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Everything posted by Cocoa

  1. As much as a despise the DMR, it does not make a lick of sense to reduce its damage at longer ranges. The gun is intended to be a long range weapon. It does need a reduction in aim assist and rate of fire.
  2. I think the DMR and BOLT SHOT need to be tweaked or made into Ordinance drops. Currently they are way to powerful. Go play CTF and you will see the proof that this needs to happen. Why CTF? No personal ordinance drops and very few map ordinance drops in CTF, this results in a large majority using DMR and BOLT SHOT the entire match. Attacking the enemy flag? DMR. Defending your teams flag? BOLTSHOT.
  3. Most impressive. Do team Regicude victories count toward the commendation?
  4. CTF completed. I am more than half way through Slayer Expert, and on 20 out of 50 for Dominion Expert. I have seen a few other players sporting Vanguard armor(unlocked with CTF VICTORY MASTER) quite a few with the Slayer Victory Master armor and none with Dominion Victory Master armor.
  5. Auto sentry and storm rifle. The storm rifle decimates shields but does slower damage to health which from my experience results in your teamates getting easy kills if they have a rifle or magnum equipped.
  6. So why have other rifles in the game at all? Or loadouts? Just make everyone spawn with DMR a Boltshot, frag grenades and a jetpack. BORING. Balance is needed for ALL weapons, in its current build the DMR breaks balance.
  7. I agree with everything above. I use the Carbine more than any other starting weapon, auto sentry and sticking close to teammates makes it much easier to deal with DMR. On large maps its LightRifle all day. When I do use a Battle Rifle I avoid cross map shooting and use mobility to force opponents into mid range battles.
  8. DMR aims for you, has a greater bullet magnetism and a faster fire rate. I call it the DNR, Designated Noob Rifle. As for adjusting your sensitivity to 2, screw that noise, I play at 6 now and feel like I turn to slow. When I started having a tough time with my aim I do the exact opposite of what has been suggested, I adjust up for a few matches than slowly bring it back down until it feels right. Never forget that no matter how good you get with the BR there will always he someone with DMR and a sensitivity of 2 who will kill you by spamming the trigger.
  9. I have always found Zombies or Infection or Flood to be boring. It really needs some thing more to make it interesting. Maybe a fortifying of bases like Dominion, or add a VIP or Master Zombie/Flood that has Juggernaut style abilities.
  10. Stop using DMR and you will learn to aim.
  11. DMR needs a nerf. It is way to easy to use and currently dominates all other primary loadout weapons. It has longer effective range than a LigjtRifle, fires faster than a Battle Rifle and does more damage per shot than all of the other ranged loadout weapons save for a scoped LightRifle. Not to mention its high amount of aim assist and bullet magnetism make it almost impossible to strafe against.
  12. I think certain weapons should deal more damage through melee. Some power weapons should be instakill like the sword melee is. The rocket launcher shoulr be an instakill, based on the size and the way its swung. Same for a full clip needler, face full of needles= instakill. I think the gravity hammer should have a sweeping baseball style swing for its melee that uses as much energy as a regular swing, the handle swash should come into play once its out of juice.
  13. Cocoa

    AR to O.P

    If you hop around and or have a jetpack you can easily topple an AR user at mid range and even close range with a DMR. At close range you can get three shots off and than melee if you know how to juke.
  14. Even on large maps the LightRifle can be countered easier than a DMR can be. It is much more difficult to land haedshots with a LigjtRifle compared to a DMR.
  15. Street Fighter III: Third Strike most balanced game ever. .
  16. Or some people refuse to give up the Boltshot. I get so frustrated when I am the only person on my team that has Plasma Pistol and my dumb as rocks teammates just keep getting splattered as they try and board the enemy vehicles.
  17. His stance would be arms crossed making the shocker sign with both hands in front of a Dane Cook poster.
  18. I hated Reach armor. Too bulky and the bullets looked silly. Why do yoy wear huge shoulder pads when you have an overshield? Why am I out of sniper bullets when I have bandolier full on my shoulder? Every one looked like fanny pack wearing space banditos. Some people had a huge black ***** on their right shoulder.
  19. In between matches I drink. Heavily.
  20. Carbine fest? I have never seen more than one person per match maining a Carbine. Its more like a DMR fest. I have the season pass, but prefer to play a mix of all maps. Luckly I have been fortunate enough to have them pop up fairly regularly in the normal playlists.
  21. I want Halo 5 to bring back everything. Every weapon, every vehicle, every gametype, dual wielding options, every armor permutation, everything. Except Armor Lock.
  22. Last night I encountered a guy on Ragnarok that could shoot rockets from hus DMR. He made very quick work if our team, grabbed are flag and ran back to his base in about 15 seconds.
  23. You see, some people prefer Android and conserving battery power so they get white BG on the forums and find the white text to be damn near impossible to read. It also majes you seem prententious when you use change the text to white in every post you make. The "squeakers" are also the reason people do not use microphones and also mute everyone in game. After a long day of work the last thing some of us want to hear are prepubscent kids screeching profanity. You might want to try playing, ah **** it. This is to hard I'm quitting.
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