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Posts posted by Baeztoberfest

  1. i have had similar problems recently too. It just seems that i have "off days", when i play terrible and go negative almost every game. It feels like im always doing something wrong and my head just isnt in the right place even though im trying really hard. Then i start getting extrmely frustrated at everything that happens in a game which is no fun. so i either just stop playing for the rest of the day, or i just do spartan ops or something. by the next day im normally back at my regular skill level and enjoying myself once again.


    Since you have had this problem for 3 days now, i would reccomend taking 3 days off. It may be somewhat of a sacrifice, but its the only remedy i can offer you. After a few days, you should feel fresh again and have more confidence than if you just continued playing. It has always worked for me, and a fresh start helps a lot


    Sounds like a plan man. Think I'll hit up some Skyrim for a few days and try again. See what happens.


    I think i know what your problem is. Some times when i get online i feel that the guns have been tweaked but without a update. Is this possible?


    I don't think this is the case. It's stupid stuff that's happening. Like Boltshot duels. We're both point blank range. Yet they kill me and my rounds do nothing. Stuff like that. Or coming up short constantly on DMR duels. Getting naded and headshot combo with carbine. Just off the wall WEIRD stuff I can't explain with any other reason than they are simply better at Halo than I am.


    And I'm cool with that. I know I'm not the best. But I'd like to be teamed against enemies of the same skill level. That's all I'm saying. I think I'll take the "give it a few days and come back to it" advice.

  2. Dunno everyone has off days.


    Well see that's what I was thinking. But 3 off days in a row? And these guys I'm playing against are seriously GOOD. I'm not even trying to brag here I'm saying these guys are CLEARLY not in the same skill bracket as me. Way better than I am. So why force me to play against them...?

  3. Maybe it's just me... Happened to me yesterday. Was playing swat. I was on adrift trying to run for some cover in one of those long narrow corridors and ended up face first against a teammate pushing me back into combat. The enemy ended up getting a double kill with one trigger squeeze from the BR.

  4. Personally? I hate it. If someone's blocking my way and I can't retreat we both end up getting killed because they are an immovable object. Of course whenever I want to snipe or hang out for just a second to get my bearings on where everything is going on and my TEAMMATE runs into me they are an unstoppable force and can push me 50 feet away seems like.


    It's annoying. It's like everyone else can push and shove but me. It's not a HUGE problem but it is one that is extremely noticeable. To me anyway. Has anyone else noticed this too?

    • Like 1
  5. So... I have no idea what the hell is going on but it's REALLY frustrating. I was playing Halo for awhile and then took about a week off. I come back to it Friday night and I'm getting scores like 2 and 20. Or 8 and 16. Or 11 and 21. These are just a few examples of ACTUAL GAMES I've played. And I'm REALLY trying over here. Nothing has changed in my playstyle. Nothing has changed in my loadouts. Nothing has changed at all except now I'm getting paired with teammates WAY out of my skill range.


    Is there a reason for this? Has anyone else encountered this problem? How can I fix this?


    It's not a matter of just wanting to own everyone I play against. I'm not saying I wanna be Halo God and run around making everyone I play against miserable. I'm saying I'd be happy with some actual BALANCE. I used to average About 20 kills per game and anywhere between 13 and 15 deaths. Now I'm lucky if I can break .5 KD. What the hell is going on...?


    And to clarify I've gone from a 1.14 to a 1.10.

  6. it end at sr-130. i don't know what your problem is.


    I know this. I explained what the problem was. The other specializations weren't showing up. It acted like those 4 specializations were all the game had. So I powered it off and then back on and they were there. It was a bug. That's all.


    it end at sr-130. i don't know what your problem is.


    Did you even read the post...?

  7. Yeah? I remember when armor was a full suit. Not plates over spandex. It's a little lame... I miss the old armor too. Like CQB helmet, armor effects, and aesthetic ordinance on varying pieces. I liked Halo 3's armor better (albeit a little dated according to detail), and agree Halo Reach had the best.


    I also don't like specific patterns on certain armors though the armor doesn't change. And there's not enough secondary color to really stand out either... I think that's a big part of the problem. It makes each piece so detailed that at first glance all the armor looks identical with only minor differences. Save for the ORBITAL chest piece that looks like a grenadier collar throwback.


    Other than that, yeah...

    • Like 1


    From Waypoint:

    With more than 30 years of naval experience under his belt and a reputation for bringing his ships home in one piece, Andrew Del Rio was a relatively easy choice for the UNSC’s captain seat on Infinity


    Halopedia has a good amount on him, as well. Seems he was indeed assigned to the Infinity by Paragonsky but wasn't here "first choice".



  9. What do y'all think of these new challenges clearly geared toward co op? What do y'all think if Halo 4 LASO? I attempted the first level on SLASO but it was beyond hard. I'm still working at it though. Who else likes a challenge?

  10. When compared to Lasky did anyone even think of the long road that must have happened for the UNSC to trust Captain Del Rio with the Infinity? I mean he couldn't have been a slacker. He had to have done something noteworthy.

  11. One of the biggest problems most people make with the DMR and BR is they attempt to the fire the weapon as fast as possible expect that if I fire faster I should win. I am not saying pace your shots like in Reach, but don't just go balls out every time a only think about pulling the trigger as fast as the gun will fire, take that extra split second and make sure you're on target.


    I took a HUGE jump once I started paying better players when I changed this. The delay I am talking about is only milliseconds but if you try playing a 1 vs 1 and worry about firing faster over landing every shot, you will lose more and more. This goes for all rifles in the game.


    Also, different engagements do allow for you to just rip 2-3 shots off as fast as possible if the person is jumping towards or away from you as this prohibits an lateral movement.


    One of my biggest bad habits came from Halo 3 with all the jumping around with bumper jumper, I find staying grounded and worrying about a strafe that fits your firing patterns is better then jumping at all.


    I agree. After playing with you and trying new tactics and following a little advice, I improved my KD by .06. I know that's not a lot to some people but I'm still climbing. Great advice.



    Another great post. There is something else I believe we are all forgetting here though. Cortana.


    Cortana was exibiting rampent tendancies and ever went berserk on the bridge of the Infinity. Why does this matter? Cortana is, literally, plugged into the MC suit and in Del Rio's eyes this could have utterly corrupted him (MC) as well. All Del Rio (most likely) knew about the original S2s is that they were conscipted as children but considering how poorly they were treating Halsey (calling her a Mad Scientist, etc) he may have believed that Cortana could have somehow corrupted the MC as well and wasn't going to take any chances. Hence him saying to the MC he wouldn't "take the word of an aging Spartan and his manfunctioning AI".


    You raise a good point. Another person replied that Cortana literally defeated The Didact. This is actually 100%. John wouldn't have stood a chance otherwise.


    On the other hand, that chick was CRAZY! Putting her into your armor, MUCH LESS THE CONTROLS TO THE INFINITY, seemed insane to begin with! That whole thing could've gone seriously wrong for those reasons. Her part in 4 was a lot deeper than I think people really give credit for.


    Most people only talk about her dying or if she didn't die at all? Only time will tell. But she did so much more that is worth commenting on. Specifically to this thread is her direct involvement with Captain Andrew Del Rio.


    As stated before her significance to ONI would have been enough for nobody on board The Infinity to be able to decommission her. As for Del Rios aggressive gestures toward her? I can see how HUGE of a problem she could've been, especially in Inifinitys computer systems.


    I can see Del Rios aggression toward the Chief as well as he wanted things to go smoothly. Good it have been a lot worse? Yes. Could it have gone a little smoother if people had just listened to the Captain? I think so.


    There's 100 comments and 6 pages thus far of both sides of the coin but I'm not seeing either side of the issue making a standalone winning argument for either case. Not without either more background or more information on Del Rio himself and his motives and reasoning.

  13. I miss my dual wielded maulers I really do. You know what I don't even care if they are dual wielded I just want my mauler back!



    They created a flood sword this game. Flood has always just been the flood with swords it wouldn't fit right with the gametype. On the other hand if you meant the Flood as in campaign I completely agree with you they should do a type of boris the animal from MIB 3 kind of weapon for them.


    They had those dumb mounted turret things that do that metamorphosis thing.

  14. Warning, I'm now going WAAYYY to into it:


    Actually, it was unclear as to why he was removed from command. And one thing that rarely changes about the military is the rules they go by. The three big ones are "Don't surrender unless you are told you can, don't run away, and don't help the enemy". As a matter of fact, those three things are actually outlined in the UCMJ. And the penalty for them can be death.


    I understand that you are prior service. As am I. So you should know that they drill two articles of the UCMJ (not including the dress ones lol) into your head in training. Those are Articles 99 and 100. Article 99 actually outlines "running away", as a matter of fact it's the first one if I recall. The maximum penalty you can get for a breach of Article 99 is the death penalty. Before you say he wasn't running away, he was supposed to be returning MC to Earth (as he was ordered to), but he got all the way back to Earth without Master Chief. I am willing to bet it wasn't long after they left that they figured out Chief had left the Infinity, and yet he returned to Earth anyway. In a court martial, that would be proof enough of a violation of Article 99.


    Also, no matter the circumstances, a senior officer chewing out (or screaming at) a senior NCO (which MC is a senior NCO by billet if not by rank) in front of junior officers and NCO's is considered conduct unbecoming. Which is article 133, if I recall. The fact of the matter is, once an officer is guilty of conduct unbecoming, any order he gives during the infraction is considered unlawful. We had a Lance Corporal in our battery use this during his own court martial to avoid punishment, and it worked because the Staff Sergeant who gave the order he was being Court Martialed for breaking cursed several times while giving the order, and called him names. Yes, as you pointed out, they do not necessarily use the UCMJ, but it's a fair bet they have something close to it, as Halo is Science Fiction, which is based on reality.



    This was a pretty good read. And pretty spot on.


    Del Rio did right BY HIS CREW AND SHIP which is all fine and dandy, HOWEVER! Doing right by the crew meant endangering all of Mankind. If Chief had bended knee to the (pitiful excuse of a) Captain, when Didact got to Earth the casaulties would have been more than one entire city. Why its possible to say alot of the ships that were moving to engage the Vessel and several cities would have been lost trying to stop him, IF THEY COULD.


    Note: The Infinity would have probably been destroyed attempting to stop the Didact in the scenario stated above, it being the most powerful ship present and all makes it the biggest target for the superior Forunner Vessel.


    So with that said, forget the crew and the ship. Im certain UNSC would understand if the Infinity went down to save the entire Human Species. Del Rio didn't even give Chief a small team of those new ODSTs (I side with Hasley, they are not Spartans).


    Now on the whole arrest Chief.

    1) Good luck trying to stop him, those new ODSTs (the IVS) are half his size in their storm trooper suits.

    2) As Hasley pointed out Spartan 2s weren't trained to be Military Assets they were trained to be the Protectors of Earth and her Colonies. Didact was going to kill every human being which is why Chief went to stop him.

    3) The UNSC would have him released immediately and probably have had Del Rio fired for arresting the Man who practically saved the entire human race from the Covenant and then The Flood.


    I think del rios plan was solid. They went with the chiefs plan after all and that barely worked through chance really. But that's something he's got isn't it? Luck? All that aside (luck), del rio was following standard procedure. Did you know that in combat rather than let enemies capture valuable items on the battlefield our orders are to destroy them making them useless to the enemy? I'm not saying that this means the infinity is expendable. I'm saying this was the biggest UNSC flag ship ever constructed. It had importance. Letting it fall into enemy hands wasn't an option.


    Orbiting a hostile planet not sending word to earth was not an option. Staying on requiem grounded was not an option. Given his choices he made the right decisions.




    Yes, true, their word alone may not have been enough to convince everyone, obviously including him. Del Rio did what he thought was right, and as you have made obvious, he is not alone in his values. However I still believe trying to ensure the protection of the Infinity while putting many more lives at risk was still, arguably a coward's move, in my opinion. Arguably Del Rio was responsible for the deaths of everyone on Ivanoff Station and New Phoenix.


    I think it's fair to say ivanoff station was doomed when they brought the composer aboard to begin with.


    Del Rio did right BY HIS CREW AND SHIP which is all fine and dandy, HOWEVER! Doing right by the crew meant endangering all of Mankind. If Chief had bended knee to the (pitiful excuse of a) Captain, when Didact got to Earth the casaulties would have been more than one entire city. Why its possible to say alot of the ships that were moving to engage the Vessel and several cities would have been lost trying to stop him, IF THEY COULD.


    Note: The Infinity would have probably been destroyed attempting to stop the Didact in the scenario stated above, it being the most powerful ship present and all makes it the biggest target for the superior Forunner Vessel.


    So with that said, forget the crew and the ship. Im certain UNSC would understand if the Infinity went down to save the entire Human Species. Del Rio didn't even give Chief a small team of those new ODSTs (I side with Hasley, they are not Spartans).


    Now on the whole arrest Chief.

    1) Good luck trying to stop him, those new ODSTs (the IVS) are half his size in their storm trooper suits.

    2) As Hasley pointed out Spartan 2s weren't trained to be Military Assets they were trained to be the Protectors of Earth and her Colonies. Didact was going to kill every human being which is why Chief went to stop him.

    3) The UNSC would have him released immediately and probably have had Del Rio fired for arresting the Man who practically saved the entire human race from the Covenant and then The Flood.


    Marines could've taken out the chief. Don't believe me? Crank Halo 3 up on legendary and shoot some marines. Go on. Lol. I'll wait...








    What happened? Thought so. Marines are tough stuff.

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    Are you seriously saying that he should have let the entire planet be composed? The Didact was going to leave for the Composer and then Earth as soon as he failed to destroy the Infinity. Disobeying a direct order is pretty insignificant when the fate of your species is in your hands. As for not turning over Cortana...If she had been deleted on the Infinity, and John had gone alone, the Didact would have killed him, there is simply no arguing with that. If you watch the final cutscene, the Didact defeats John effortlessly. And of course with him dead there would be no one left to stop the Didact, and the planet would have been composed. And before you say "then the Infinity or another ship would have destroyed the composer", according to Halopedia, the Composer "locks up" when it's not active, leaving it pretty much indestructable. So basically, if he had obeyed Del Rio, then it would have been adios, Earth.


    The point was the Chief did not know his intentions at that time. All he knew was that the Didact was vulnerable and he wanted to squash him. That's not how the military works. Regardless of how sterling your jacket is, you're still a soldier with an obligation to duty, ONLY DISREGARDING DIRECT ORDERS when it puts your own well being in harms way or orders you to kill civilians. Things like that. And before you say anything about composer, the Chief didn't know any of the didacts plans to eliminate earth at that point in the story. He had just grabbed a pelican shortly after to intercept the didacts ship.


    Technically after being considered KIA for almost 5 years he wouldn't be considered active military. so he wasn't disobeying orders. not to mention the story would **** if it was like,


    "Don't go save the world Chief that's an order."


    "K, Lolz."


    That's not military doctrine at all. If you're MIA and you're rescued you don't just have no chain of command, you fall under the chain of command to your rescuers. I don't know where you heard that but it's wrong.

  16. You'd be wrong about that one.


    Military Doctrine changes depending on which military it's applied to, and in this case (UNSC) he was removed from command immediately upon returning to Earth. This was BEFORE the Didact attacked either the station or Earth, which means that they removed him for conduct unbecoming of an officer (in this case cowardice).


    I remember this. They mentioned something to that effect when Lasky is talking to Chief on the mission Midnight.



    Great post, good thoughts. However (and there is no reason you would know this), as a military man let me tell you that special forces members (ie: MC) not only have no prong in any normal chain of command (ie: in a battle situation he actually holds discretion over Del Rio, though he cannot commandeer his vessel) but their (special forces) chain comes directly from their respected squadron and that squadron alone. In this case, Lord Hood would be the (only one we know of at this time) commanding officer over the MC. That being said, I see how it looks as Del Rio was disobeyed but trust me when I say that even in actual wars/real battles, special force members (especially Delta) have discretion on priority missions. Chief is kind of like a super Delta member with the same discretion. He cannot be brought up on charges for disobeying Del Rio, however, Del Rio should also not be brought up on charges for not aiding the MC as his priority is to safeguard his crew and vessel.


    However, Lasky would absolutely be brought up on charges for servicing and allowing the MC to take military UNSC hardware from the hanger with that bird he "accidently" let him use (how Del Rio didn't know this is beyond me).


    Obviously we are all (myself included) looking way too much into this but the fact remains that from a battle standpoint, MC has total OPCOM discretion where as Del Rio has total discretion on his vessel and crew. It was simply a matter of an immovable object meeting an unstoppable force. I really hope Del Rio doesnt lose everything for being put into an impossible situation.


    Lol. I'm a military man too. Specialist. US Army. (That's actually a picture of me in OCP's when I was in Afghanistan last year.) I do understand dealings with special forces and will agree. They are a force of their own. Although I can't say I've dealt with Delta ever, I will say that even then they have a chain of command. In most situations I ever saw it'd be some young sergeant type getting beat down by some platoon sergeant and when they see that special forces tab on his sleeve they leave him alone. Albeit except for a senior commissioned officer. That rank would still carry some gravity to it even presiding over an E-9. Granted I'm not in the Navy and can't speak for what the regs are for the UNSC 550 years from now. Lol.


    You're right by the way. We're looking WAY too deep into it. But that's the beauty of a good story. You can analyze it and hypothesize all day. I hate stories that leave nothing to the imagination.


    That being said, I think Lord Hoods direct involvement would've been a bit more appropriate to over see The Chief's agenda. Maybe wouldn't have fit for storylines sake, as we have no idea what Lord Hood's military status is anymore.


    At the point of MIA, and once they found MC, a thorough debriefing should have been done. Should Del Rio have listened to Chief? Yes. Should Chief had done his own thing like Chief always does? Always (Makes for good story telling). Should Chief had disobeyed a direct order from a commanding officer along with Sarah Palmer? (From a military standpoint) Absolutely not. Only time this is acceptable is in the case of an improper order.


    Had that been the case, it would've made more sense. I can see his rationale if this was indeed his train of thought but that would require much more proof. New Pheonix hadn't have happened yet so at THAT time, they lacked the reasoning to justify that it was, putting Chief in the wrong.


    Actually, he wasn't in an impossible situation. The ship was damaged but far from seriously damaged. Not to mention that they caused the enemy enough damage that he had to retreat, and instead of pressing the attack (which is what one would normally do) he showed signs of being shaken and ordered a full retreat, even after presented with evidence that the enemy could potentially attempt (and succeed) at destroying Earth.


    A commander has to be willing to give the lives of not only himself but everyone under his command to fulfill his duty. He should always be on the lookout for ways to avoid spending lives, but he must not be hesitant to do so. Captain Del Rio not only had an emotional outburst in front of lesser ranks (conduct unbecoming of an officer), not only ordered the destruction of potentially vital UNSC intelligence hardware (Cortana), but also ordered a full retreat from a potential galactic threat. I would not be surprised if in Halo 5 we hear about a Second Lieutenant Del Rio.


    Haha! Touché my friend. I agree with most of what you said. Minus the destruction of Cortana. In all likelihood, given her direct involvement with The Flood, Forerunner constructs, and The Covenant (Dating from The Winter Contingency to these new rogue covenant) Oni would have more than likely decommissioned her after extensive evaluations.


    Perhaps a better course of action would have been setting up an orbital perimeter around Requiem with ground forces maintaining the gravity well to make sure they don't get sucked in again and maybe sent a frigate to earth to warn them. (Are frigates capable of Slip Space Travel? I know the Autumn was and Forward Unto Dawn... Just making sure). A loss of that caliber though in unknown hostile territory would have been catastrophic and a bit too Custer if you ask me.


    Again, this is just my speculation. The question is what devastation could have been prevented had The Chief followed his orders? And what would've happened anyway?

  18. Actually, by the rules of most modern navies, Commander Laskey would have been within his rights to commandeer the vessel and confine Captain Del Rio to his quarters on grounds of cowardice.


    Cowardice would be a very difficult charge to prove. As others have pointed out (in other threads) he really was in an impossible situation. That standing and given The Chiefs MIA status, that must've played in somehow to the decision making of a superior officer. It would be like going on a rescue mission and when you found the guy you were attempting to rescue, he blatantly disobeyed your orders in front of senior enlisted and commissioned officers. If I was te CO of that ship, I'd have lost my cool too.



    cheers dude, I can understand how people mis-read my posts sometimes, if you check what i've said on other threads you'll find i try and help people out when i can. Im a grandfather and an avid gamer, I don't have time for squabbles..too busy trying to work and raise 2 families..


    Lol. Right on! I'm only a dad: a little too young for being a grand dad. (I hope). Lol. Squabbling isn't my thing either. But then again neither is being a blind follower. I do my best to have an even middle ground but I confess even that is skewed from time to time. Sorry again! Hope to see ya around.

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    gee you are touchy.. op has only made 2 posts, one of which is a complaint about something..what he's complaining about is unclear but i'm guessing codes..which is why I asked "what are you complaining about?" I genuinely wanted to know.

    You asserted that i'm high and mighty since i got mine? Check my location.. im in the UK and as such unable to get early codes. I have to slug it out along with everyone else (early codes were for US only).


    So next time you want to insult someone in a 'friendly fan forum' take the time to check yourself before you post. The amount of posts next to your name doesn't make you better than me or more of a fan. Your retort just makes you out to be a bit of an ***.


    Well then even if I do disagree, I humbly retract my statement.

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