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Halo Articles
Everything posted by Baeztoberfest
Informative as always.
Even though they are giant bullet sponges and couldn't operate most vehicles due to size differences it would be pretty cool to cougar leap on someone's face and melee one hit them. Or teleport across the screen for the beat down. There would be obvious cons but no one thought of the pros. Lol. OP that they may be. Maybe do like left 4 dead and give them limited assault tactics but give them very powerful purpose driven attacks? I'm just spit balling here. Lol.
Right? That's what I was thinking! Any variation of it really. People could safeguard hill checkpoints at specific points between bases making the capture the flag aspect harder. And someone would always be hunting down whoever had the ball so they don't backdoor a victory. Could make for some seriously fun gaming.
This is probably the wrong place to post but definitely a good question to spectral jester. Good sir, how do you find out login information? I'm logged in now but don't remember username passwords email... Any of it really. I'm using my Internet on my iPhone 4S and wanted to log in under my desktop. Any chance I could get passwords and username and all that sent to whatever email is connected to this account? I know I have the emails signed in on my phone as I've gotten mail telling me I have had private chat messages on here before. I just can't recall which one of the two it was. Please help? Thanks.
Oh. Yeah... You're right. It's late. And I'm tired. I was confused.
So, and stop me if this is a terrible idea..., who likes the idea of having a multi faceted objective gametype incorporating King Of The Hill, Capture The Flag, and Oddball in one game? Still do a 4 v 4 or maybe an 8 v 8? But throw in one moving hill, a neutral flag, and one maybe bomb or oddball and have it all add to a universal score for your team. Focusing on multiple objectives could be fun (maybe a little confusing) as you'd have to capture flags while having some of your forces spread to the hill and accruing time on a ball as well as base defense. Seems like the chaos would actually cause a lot of fun. Maybe I'm alone in this thought at 12:38 am. Lets hear some input y'all!
Because your teams are bigger. Lol.
Yes! And no... I like Adrift for some gritty CQC CTF. Plus it's not a Charlie Foxtrot like Complex is.
Like it or leave it? That is the question.
To be blunt if you're coming up short in scoped LR vs DMR, you're doing it wrong. LR would kill faster if you headshot. Also I think any mentally stable gamer would go with something that would 4 or even 5 shot someone over something that 6 shots. That's just foolish on whatever level you're on. Period. So whatever rifle kills in less time and trigger squeezes is the rifle the average player will roll with.
Game plays more like unreal tournament or quake than CoD. Just because call of duty is the only other first person shooter you play doesn't mean all other games are like that.
Interesting... Yeah I fully plan on his return. It's easy to see the grey picture he was in. He wasn't a saint but he wasn't hitler either. I fully plan on a reappearance.
Which Halo would you say has the hardest campaign?
Baeztoberfest replied to O-Bot_Monty's topic in Halo 4
I had a thought. A lot of people don't even remember Halo CE and its glory days. No wonder they only remember Halo 2 as the toughest. -
I think it's cool. 343i was like "Yeah, this is our first stand alone Halo title. Lets go ahead and kill Cortana. Oh! And throw Johns face in there too..." Lol. I love it when they push the envelope. Gets people out of their predictable comfort zones and really says loud and clear "You won't know where the story is going until we tell it to you!". Worth $60 bucks in my opinion to sell me something fresh.
? What is this?
Merry Christmas y'all. Hope today is a joyous day for each of you and I hope you are all with family to enjoy this special day.
That was me. And they only made one map pack for Halo 2, the Blastacular map pack.
My only thought would be that one of the Cortana fragments would be recoverable. That would be the only viable non cheesy way to bring her back. They already said that Halo 5 will be much darker than what people are used to in Halo. I can't think of a better way to bring darkness than the depression of no Cortana.
That bet still on? I got a pretty nasty killtacular on abandon.
That's sad man... Just sad. We're all thinking that that's what our team is thinking sometimes but to just come out and say it? JeeeZUSS!
Who would like to see these things incorporated into a future big team map? Maybe not all of them in one map but how about like just a massive sand trap where you could pit these goliaths against each other. The scarab was such a huge deal in Halo 2, being able to use its massive cannon. In Halo 3 you fought seemingly endless amounts. Well. 2 actually. Nowhere to be seen in Halo 4? Makes sense as that's a pretty big thing to lug to requiem but... Being able to use one in matchmaking would be boss. Especially in like a CTF gametype? Mobile assault fortress. Lol. Mammoth would be cool but MAC cannon would be OP. Maybe use it with target locator requirement and ridiculous charge times? Pelican with chaingun seems a little over kill. Maybe cut damage in 1/2 and primarily use it for quick insertion into hot LZ's? For again, objective style play (team KotH and dominion?) And the elephant? Yeah she was slower than molasses uphill on a cold day but how much fun was it storming a base with a fully outfitted elephant? What do y'all think?
All these people saying "adapt"... That's such a panzee out. Why don't you offer up some techniques things he could try to do better? Any sort of advice? Is it against the law now to be a fan of a series and be displeased with one game? That's freaking rude people. For no good reason. OP I disagree with you as well but where others would say adapt I would say this. Utilize DMR and boltshot. Starting with these two super weapons you should instantly give yourself an advantage. Try playing custom games with friends. It doesn't matter what their skill level is its just to improve hand eye game. Start there and practice. If you're still coming up short keep at it. The cool stuff that happens along the way is always more fun than simply reading "victory" or "defeat". Realize that this is a stand alone title. A whole new developer is taking the series in a whole new direction. Even though it brandishes the Halo name, don't assume you're playing a typical Halo game. Start from scratch. Wipe CoD out of your memory and anything else you might compare it too. Giving the guys at 343i their chance at a game isn't a bad idea. Just think. Many people who are displeased at Halo 4 give it the 1/10 or the whole 3/10... I can think of far worse games out there to invest your time then Halo 4. I feel your pain. You desperately want to like a game that you feel like you're supposed to be great at but several of the pieces just don't seem to fit. That doesn't mean it's crap, it just means that it's a little different. Sorry for the short novel. And once again, I share the opinion of many who replied to your thread that its an amazing game with lots of cool new tricks toys and incentives. But I disagree MAJORLY with the whole "adapt" argument. That's just a cop out. Hope this helped man.
I disagree. That said I think you made some very good arguing points and you weren't whining like a ten year old with a bad report card. Refreshing. I do see what you're saying in matchmaking. It has its own feel but change isn't always bad. Good post. Even if I do disagree.
Played some Halo 4 with some friends last night from the forums. Learned several things. 1. Halo IS more fun when you're drunk. 2. Don't plan on doing better than 5/20. 3. I was holding that damn ball LIKE A BOSS though... 4. My wife doesn't understand manly trash talk. The drunker I was the more inane the babbling became. 5. Final Sentence can beast at some Halo 4. And he's pretty fun to game with. 6. Boltshot beats EVERYTHING. I'm not mad. But I might have to rethink strategies. 7. Don't remember most of what happened except that I started being a dewsh around 130 am. Whew... End rant. Lol. Overall it was a pretty good time. But... This headache man... Whew. That is all.