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Everything posted by Baeztoberfest

  1. I wonder if people would help me then conduct an experiment? Find your favorite music. Play 5 random games in matchmaking. Not with friends. Play the five games listening ONLY to your soundtrack, and post the results. Then do the same thing with ONLY in game sounds turned up to a comfortable level. Maybe this is too in depth. I just thought it could be fun to see what we all came up with.
  2. I don't know. Maybe you're just better than I am at Halo 4. I still thought it was incredible.
  3. I thought this too. Which is why I was surprised when I did better. Maybe I played like 15 games that were all flukes? I dunno... And no I'm not being sarcastic.
  4. 1. Lets see some of your videos. 2. Bad team aside you can't blame any of his reaction times or speed on the enemy team. That was all him. 3. Well... I wasn't really prepared to make a third point but it looks good in threes. Yep. Lol.
  5. Especially when they miss. Lol.
  6. That's an even better idea! Infinity slayer! (And right before you get the game winning kill...) ODDBAAAAAALL! Lol. That would be pretty cool.
  7. That's actually a very good point. "IM THE BEST AT HALO 4!" (As long as we only use one weapon and there's no radar and if we do get abilities we only get the one I'm good with. Ahem.)
  8. Right? Just totally rage out and hurl it at someone's face.
  9. Just take it and when you see that guy start to sprint off? Hurl that baby at em full speed slicing them in half? Yeah I'd do it...
  10. Oh I didn't know they could. Good call.
  11. Wouldn't it be fun to have a sword throw button?
  12. I think some field evidence is needed.
  13. The marines I know? It'd take about one. Armed forces aren't the cannon fodder portrayed in video games to make Spartans look good. SF is beyond imagination how deadly they are... Them and seals. I mean, clearly. And palmers rank? Well she still answers to someone... Being that the spartan IV's are a fairly new concept since the spartan III's... I'd say colonel? Maybe even general or major general? Or to put it where everyone understands, O6 or higher? Just a thought. It would depend on how many Spartans there were really.
  14. Oh my... Well. It's okay. Can't say I've broken any rules. Well... Not made amends for them shortly after.
  15. No I know that you didn't direct comments at me. I was just saying maybe my reply to his post was a little harsh. And that I should tone it down. I wasn't directing that at you. Kinda hard to get across online.
  16. Was there an error code or did it just say the code was altogether wrong? Did you make sure that it was spelled exactly the same? If they sent you a dysfunctional card with the wrong code I'd offer to mail the card and ask them to try it and in the case it doesn't work or whatever the case may be, they reimburse you for a working code. And you could even suggest they send it to you in the form of an Xbox live message to make it back post haste.
  17. Give it here. I'll try it and see if it works on mine. Lol. I'm sorry no I'm kidding. This is a fan forum community ran 343. Official Halo website is halo.xbox.com. But I'm sure people here would be happy to help. Let me brainstorm a moment.
  18. Yeah... I sure as hell disagree with OP and many people supporting this unsubstantiated claim. But I could always be more tactful in my rants. I forget courtesy sometimes. It's something I need to work on.
  19. @ your last comment : yeah, good point. My guess? Good storytelling on bungies part? Lol. That is a good question... All those times I got my teeth kicked in by enemies and Cortana was sitting on her hands...
  20. Army guys XO's roll out all the time. But on that level? I think not. Not unless it is for a funeral ceremony or something. And even then it's EXTREMELY rare. No I think this game missed the actuality of it all. Lasky had no business down there and Palmers military prowess for conducting spartan missions should've stepped up. Also I think you're right in that he does have a military advisement board. The game didn't hit on that but it only makes sense that they would have. About as far into it as they get was in the mission "Midnight" when Lasky says that higher ups didn't like how Del Rio abandoned the chief on Requiem and put Lasky in charge for the time being. Again, not to divulge too much information as to not violate opsec but it is uncommon to see higher tiered officers with boots on ground in a combat zone. It's not a certainty I'm sure but for the most part you won't see someone of Lasky's rank riding around in a HMMV with no doors. Lol. That's just fictional entertainment. Kinda like hurt locker. That's my experience from the Army side of the house. EDIT : I don't mean that they aren't deployed, I mean they don't conduct routine missions and go on simple convoys. Not their style. That's what your enlisted soldiers are for. Case in point Master Chief is E9. The highest enlisted rank you can attain. This is a stretch but yes it is perfectly believable. On that note... This is like what... 2556? I'm sure things are done a lot differently in the UNSC rather than today's military. ROE and EOF for a covenant or a flood or a forerunner is going to be much different than it would be for fallujah or Kandahar. Lol. I don't think humans in general would care too much to save any blood thirsty aliens, cold sentient robots, or space zombie abominations. Just saying.
  21. This happened in reach to me and my wife. She's not too good at the game and a daily challenge was to get like 20 kills in one game. So I let her kill me 20 times so she could get the cR. lol.
  22. I tend to speak my mind a lot. And I often disagree with people whining about games. Hmm... I can see this. Makes sense. Oh well.
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