not get the game at launch they more than likely will not buy it new. Meaning they will go for a used copy and we all know that none of the money from a used game purchase will go to 343, so why should 343 cater to those people?
  6. Mountain dew enema witha a doritos bag suppository.
  7. Cocoa

    DLC Required

    Don't be foolish, this game will sell so many copies at launch based on brand name alone that relying on word of mouth sales is a mute point. Cater to those who buy the maps, leave a vanilla BTB playlist and a vanilla slayer playlist for everyone else.
  8. Key word is "I". As in I am not going to buy FUD, it simply is not worth my money.
  9. More importantly, it comes with the maps. I must say the marketing department needs a good house cleaning after this.
  10. Im downgrading to save 14 dollars on the map pack. You been proven wrong.
  11. My biggest isue with Forge maps in Hslo Reach was that they all had the same bland look. Same sky, same green grass, same gray ramps and bases. None of the maps have any character. I give 343 a lot of credit for making three very distinctive forge spaces,I hope they each have distinctive forge pieces rather than just tue plain generic forerunner gray blocks. As for returning maps I do not want ANY save for one, Waterworks. I want new maps with a new game. Valhalla being in Halo 4 does not bug me much because it's a nice big map with lots of space for vechicle combat and intense objective games. Please no more Blood Gulch/Coagulation again. Im tired of it, played it to many times over the course of three games in the series.
  12. Thats hilarious. Nov 6 needs to get here sooner.
  13. If you call for ordinance and it lands on an enemy and kills them, do you get the kill?
  14. Lil Johnny Tbag is you, and he's me. He's the sniper on blue team and the Warthog gunner on red team. He is the guy that delivers your pizza, the girl sitting next to you on the subway and the person talking behind you at the movie theatre. He is the forum moderator and the forum troll, he is behind the counter at Burger King and wasing dishes at Dennys. He is all of us, and he IS afk in the game of life. Beep, Beep, Beep, Doot.
  15. Nothing funny about this Wombat, it's a serious issue with serious repurcussions. Next time you are playing big team battle and one of your teammates is just standing there motionless just remember, it could be that they had to take the trash out and lives on the fifth floor or maybe he just fell asleep and left the game on-or maybe, just maybe it's poor lil Johnny Tbag. Laying on his back curled up like a dying insect while his teammates berate him through his headset for feeding the enemy free kills. With each beat his heart tightens as it is being squeezed by a gorilla, his teeth gritted together as he swallows his orange stained tongue and begins to convulse. Every couple of minutes he hears the familiar respawn countdown of the game as he prays for death. Beep, Beep, Beep, Doot.
  16. Am I the only one who finds this utterly disgusting? Encouraging people to drink diabeetus in a bottle and eat salt and dye colored corn to get bonus points? Now I am no health nut, not by a long shot, I eat my greasy bacon and eggs and drinks my share of sugar water like any one else. But Doritos and Moutain dew together? Is this really the food we want associated with us as gamers? I just see a horrible image in my head of little Johnny Tbag spending his Friday night eating bowls of Doritos and washing it down with a 24 pack of Mountain Dew as screams obsenities at people in Halo 4. His lips orange and crusty with the stink of cool ranch, his eyes fully dialated from the rush of sugar and caffeine as he falls into anifalactic shock at 3:22 AM clutching a burnt sienna stained xbox controller. The horror, the horror.
  17. Is ordering online not an option where you live? I would not even bother with consoles if I had to pay those prices, you are getting raked and it's very crummy that they are allowed to charge that much.
  18. One more question, can you customize the color of weapon skins or are they set?
  19. I think that the Warrior armor will end up being exclusive to the LE, makes more sense thay way. Everyone should start with Recruit armor in multiplayer matches up better with the game fiction. Give the LE Warrior as an exclusive, it looks a hell of a lot cooler than Recruit.
  20. I betray my teammates all the time. Very rarely is it on purpose, I just have bad luck. Stick an enemy and a teammate just so happens to start an assasination-BETRAYEL! Rockets locked on to Banshee and fire just as a teammate sky jacks it-BETRAYEL! Reverse the Warthog to pick up a gunner, whoops too much gas-BETRAYEL! Shooting an enemy Scorpion as a teammate hops on the back to plant a grenade-BETRAYEL! Driving the Warthog and a rocket sends it flying in the air, land right on top of two teammates-BETRAYEL.
  21. m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=iH--vKwkqZw for mobile.
  22. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/131/351/eb6.jpg?1307463786
  23. You just advocated reducing the amount of content included in the game and charging more money for it online.
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