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Everything posted by Baeztoberfest

  1. I'm not even sure how to play. I signed up for it but what's the point? I don't understand how it works. Play the most, win a truck? What about those of us that work? And have families to spend Christmas with? How is this remotely fair? I'm not bitching I'm just really unclear.
  2. Where's the option to vaporize people using alien technology---- like a boss?
  3. Baeztoberfest


    Lock this thread please.
  4. Broad open space. Good for sniping. Distance BR and DMR hunting ground. Vehicle friendly. Unable to cross map kill. Not "cluttered" like exile. Has the Mantis. It's a remake. Not the best map in my opinion. Lockout, Midship, The Pit, Beaver Creek, Rat Race, and Blood Gulch are among my favorites. And I think well thought up. Ragnarok is good, but... As for certain affinity's map creation ideas? Hmm...
  5. Baeztoberfest


    Would love to see CQB helmet in 5.
  6. Ha I know exactly what you're talking about! It's just so gratifying turning someone to ash or nailing them to a wall. Lol. Kibbles and bits.
  7. I wish all weapons vaporized things. Lol.
  8. Yeah... Vaporizing... That's the way to go. Lol.
  9. But does it vaporize people! Lol.
  10. True. I got one shotted from like super far away. And other times nothing.
  11. Well I do disagree... But that was truly funny. I'm still laughing.
  12. I never claimed to know it all. If you had taken the time to read you would have saw this. But clearly you have issues with printed dialogue. Perhaps you can't read and instead react out of anger at everything that differs from your opinion... I'm still waiting on you to say anything that makes sense. You're quick to tell me what it is I'm thinking and what I believe in and you can't even support your own opinions with solid evidence. Lets start over. My name is Travis. Yes I'm a casual gamer. I wasn't always a casual gamer. I never claimed to know more than you or anyone else. Okay? You good or are you going to come back with something else that contributes nothing to the OP? Besides my argument was that they only change things in the game within what the game allows you to change not go hacking away at the foundation of the game. Make a MLG playlist and change stuff there but don't change it for everyone. For the casual majority and not the competitive minority. I'm not saying MLG deserves nothing.
  13. I couldn't help but laugh. I know you're still upset... But that movie is great. Lol.
  14. It DIDN'T? I owe someone A LOT of money now... Hmmm... Lol. You mad bro? And I WAS referring to the entire legion of gamers that AREN'T on forums. People on this site aren't the only ones who play Halo dude. But thanks for calling me stupid because you disagreed. The numbers are out there. Do a quick google search for Halo 4. Ya back yet? Good. I'm sure all you saw we're the numerous hate threads of it being a collosal fail. What? You didn't? Aw man! Guess you're RELATIVELY alone. And I meant the only person missing out by you not liking it IS you. But ou must have missed that point when you were too busy plastering hate threads. What I meant was you not liking the game doesn't ruin ANYONE'S experience but your own.
  15. I would agree with another person on the forums and say that it has more in common with Unreal or Quake than CoD... Lol. You're just saying that its like CoD because that's what everyone else is saying. I didn't say Halo 4 was my FAVORITE. I was just saying its not a bad game. Fiscal reports, reviews, and fan voting has spoken for itself. You are alone in your opinions. Maybe onesies and twosies but you're relatively alone. Halo Reach was fun too. I enjoyed it. Still Halo CE was still my favorite strictly for the campaign. Halo 3 had the best Multiplayer because of maps and weapons not because of ranking it was competitive in itself. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the game. But don't hate me for saying that you're the only one suffering because of it. If you don't like it why get mad at something new? Why not continue to play Halo 3?
  16. Yeah it's not as powerful... But it DOES disintegrate people! Lol.
  17. Agreed. There's just something about that UNSC pump... Lol.
  18. I am exactly the opposite of what you think I am. I was 12 when Halo came out. I played with my older brother and had plenty of LAN parties. I even played Halo 3 up until 2011 with my platoon sergeant in RC South Afghanistan. I'm a husband too. And a father now. (What that has to do with Halo 4 I'm still unclear...) I like this game because I realize its made by a completely new developer. I like it because its not Halo Reach or Halo 3 or Halo 2 or Halo CE. To be honest, I'm worse at this game than any other Halo I've played to date. That said that doesn't mean it's not a good game it just means its different. And not something I'm used to. I'm sure in time I'll get better at it. But my skill level has nothing to do with what a good game is. Sorry you don't enjoy it.
  19. Maybe you should reread my post instead of calling people hypocrites. I won't even reiterate for you. I challenge you to find it yourself where I met you in the middle since you flamed my post already. More qualified? Just because I don't cry if I lose a game? Kid I've been playing Halo since DAY ONE. I think I've earned my right to be a fan. That aside even if Halo 4 was the first Halo I've ever played the fact I spent $60 on it gives me the right to speak my mind sir. Go attack someone else's thread seriously. Quit trolling mindless inane babble because you're upset you can't measure virtual dicks. Nobody cares if you were a 50 in Halo 3 or if you prestiged to infinity and beyond. NOBODY CARES. There is a meeting in the middle. I already recommended it. But for you sir, the specialest kid I've ever had the PLEASURE of replying to, try stepping your broke game up a level and simply PLAY competitively. It's not my fault. So stop flaming ME. Don't respond again. I really don't want to burn you in public again. And to YOU sir. I may not agree with you but I see where you are coming from. My only problem with all the threads was that I don't want to see MLG change the dynamics of the entire game based on the wants of a few. The needs of the many will always outweigh that. And the needs are to have an enjoyable game anyone can pick up and with practice be good at. Unless you possess some natural talent. I previously stated maybe have a MLG playlist where these tweaks could maybe be tried? Just not in favor of warping the entire game based on a few people saying its not fair. Or that (insert weapon) is OP. Oh! And wow! A member since yesterday... Word to the wise? Don't join up somewhere just to trash talk existing members. It's not a very good first impression.
  20. I'm not the best but I talk alot and usually have something funny to say. I play casually. I'll send ya something.
  21. The Pit, Lockout, Chill Out, and Rat Race. Yes please. That is all.
  22. Agreed. I'm moving on from these discussions. They'll be complaining when Halo 10 comes out. Lol. Haters man...
  23. Got to the part where you said we were all idiots and quit reading. Seems idiotic to call your readers idiots even if you disagree with them. If I wanted to convey my thoughts with a degree of intellect I'd inform of my opinion based behind legitimate fact and not begin my thesis with "you're all idiots". People might be inclined to think the pot is calling the kettle black. Just saying.
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