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Posts posted by Baeztoberfest

  1. Welcome to the place of hopes and dreams for your future. :hi: :hi:


    I hope so... So far making friends has been... Difficult to say the least. It's not like I'm making enemies. Just nobody to post on a topic I may post. It's almost to the point I think I'm spamming just for some basic interaction. I just want to meet like minded people. :(

  2. Okay so starting my own clan was a collosal fail. But I do have some very unique ideas and methods on how to put people's talents to use. I see it as this.


    A) steal my ideas and make your clan better




    B) recruit me and we can brain storm how to step off in a good direction.


    Some of my ideas include hiring a forge master to create dojos to train in, spartan ops and campaign assists on legendary, achievement and small time goal mentoring (helping daily challenges etc... If there are any) a team matchmaking trainer or trainers.


    I'm structured and available if someone would like to use my particular brand of talents. Thanks for the consideration.


    That smiley face was supposed to be a B but I think it got the point across.

  3. Campaign 9/10

    War Games 10/10

    Customs 8/10

    Forge 11/10


    I also hope to work on a machinima :D so theater as well.


    Some good fans who attend gaming events really have affected 343i in decisions they have made. But overall 343 is taking halo for a spin. And I personally like what I am seeing :)


    I do as well. Funny to see someone who likes forge as much as you. I was never any good at it. Have you experimented with reach at all? I'd love to see some of your work. I'll add you on Xbox live.

  4. Campaign 10/10

    Spartan Ops 10/10

    War Games 10/10


    And I think the community is trash, except for devoted fans like us, but the fact that its so large helps the games sell and essentially makes the new games


    I agree completely.

  5. 1. This is not a rank organized clan so much as it is a committee ran organization. Lead by 5 people who make decisions based on training and recruitment (4 but with 1 decider in the event of a non unanimous decision) our goal is to foster the betterment of 4 wings if you will.


    2. Wing 1 is the social aspect. Forged so that members can get on in friendly unison for the love of the game. This also includes gathering members for spartan ops or campaign.


    3. Wing 2 is the pro gaming. There we will work on and adhere to training schedules and a regiment of Halo 4 to represent the group when called upon.


    4. Wing 3 is the achievement helping section. Now I didn't say "boosting", but but what I do mean is instead if hitting the forums after countless hours this wing will help accomplish in game goals and those tough achievements and is a good first lifeline to call upon.


    5. Wing 4 is about research and design. This is where our forge experts create "dojos" for our wrath members to train in and moderate training in conjunction with wing 2. They are the first to implement any DLC and are charged with helping moderate.


    6. In closing whatever age, skill base, or etc... That you happen to be YOU have a place in this group. We only ask that our numbers remain no more than 25 per wing to start with to promote unit cohesion.


    6a. As with any good clan our selection process for selecting the committee of 4 individuals (not including myself that would make 5) is simple. Present your case and we can start forming some structure to club wrath. Easy as that. After the 5 members are chosen to lead this clan each will take a prospective leadership position on all four wings minus the decider or "figurehead" for our clan.


    7. If this sounds like it has anything involved you'd like to be a part of leave a comment below and we will go from there. Whatever your style feel free to comment. We do promote individualism in this clan. Because we were all alone before we were club wrath. Thanks.


    *Also note that you don't have to practice with all wings. The purpose of that was for you I find whatever style you prefer and spend time with that wing. And maybe help out with a second wing (optional). But anymore than that I feel asks too much of members. All I aim to say is that you have a niche. And we want you to apply it. I mean seriously. If you're good at what you do? Why change that?

  6. But I'll get to why that is relevant later in this post. To start off with tell me a little bit about yourself, how much YOU are looking forward to Halo 4 (1-10) and what you expect from the gaming community. Also just a sidebar (answer at your own risk) do you think Halo makes the community or do you think the community makes Halo at this point in the franchises lifespan?


    But mostly tell me about you and how bad you wanna play halo 4! I know I do...

  7. So. Here's the skinny. I need 3 rag tag dudes (or dudettes) that thoroughly enjoy Halo to beat Halo 4 with me on game day! A game this incredible cant be just individually experienced!


    I posted a couple of other times unsuccessfully for ads to make new friends to no avail. No worries. My demeanor is still positive and I'm keeping my chin up!


    So if this sounds like you (nods head yes) then feel free to respond to the post or email me at [email protected]. It's been a blast being part of the forums thus far.


    My only worry is that this game is gonna be another reach. Not gameplay wise or even any of those bogus arguments halo haters have. I'm talking about the ability to make actually on line FRIENDS and communicate.


    I remember Halo 2. Some of my favorite crew was spending long nights wasting through matchmaking. Halo 3 was no different but I started to lose touch with the gang of friends I'd made. Now I play Halo Reach and it's a literal ghost town. Nobody talks to one another. At all.


    The last time I played a game I raped the other team. I went 36 and 2 in a team slayer game. (Not bragging). So I stayed in the game to rally with everyone post game. We go into the next match. Everyone who I had killed in the previous game team killed me teabagged and eventually quit as I couldn't even boot them.


    My point (at the risk of coming off whiny) is there are PLENTY of douchebags out there. There are also people MUCH better at this game than me. I'm looking for those diamond in the rough players who offer something to the better of the group. Skills? Comedy? Chattiness? Halo ideology?


    Those are the kinda guys I wanna jam on such a breathtaking masterpiece with. Not some team killing chode who faps to his own pretentious persona like a total staff captain. (Halo 3 reference).


    But. I digress. If you've made it this far in the read good for you. Reply back. Let me know who makes up a little bit about our awesome 343i community. Thanks again for the patience!

  8. I'm new here. But I have posted questions and new topics on here in various forums. How do I check the status of the threads to see if someone replies, such as this one?


    What I've been doing is waiting and refreshing the page but that is laborious and not very efficient. Perhaps there is a FAQ to help me with this problem but I couldn't find that section either.


    I'm using an iPhone 4S to do my browsing and uploading if that helps at all. Thank you for your answers and its good to be part of the community! Look forward to a prosperous future among like minded gamers!

  9. Hey I'm looking for friends to play halo 4 with. Beat the campaign on legendary and do lots of match making together.


    Not just a few rounds either, I'm talking make halo 4 a regular thing for our group.


    I always got jealous when I'd play halo reach and I'd play against a team of 4 friends who are having a blast. Haha.


    So let me know if this sounds like your thing.

    Email me at : [email protected]

    GT is : Baeztoberfest

    Or feel free to message me here.

  10. What's up 343 guys and gals. I joined this (as nerdy as it sounds) to make new friends and play some Halo 4! So definitely hit me up if you feel like just BSing or if you're down to get to know each other and become lifelong friends. I look forward to it!

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  11. As with a new game I decided I'd like to make a new group of friends. I only ask that you be 18 or older, a fan of Halo, and open to playing routinely with other group members.


    Mostly I was just wanting someone or someone's to beat the campaign with (legendary of course) and to excel through the ranks with. You don't have to be the best but if you are skilled it is welcome.


    I just wanted to find a new group of people to forge our way through this new trilogy.


    A little about myself. I'm 24. In the army and I'm married with a one year old. But since ten years ago I've always just been a huge fan of the series. Even in Afghanistan whipping my squad leader in some team slayer was always the highlight of my day. That said I don't always have ALL day to play but it is my most FAVORITE past time. So I think getting a few people who are equally as amped as I am would be cool. New players and new friends really.


    So in closing thanks for considering. I know this may belong in a clan recruitment? But that's not the crowd I'm aiming for here. Like I said. New Halo 4 friends. Skill is just a plus. Shoot me a message on here or feel free to email me at [email protected]. Thanks again!

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