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Sir Virtus

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Everything posted by Sir Virtus

  1. Its a good thing when all the negatives are subjective, and nitpicky. I think Halo 4 is a good foundation for what comes in the future. My only complaint is that 343 cant fix bad teammates
  2. Well it always helps when you have some guidance, just ask her whats up if you haven't already. Good luck, I already feel sorry for your bandwidth
  3. Well, I'm more of a multiplayer person. If I got bored from now until Tuesday then maybe. The trailers alone are giving me goosebumps.
  4. All of the reviews say the same thing. Somehow I'm more excited for this game..
  5. I cant tell if i'm being trolled.. maybe im too nice of a person
  6. Did that hologram just teabag? LMFAO I cant wait.
  7. As someone who hasn't read the description of his face, it would change how i look at the character if i found out what he looks like. It's cool that it exists, but out of personal preference I don't want to see it in game ever.
  8. I'm considering doing this as a short term solution. Is this something microsoft supports? I would hate for this option to randomly be taken away from me.
  9. Thanks, the community seems pretty cool already.
  10. Hey, i'm not sure why i haven't made an account here yet.. lol I've always been a Halo fan but im primarily a fighting game player. TerribleSentry is my XBL, add if you wanna play when Halo 4 drops. Cheers!
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