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Everything posted by Cocoa

  1. The LightRifle is not the weapon that needs balancing... The DMR has a 3x zoom and kills faster than the BR, Carbine and the unscoped LR.
  2. Or one that held your preferred tool of destruction.
  3. Actually the DMR is described as a medium to long range weapon by 343i, making my first statement a fact. If you have played more than a hundred matches you would also agree that my point about it being a dominating weapon at all ranges is valid as well. Lastly, if you are losing CQC encounters often my advice is to either use the Thruster pack or use firepower and pack a Suppresor.
  4. The DMR is not supposed to be a CQC weapon, unfortunatley it' high bullet magnetism and autoaim makes it easy to use at all ranges.
  5. Blah blah, even at 6 shot kill the DMR will be balanced if all other guns remained the same. It would beat the BR at long range and still be competitive against the light rifle due to the DMR being easier to aim due to its higher autoaim bullet magnetism. I currently use the light rifle for long range and notice that the DMR destroys me even though I need one less shot to kill when scoped. Any time I face off against an opponent who is also using the LR I destroy them. This is due to the LR having much less aim assist and bullet magnetism.
  6. I use it to control those drops, set up traps for the enemy. I only really use it in Infinity Slayer, sometimes in CTF.
  7. I shot an opponent with the Ghost and got an Airssasination. Weird glitchs.
  8. I swear I have done this once. He still got me on a second lunge though.
  9. Pulse grenades, I like to see them derez. Sentry is great to, you are so pathetic and unworthy of my bullets and time so I will let my little robot kill you.
  10. Just betray them over and over again, its fun. Push them towards enemies.
  11. Just do what all the other cheap *** gamers do. Make a new account and they usually give you a 1 month free trial.
  12. I love it for CTF. To me it is one of the best CTF maps ever.
  13. The DMR is the crutch of a bad player, not saying that everyone who uses it is bad at the game. If the DMR is nerfed( rate of fire, damage, bullet magnetism, etc) I guarantee you will see people who are good players still use it effectively. While the bad players will cry that it is broken and useless. I almost never use unless I pick it up off the battlefield as a last resort. It is boring to use and reminds me of playing Reach.
  14. DMR is gamebreaking. It outclasses all rifles due to its high rate of fire, range, ridiculous bullet magnetism and auto aim.
  15. The Battle rifle is perfect the way it is, same with the LightRifle and the automatics. Its the DMR thats in need of balance. The DMR has way to much auto aim and bullet magnetism. Anyone who thinks the DMR is in anyway balanced with the other loadout weapons needs to stop kidding themselves.
  16. Cocoa


    This is one of the more painfully obvious hacks going around. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=6-X1Y96LJGE&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D6-X1Y96LJGE
  17. The CTF playlist seems to be filled with a lot of cheating. I have seen the following things occur in the past 3 days Flag carrier running three times faster than me when I am sprinting with mobility. Aimbot like crazy. DMR firing at a extreme rate of fire. Needler rate of fire. Mantis with rockets that do not ever run out. Invincibility to stickies Guy had two plasmas on him, they exploded and he kept going like they were mosquitos. Anyone else seen this tomfoolery?
  18. Lord forbid you try CTF, or DOMINION, or ODDBALL. Gametypes that require you to do more than kill mindlessly
  19. I have seen a lot of spawn camping on Adrift during CTF matches. I die carrying the flag and as soon as I spawn back in Im getting shot in the face by a DMR. Sometimes its by multiple opponents at the same time.
  20. Its no RISK, I saw a guy get stabbed once during a 16 hour game of RISK.
  21. Sensor is great for defending in ctf. So is mobility.
  22. Everything else aside, you make a valid point about the Hardlight shield.
  23. The Carbine needs a little bit of a boost. Yes it fires faster but it takes a much steadier hand to land those shots. DMR is a simple steady five shot kill with tons of forgiveness when it comes to accuracy. Making the Carbine fully auto would be interesting, might not help at all. I think making it increase flinch as you are hit would be the ideal solution.
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