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Everything posted by Baeztoberfest

  1. Then why do you flame the forums crying about it? We get your point. Go play CoD then. Nobody is stopping you. As for the previous poster yeah it's its own game. It's not Halo reach and it's not black ops. So let there be HALO 4!
  2. But that's just it... It's a new game by an entirely new developer.
  3. Right? Back in the day people would get mad for getting spawn killed. Now they act like its the end of the world to spawn near the enemy. That happened to me the other day so I whipped out my Camo Boltshot combo and beasted my way to a killing frenzy. Cheap and noobish? Yes. Was it a handicap to me at all? Not really.
  4. I was Mythic with my eyes on Inheritor. Might have to fire it back up. If anyone plays.
  5. Lol. In all likelihood you'll probably get a midnight release of Halo 5. Don't even act like you won't.
  6. I kinda liked actual ranks to attain. Like lieutenant or captain. Not SR130. It feels cold and boring. Especially since I can't get past 70. :/
  7. Haha. Lmao. Exactly. I'm not saying its a bad game. I'm saying it doesn't have much replay value in my opinion.
  8. Your grammar was just awful. Besides your bad points I had to stomach awful sentence structure and run on sentences to boot. But I survived and now I'm here at the comment section. I'm not very good at Halo 4 when I was at previous titles. Do I get upset and spam forums? Well I did. When I was a noob. This isn't CoD. This isn't Halo Reach. It's nowhere near Halo 3. It's a game developed by 343i. This is their first maiden voyage into a video game let alone a title with such gravity. Certain Affinity developed a majority (if not all) of the maps so of course it's going to have a CoDesque feel to it. But I assure you at no point will you be able to one hit melee knife an opponent. Or call in attack dogs. Or use a predator missile. It's not Halo matchmaking. It's Halo 4 War Games. It takes some getting used to but instead of complaining after three days of supposed game playing why don't you ask for help instead? Clearly you don't plan on selling the game or stopping playing after THREE DAYS OF GAMEPLAY. So maybe you want to take the high road and try and implement different tactics that work instead of crying about it in public... I'm not the best there is in the game. My K/D sucks and I lose over half the games I play. But when me and my buddies hop on after work and drink some beer, the game is pretty damn fun. Whether we win or lose. Try to imagine the game wasn't called Halo 4. What if it was called Space Man Suit Slayer. Could you enjoy the game then? Are you seeing what I'm getting at? It's its own entity. It is a stand alone title until the other two games in the trilogy get released. And you can count on them not being much different I assure you. Bottom line refocus your efforts. The sooner you quit crying the sooner you'll start winning.
  9. Oh I didn't expect anything to get done. I just wanted to talk about it. One guys voice is never heard. Besides. I'm not that proactive.
  10. Did you get an email at SR67 or SR68?
  11. I'm kinda amped about the new Spartan Ops. Not because its entertaining but because now I can get the last three cheevos I need to wrap up Halo 4. On the other hand still no email for specializations. All I had to do was play before the 20th my ass. I beat the game on legendary solo on the 11th. I was level SR5 the day the game came out. Clearly I've played but nope. 343 dropped the ball on this one ensuring no more ranking up after I hit 70. I'm SR65 now so... How best to complete these last 5 levels? It's not a bad game. I'll recant my earlier rant threads and admit I'm hooked. But if there's nothing left to do, no achievements to be earned, no specializations to unlock what's the point? The game has been out almost a month now and I've beaten it every way you CAN beat it? I get it. It's not Skyrim. But what happened to the addictive gameplay that previous Halo titles had that kept me coming back? Is the journey already over? It was a fun albeit short ride 343... So lets take it full circle. It's Monday. Time to be excited about some matchmaking I suppose. I just wish this game offered a little more in the way of replay value. You look forward to a game since 2007 and here it is 5 years later, done in a month. I'll even argue that Reachs rank system at least had more replay value than this game... I don't want to be another specialization whiner but can you see where I'm coming from? I followed the directions to the T. I live in Kansas. Played before the twentieth. Checked my junk email and my regular. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Monday is another brick wall... Wonder if tomorrow will be as big of a let down as today was... P.S. don't take my bitching and moaning as a sign of discontent. I LOVED Halo 4. But... The whole experience is over entirely too quick. And Spartan Ops is too dull and repetitive to come back too... Which leaves me with a campaign I've totally destroyed. And Infinity Slayer. Which destroys me. Which I don't mind... It's still good. I still get excited at the occasional overkill or killing frenzy.
  12. If you're AFK from Halo 4 for more than 5 seconds you should be banned from all Xbox live services for eternity.
  13. Chuck Norris once slammed a revolving door.
  14. Did you know that Chuck Norris once beat Halo CE on legendary with a broken Guitar Hero controller?
  15. I didn't ask questions. I just chalked it up as a chuck Norris joke and did what chief does best.
  16. My favorite is the time I was camping the drop pod in the first level after you get to the observation deck. As it crashes through the window decompression sent this giant crate sailing toward the window instantly crushing and killing me. I felt like a total noob and almost DIED laughing. But alas... No theatre for Halo 4 campaign... It was so funny... For all of you who don't know what in talking about seriously. Try it. HILARIOUS.
  17. That's dumb. How ridiculous are you going to let yourself get carried away with? What if the person gets a phonecall? What if its work? What if your kid is getting into things? What if you're taking a leak between games and it starts up while you're away? I mean screw it. Lets just make it 5 seconds. If you're not actively doing something at all times you're AFK. Here's your permaban. Lol. So stupid...
  18. Just didn't know if I was the only one wondering what's going on? I mean has anyone heard of any newsletters, posts, or blogs from 343 telling us what's going on or what we should be expecting? I mean sitting in the dark is kinda dumb. And it wouldn't be hard for the company to brief their fans about what's going on.
  19. And I still got no code for specializations. I read all the other threads. Be patient. And I have been. Should I start freaking out now being as its the next day?
  20. I couldn't get a 50 in team slayer. Just lone wolves. It took me about 120 games starting from scratch. I just played and never got less than 1st. That was back in the day though... Different story now completely. Hell... Different game. Halo reach I used mostly the DMR and a shotgun or sword combo. Didn't like big team battle but I played invasion a lot. It was fun. Had some nasty games and my fair share of perfections and exterminations. Bout the best I've done so far is a killtacular. Or maybe it was a killtrocity? It only happened once at any rate.
  21. If hardly say that 1.08 is above average. And I'd hardly admit that my 35% win rate is a something to brag about either. I've played roughly 500 games and won about 150... I'm not okay with 1.08. That's not me wanting to camp until I get a good K/D. That's me wanting to get the head to head.
  22. That's what I mean!!! I don't play much objective but when I do I'm the guy with the skull or the flag or whatever. I enjoy sweeping the hill and moving in. That's where the action is at. Not sitting back with a DMR and ordinance stealing kills. That's just boring and sure your K/D is better (that's what I want) but I'm trying to do it the right way by playing to win and getting into the game. I enjoy employing tactics and working hard. I on e played a resident evil game that summed it up for me in the beginning. Challenge breeds excellence. But first I need to work on my A-game. That's what this thread is about. Gaining skill and tactics I wouldn't have thought of to sharpen my skills to set me up for success or really anyone reading this.
  23. Clearly this isn't the case. This is a thread for help. Not opinionated judgement. Your opinion of how good a player was 5 years ago doesn't amount to squat. Worst troll ever. Thanks for nothing.
  24. I hear you loud and clear. Battlefield dominance plays a much bigger role in this game than in previous games. I'm too tenacious. I know that much. I try and push the limits of field control maybe a bit too far but never more than line of sight for my teammates to cover me. Example. Me and some guy are going back and forth. The guy I'm trying to kill ends up giving me an assist even though I did all the work. I get shot from my 3 o'clock. There's two teammates right behind the guy shooting me battling to kill the guy I'm already trying to kill. That's why I get the assist and that's why I die. Because rather than kill the guy who's at my 3 o'clock right in front of them they engage the guy I'm trying to kill at my 12 o'clock. But let me humble myself for a minute... I can't really blame them can I? Sure they have about as much teamwork as a suicide bomber might have or give but it was ME that put myself in that situation. Expecting too much from my teammates is also another place I go wrong. I can admit it. No shame. But how can I get more from my team? How can I adapt to fix that situation? I can see what you're saying.
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