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Barack Obama

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Everything posted by Barack Obama

  1. Uh, I guess when the site URL was purchased, if possible the date the site opened as well.
  2. The graphics won't be as good as other games, just think of how large the map is. If you put really good graphics on that it will lag like hell.
  3. Me and JXZAW were wondering when was site made? He said to check Twam's profile, and it said he joined on June 13th 2011 so we thought that was when it was created but I thought I remembered a thread posted on May 2nd 2011. I was correct, I did see a thread made then. Now we both have no clue. So my question to anybody that knows it, when was this site created? Thanks!
  4. I would like a lot of the Halo 3 armour in Halo 4, like Mark V and Hyabusa.
  5. Woah... I really want one of them. Wish it didn't cost so much though.
  6. Hey, sorry I can't help but can you tell me when the map is finished? I'd love to come and test it out, since my favourite game on Halo is Cops N' Robbers.
  7. It's a Far Cry 3 question. Oh ok. Thanks!
  8. If I swap a weapon, will I still have the original weapon at my weapon locker? Like say I had a pistol, and I swapped it for a shot gun. Would the pistols till be at my weapon locker?
  9. Fallout is pretty good, but it's like Skyrim. Just Cause is also a good game.
  10. I already got the specialisations code for some reason, but I'm only SR 32 so I didn't really need it anyway... But grifball! I love that playlist, I remember on Halo 3 it was always on double exp and I played it for hours. Thanks for the news
  11. Why would they get rid of chief? If they did I wouldn't but Halo again.
  12. When's it meant to be coming out?
  13. Is this the first thread in announcements?
  14. I'm sure everyone doesn't mind that you won't be able to get requests done, because you've done a hell-of-a job. Plus for the signatures, we still have Brony.
  15. I don't understand the point of this thread. It's a minor detail that doesn't hardly do anything, just go a bit closer to the object.
  16. I don't think I've ever 100% a game before...
  17. Wahoo! I love this game, it's so fun. I totally agree with this review. You can spend hours on this, doing different things and building awesome building! Can't wait for your other PWA videos
  18. You didn't explain what is wrong, just that the did something with Halo Reach. Be a bit more specific.
  19. *Spoiler* Then how can the Didact be in Halo 5 if he's dead?
  20. Looking at a friends friends list and found this. Anybody know what this is?
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