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    Canada eh?
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    Halo is one of the few things in reach that makes me happy.

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  1. Didn't expect Halo: MCC to still be busted. There still isn't anything I want to play on the PS4 so I might get a new PC after all and get an Xbone for Halo 5.

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      At this point it's 80% fixed or more. They just came out with another update today.

  2. I hope 343i can fix Halo: MCC completely by Christmas. I'll get the game and the Xbone if they do.

  3. I enjoyed saying that out loud a few times. Also may the baby Jesus have mercy on anyone who actually fell for what I said...
  4. I didn't like the way Master Chief looked or the things he said (i.e. "The name's Chief"). I also think the combat sequences could have been done better and more creativley. It just didn't impress me in any way. I was entertained minimally.
  5. What...you don't want to hear my opinion on how Halo is slowly and surely becoming just like Call of Booty Modern Warfare? It's such an interesting topic!
  6. Do you think ADS (aim-down-sight) will ever be incorporated into Halo? I know we can look down scopes but there has never been usable iron sights in a Halo game as of yet. Personally, I wouldn't want ADS in a Halo game because I think the whole hipfire/reticle mechanic is an essential part of the Halo gameplay formula and ADS would pretty much destroy that formula. Despite ADS being a more realistic mechanic who is to say it's better for gameplay? However many people these days ask for realism in games and if 343i wanted to cater to that croud they may consider it... To be honest I doubt ADS will ever be in Halo as long as 343i is in charge.
  7. I'm a little skeptical. I feel like they are going to be walking around rocks for the entirety of the show while talking about their feelings. Then, in the last two episodes something will happen. Someone will breath in some dust, poop will hit the fan and then it will end. We'll see. For the record I despise Forward unto Dawn.
  8. I think that the bubble shield should be brought back as an armor ability. However, I think that 343i should be smart about how long they make the cooldown for it. Which is why I am suggesting that there is no cooldown. Second of all, I think the bubble shield should also trigger an armor lock, except instead of locking your armor in place you can move around freely. This second defense is to ensure that if by some likely chance 343i's horrible programming fails and the bubble shield doesn't work we can still rely on the armor lock. Regards,
  9. I want to buy an Xbone for the Master Chief Collection but what if Halo 5 gets an Xbone bundle with a custom Xbone? Why Microsoft, why do you do this? Have I not served thee well?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      Sell Xbone when H5 Xbone announced. Then pay extra = H5 Xbone. xP

    3. Fishy


      Or you could get the Halo MCC bundle and the Halo 5 bundle? Win. Win.

    4. Delpen9


      The limiyed edition consoles are a waste of cash. Buy a poster and hang it over your Tv.

  10. Message me now to play some custom games on Halo 4 and Reach. Have some pretty cool fully functional maps from other people and myself we can play. Trying to get full lobby. Message: Sindronian on xbox live.
  11. See thread for details: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/36973-full-lobby-for-custom-games-this-sunday-afternoon-or-evening/ Maximum of 16 people to sign up.
  12. I want to get a full lobby for Halo 4 and Halo Reach custom games. We will either play this afternoon or this evening. Refraction is my only finished map on Halo 4 since making maps on Halo 4 is a pain compared to Reach. I have some great Halo Reach maps we can play, some made by me and some others once we play Refraction a few times (should be the most fun). Post here if you are interested in playing either Sunday afternoon or evening (today). Also, tell me which time works for you! Attendants (2/16): Sindronian Sindronian's room mate I hope to get a full lobby today : ) LET'S HAVE SOME FUN! These are a few screenshots of the map "Refraction" which I just finished polishing up!
  13. I wish the canon would not contradict itself. Spartans are not supposed to be emotionally damaged after losing a team member because they would make them peform more poorly in battle. That's why when spartans are created their emotions are destroyed before they can even lose them. I guess they still have emotions but they're just so supressed that only in the most dire situations they can feel a little bit. Losing a squad mate shouldn't really elecit an emotional response from a spartan. Chief losing Cortanna however, that seems like something worthy of bringing forth supressed emotion.
  14. If 343i ever decided to kill off Cortanna from the series, for whatever reason...I think that would be the way to do it.
  15. Hm. I think you are correct but we've just never seen any evidence of Chief expressing compassion or love for the humans. To me it looks like he mostly just takes orders to save the humans. Has there been any evidence in the Halo games of Master Chief saying he actually wants to save the humans? The people who captured him and turned him into a emotionless war machine for their benefit? It wouldn't surprise me if Chief has just been taking orders this whole time and the only thing he really values is Cortanna.
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