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Everything posted by Cocoa

  1. Wow, so screw everyone else getting bonus content, IF YOU CANT USE IT EVERYONE ELSE SHOULD HAVE TO PAY EXTRA TO GET IT. You are a real Blue Falcon.
  2. I'm looking forward to stealing peoples ordinance drops and I expect to rage and spew an endless up amount of obscenities when mine are stolen.
  3. Even if the disc had campaign only you would still have to pay the standard price of $60. I have no doubt that in the near future we will be purchasing the various modes in micro transactions, until that time comes you have to deal with the retail disc the way they are. Lastly, most big releases coming with a 2 month card for Xbox Live Gold, wait till the end of Spartan ops Season 1 activate the trial and download and play.
  4. By that logic, you are being forced to buy multiplayer as well. Spartan Ops is part of the online multiplayer content. I knew that the day they announced the game mode. Would you be happier if Spartan Ops was a seperate mode not included with Halo 4 at all?
  5. You are being forced to buy Halo 4? Those dang mafioso holding your wife hostage unless you buy Halo 4? If you do not like the product features buy something else.
  6. If it comes with a free date with Scarlett Johansen and a 100,000 dollar a year job with full benefits and a 401k I will be craushed indeed.
  7. You are not being forced to buy anything. lots of other games are being released this holiday season, single player games with out an online requirement. As for paying for things I can not use, I would either not make such a purchase in the first place OR find a way to make use of the features through hell or highwater.
  8. Is the needler a loadout weapon?
  9. Mow some lawns, wash some cars, walk some dogs, babysit, get a part time job-use the money to pay for gold. Ask for it for Xmas, Channukah, Qwanza instead of a new phone or a puppy. 60 dollars a year is the price of one brand new retail priced game, instead of buying thay game get gold. If you look online you can find deals such as a year of gold for $40. STOP PLAYING WITH YOURSELF.
  10. Does every weapon in the game have separate skins? Including power weapons such as the rocket launcher and sniper?
  11. What Killerdude1635 fails to understand is that people had different reasons for wanting the LE. As stated before I wanted it for the map pass, seeing that I could save some money by buying the SE and the map pass seperate I went for the better deal. I have no use for the other contents of the LE, be it schematics, skins or avatar items. I have bills and the Holidays are fast approaching, if I can save a couple of bucks and still get the things I actually WANT I dang sure will. With all sincerity enjoy the LE Killerdude1635 and I hope you do end up with some awesome exclusive content that was kept hush hush.
  12. I could care less about the Forward Unto Dawn. I have enjoyed watching it so far, it is very well done and helping to build the hype. I just do not see myself wanting to watch it multiple times over and over again. There are very few movies that I can sit through multiple viewings of.
  13. Switched my pre order today from LE to standard. My primary reason for purchasing the LE was for the future dlc maps at a discount price. Now that I am aware of the 25 map pass I will go that route instead. I will admit that I do feel some resentment towards MS for some of these recent announcements involving exclusives that were advertised becoming available to everyone. Seems like false advertising.
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