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Everything posted by Baeztoberfest

  1. I agree. I think a crouch has its place when you want to disappear from radar or lay a trap. its used as a defensive strategy. Not an offensive menuever. So I don't think during an actual duel. I've seen the Ghandi Jumping and the Crouch Walk when fighting but to be honest I've never seen it perfected. Wild antics will get you killed. That's just my opinion though. Just because I've never seen it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
  2. I never have any clue what you're saying on any post on any thread. It's painful to try and interpret your thoughts. So this is me not doing it anymore. I always wondered what people were doing when they would crouch and fire during a gunfight. It makes you far less mobile and unable to take cover correctly. I work noobs that do this. Maybe I didn't understand correctly but... From what it sounds like you said and what I've seen already... The advantage will go to the player who can maneuver the battlefield while maintaining fire superiority. Sprinting removes the superiority. Crouching removes the menueverability. Simply walking and thinking gives you the mix of both you'll need to succeed. Not talking trash about anyone's advice but... I dunno about this one.
  3. That's some good advice. I drink when I play. And I talk alot. I only just switched to PV. Sad because if PV stopped being useful I don't know what is switch to. I crouch all the time! That's why I switched from AC. Because it only gave me away instead I blind the enemy.
  4. That was pretty mean... But I any help it man. I agree. He's right on the money. That didn't look hard at all... It wasn't you. It was them.
  5. Baeztoberfest


    But then they aren't really bad at the game are they? They are better than you and it sounds like you're not happy about it. But that doesn't mean anything. The rolling sawed off was cheap and annoying. Mostly because that was an extreme example of how one weapon can slaughter but not everyone can use it... Correctly anyway. Anyone can use the DMR. So if bad kids are waxing you they obviously aren't BAD. It's just so idiotic. The whole argument.
  6. I use my mic all the time. Obnoxious gets muted. Funny gets parties.
  7. What are the best missions current in season one spartan ops for : 1. Killing hunters 2. Killing jackals 3. Killing elites 4. Killing knights 5. Killing watchers 6. Killing crawlers I realize these will be different missions as I fully expect. But what missions are they? I just would like to get them as quickly as possible.
  8. I got 49/49 on Halo 4 and all Reach cheevos. Willing to help anyone who needs it's. Got all my achievements solo on legendary except bros to the close. I did that one solo on heroic. Just requires you to pay very close attention to your teammates and rail gun the crap out of the knights. It's a one hit. Don't worry about giving them better weapons. If you do it right you'll be the meat shield for them. Tried it one night for an hour. No success. Tried again another time for about 45 minutes. Fail. Tried it again a third time. Got it first time go in less than ten minutes. Also I can confirm you can get the cheevo from starting at rally point bravo and just making it through that door. Mortardom is easy as well. You snipe the gunner and do it the hard way you'll get ran over every time. All you need to do is plasma pistol disable a tank after killing the gunner. Then just hop in the gunner seat. The driver will hop out. Don't waste your time with the first wraith as you can't cross the river in anything but the mammoth. The battle right before that strange alien vessel you board at the green grav lift is a good place to start. But again, you won't get the achievement to pop there alone. But it's good to not leave much room to chance. Your next chance is after your encounter with the librarian. When you hop through the portal where you see that scorpion don't waste your time. Mad dash to that wraith and plasma pistol it. They don't even have gunners. Just hop in and scoop up that cheevo. And chief smash is best done NOT RIGHT AFTER you get the hammer. Assassinate that first knight through the portal and use your DMR, saw, whatever BESIDES your grav hammer to kill your way through that next portal. After that Cortana is going to ask you to hold out after you insert her into a terminal. She'll get preliminary guns online for you. They will send MAD crawlers here to kill you. On easy this should be no problem. Wait until the accumulate and go to swinging. This is a crawler only part so this is again your best chance. After that your chances of getting it are seriously deminished so restart checkpoints if need be. It's not so hard as it is tedious. This is my rifle this is my gun? I'd just hold on to the pistol. You'll do twice as much weapon swapping but you can do it. Don't forget your grenades, rely heavily on vehicles, and use whatever variation of precision rifle you can get. Also melee will be a good friend for saving ammo. Give him the stick is sorta easy. There are two sticky detonators you can save from the beginning if you need the ammo. Just save it. But there are also ones you can pick up in the hunter room. And there's a checkpoint right before you get into that room. My advice? Save the ammo from the beginning and restart at that checkpoint before the hunters as needed. Ammo shouldn't be a problem. Again I'm willing to help if you need any. Gamer tag is the same as my username on here.
  9. Yeah. But that would only be like thruster pack but you're invulnerable.
  10. Or even like a MultiTeam/Flood/King Of The Hill scenario where survivor squads battle for supremacy in the last defendable outpost before being over run by flood. Make it an 8 vs 8 playlist so you could accomodate all the factions? That would be pretty chaotic and fun. Or or or... Wait for it. What about a regicide multi ball? Where everyone gets a point for holding the ball or killing the other king but if the king has the ball he gets triple points? And then do multi team so there's four teams of three? Each team has a king and two bodyguards? That would be awesome.
  11. Yeah but they are still a variation of the spartan IV's.
  12. But by that logic Halo 4 wasn't about the elites let alone the covenant. Best reasoning is because it wouldn't fit into the gameplay war games because it takes place on board the infinity amongst spartan IV's. As long as they use this logic I wouldn't plan on ever playing as anything else but Spartans. Course why would anyone want to really?
  13. Due to the BS, PV, AR, AC, and all of this, melee is dead. How is it even possible to melee now? There's almost no thrust anymore, finding your opponent if you don't kill with the first melee becomes a game of where's Waldo... I'm not a fan of how they pretty much eliminated the ability to beat people down with my fists face to face. Excluding assassinations which take way too long (arguably people could say hey what about stealth? I don't want to waste a perk on something that shouldn't take 5 years to begin with) they made the melee system so ineffective. I suppose this mirrors actual combat as no soldier uses his or her bayonet anymore. Lol. But still. It was a special form of combat some of us excelled at. When you took that away you really crippled some of us. Check out your previous Halo Service records. See where you measured up with strictly melees. Maybe you've noticed it too. Maybe you didn't.
  14. Yeah but in previous games you COULD lonewolf and stomp the enemy team if you were skilled enough. Now you can't. No more can one person out whit 3 people with anything less than the element of surprise or power weapons.
  15. Baeztoberfest


    Lock lock lock. I've seen mods lock for less. This thread is useless... My god why do we let this continue...?
  16. I feel like I'm gonna get flamed for saying this but if the pot is black... Boltshot. As stated above why waste your precious perk slots on firepower when you can pick up another weapon? Boltshot takes that a step further though and gives you some CQC right of the bat. Better than anything you start with really. And if that doesn't fit your play style? Cool. You could always keep it handy until you pick up an AR or ordinance shotguns, whatever you like. I like you was primarily a CQC kind of guy. That's where I excelled. Halo 4 really made that a hell of a lot tougher in this game. Damn near impossible to melee regularly. Unless its from behind and you get the drop on them. Just doesn't happen like it used to...
  17. Lol. I get worked over sometimes. I mean REALLY WORKED.
  18. Eh... Didn't blow my skirt up. Not saying I could do that on that map but you looked like you were playing against total rejects. None of them developed a successful strategy how to dismount you. I don't see how people suck that bad. The other day we played a game on abandon. Our team played against one guy and his two guests. It's was a 3 v 3 infinity slayer. We went 80 to 600. The very next game we went 600 to 140. Very uneven skill levels seems like. Sometimes you play against people OBVIOUSLY not on your skill level. Now if you 30 - 0 on like Adrift with an AR and a few killtacular a and a monster spree that would've been different. Throw in some assists and close calls. Diversify your weapons? That would be spectacular. Last Perfection I got was in Halo Reach Countdown. It was a vicious and bloody battle that wouldn't ever end seemed like. Much like you I figured, "Whats perfection worth if you stop at 15?". But not to make light of your achievement. Even against noobs, SURVIVING is still a tough task in such a big object and with the instant respawns. Just my opinion by the way. I could be totally off.
  19. Because not everyone is as MLG as they think they are... I used to find threads still getting replies like this laughable. Now I just find it bitter and sad. There are so many better threads than this that people continually overlook because they'd rather be stuck in this endless battle of OP weapons. Hearing about the DMR is almost as bad as another person saying the BS is OP... Take some time to read other threads. It might surprise you what you COULD be spending your time on. And I'm not here to tell you how to spend your time again. I'm just saying these threads with 90 replies are seriously just annoying now. Well for what it's worth this is my last reply. Have fun on the forums.
  20. No I know... Just sometimes I feel old. I mean I'm not but... You wanna know the HARDEST game I've ever played on the hardest setting? Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 1. That part where you're by the Ferris wheel trying to hold out with the injured captain? And forget about the last plane mission escaping on veteran... It's impossible. I know it's off topic. I was just saying...
  21. Lol. That's pretty awesome. I like using PV as it doesn't give away that SOMEONE is there like AC. I do the same thing. Easy way to rack up those Killing Frenzys. Especially after you fortify a base and start unlocking "the good stuff". Then it's a waiting game while you rack up points for base D. May sound crummy. And it is. A lot of patient waiting... But what a rush...
  22. Adrift lets me shine. I'm a CQC kinda guy. Always have been. Halo 4 made that a lot harder though than in previous games... Adrift takes me back. Giving me clutter and boxes to take cover behind. Guard rails and grav lifts to camp. Real easy ways to close the gap to get that buttstroke in.
  23. Calling in watchers is your ordinance drop. Lol. Hell lets just make The Didact a playable character. His only weakness? Cortana! And if you're fresh out? PRAY YOU HAVE A PULSE GRENADE! Lol!!! Kidding guys...
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