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Barack Obama

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Everything posted by Barack Obama

  1. I read it's meant to be coming out next year.. But it's not official
  2. I change from time to time, right now... My favourite game is either, Halo 4, Far Cry 3 or GTA IV (Soon to be GTA V) Fallout 3 and New Vegas are by far the best RPG in my opinion, and for strategy... I don't know. Don't play much of them.
  3. Only just found out GMod was avalable on Mac...
  4. I would like a Halo 4: Spartan IV. Basically same game just as a different character...
  5. Lol, the title is called PC but its for mac. Anyway, CoD: BO is avalable for Mac
  6. Oh, does the MoM do this every month or is it just SykoWolf who does them?
  7. Didn't even know you did Top 15 every month, lol. Anyway, I'm really happy I'm on it. Thank you for choosing me, and I am also honoured to be on it.
  8. I had one of them blank moments where you forget the weirdest stuff... I forgot this girls name who I'd known for 2 years and talked to quite a lot ._. Had to ask my friend... He started laughing at me,
  9. Obviously talking about me there... Just kidding, congratulations dude!
  10. Ive seen this before, I think it's just lag because usually when I see it the next kill cam is all jumpy.
  11. I've never seen the end of any of my worlds on Xbox. I think the sizes are fine.
  12. Didn't even know what this quilt thing was... Glad I'm a qualifier anyway! This is a great thread by the way, and good ideas.
  13. This is still going on? Woah. Anyway, I don't know who your best friend is but it's not me so no. I'm going to say... Lil Dog?
  14. I found the BR easier, maybe because I've never really liked the DMR that much... I think it's all down to how you use it though.
  15. The do make separate teams, just some people quit. You can't just switch teams because someone quit. Also, I've never had this flag going through the floor... First time I've heard of it too. I agree with the Forge Community playlist. They really are awful but that's why that was just a temporary playlist (I think) to fill in for team doubles. I think the weapon spawn is fine.
  16. Had a great time in the play date!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Barack Obama

      Barack Obama

      We mostly played clue, don't need a mic for that. Plus, what about annoying people with mics that scream all the time?

    3. Church


      Sorry about that noscope in that clue match...I know it was unprovoked, but you were the killer, so yeah. AND IT WAS FREEKIN AWESOME!!!

    4. Barack Obama

      Barack Obama

      But you had no proof I was the killer ._.

  17. I have a few lightsabers... You want any pictures?
  18. I wouldn't go wireless, I got a wireless one with my computer. Changed it to wired after about a week.
  19. I've almost missed it then... It's nearly half 10 at night here
  20. Finally, Grifball! I love that game, I remember playing it on the double EXP playlist with my friends. Glad they're adding it and getting rid of Community Playlist...
  21. Twam can get elected? Won't everyone just nominate him?
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