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Everything posted by Baeztoberfest

  1. Being as its been around for so long any chance we can get it back? All the other helmets just look goofy to me. The only ones that bring me back really are EOD or MKVI
  2. Why won't they give us this!?
  3. Baeztoberfest


    So I don't know what the opinion is on the forums on sniper rifles but I'm kind of in love with the beamrifle. I rarely zoom in with it and REGURALY get overkill snapshots with it or at least triple kills. It's so easy to use even when not zoomed in. The UNSC sniper rifle I found is a but tougher to use. And the binary rifle while good on big team (can't say I've seen it on other playlists) it makes snapshots kinda hard. Unless you're within melee range of course. That's why I'm giving it to the beamrifle. The best sniper weapon in Halo 4. Or is that too presumptuous? Your thoughts please.
  4. That was the gayest thing I've ever seen... My brain actually hurts. (But between me and you? I'm gonna watch it again! Don't tell anybody. XD)
  5. Chuck Norria has already been to Mars. That's why there's no signs of life.
  6. So I'd been reading up online different articles about producing real life Bio Organic Weapons, or B.O.W.'s. It makes me wonder in a society with all these perfected accomplishments (stem cell research, cloning, generic mutation, viral weaponry) that they haven't implemented this on some level? I'm not even saying they have to be as gruesome as RE. But to put fear into the hearts of the enemy you don't drop an A Bomb. You drop one tyrant. And let him kill relentlessly. Could such a thing exist? Does it already? Pro's and Con's 343 community. Today's battlefield could be many things... Cyberdemon, that guy from Killswitch... Lol. Spartan's? But the whole idea of a BOW is that it takes the human element out of it. Morbid looking unstoppable killing machines who don't require fuel or motivation... No food, just an incredible bloodlust to accomplish its mission. Thoughts.
  7. I missed grifball? Aw man... And team swords is a yes.
  8. Lol. You're the one posting on a fan forum. If its not better for 10000 reasons name a few without deviating from a point. Otherwise you mad bro?
  9. Lol. You mad bro? You'll get mad and spam forums about this but you won't say anything about the DMR? Oh right because these threads have been done to death. Here's how to adapt so you can stop complaining. 1) Use hologram to clear corners tactically. 2) Throw frag grenades to clear suspected hiding spots. 3) Stop running around all willy nilly. Watch your motion tracker and don't face plant every engagement. Follow these simple rules and YOU TOO can stop posting crap nobody cares about. You can be a winner.
  10. Haven't I seem this thread pinned somewhere before??? Hmmm...
  11. You can thank Certain Affinity for your craptastic maps. (CoD map developer) as for haven being the ONLY map? Pfft. Wrong. Adrift is way better for being a small map. I share your frustration though. I really liked Halo 3's immense diversity between outdoor and urban combat maps. I still love the pit and I don't know if there IS. A better map than lockout. Still halo CE has the best assortment with beaver creek and chill out. My point? Certain affinity is trash and so are "most" of the Halo 4 maps. But to rehash the OP you're right. Sprint changes everything. Especially the mobility perk. But it's not a game changer like the boltshot or halo Reachs AL (which I loved by the way to make noobs rage quit). Small maps are just different styles of combat, not necessarily "chaos". They should keep track of what people are voting for. And give them a style. But to be blunt they won't. And do capitalize on my point HOW SICK WOULD LOCKOUT BE WITH JUMP JETS!?
  12. Guarantee this logic is flawed. When Halo 5 comes out some loser is going to say that Halo 4 was better and more people are playing that game instead. Play or don't. Doesn't really matter to anyone else.
  13. Don't know if anyone has looked at them yet. A whole lot of midair killing and man cannon slaying. Don't know how I feel yet about these random chance achievements vs skill based achievements. Reminds me of Halo 3. Really easy achievements like Lee R. Wilson memorial, but them super hard ones like double kill with one spartan laser in a ranked free for all. Fast forward to Halo 4. Easy achievements like get a killing blow on a mantis. Super hard random ones like get a melee kill after landing from a man cannon. Do they WANT people to boost achievements? What are your thought? (Thought it appropriate to post here since they are MM achievements.) Ahem then* and thoughts*
  14. The whole point was so people unable to get kills or having their kills stolen still contribute to the team. If you want to score higher assist more or use specialty weapons. Melee in CQC... I dunno play the game.
  15. Baeztoberfest

    Camo glitch?

    My apologies. it's all in good fun. No I don't think I've come across that problem before.
  16. Baeztoberfest

    Camo glitch?

    I play as a Promethean Knight. Sometimes I play as The Didact or Cortana. Most days I just like to play the game as it was intended and play as Chuck Norris.
  17. No option for just visible non skilled ranks like sergeant or captain? No inheritor? Give me replay value. Not the same rehashed 1 - 50.
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