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  1. Soooo... what your saying is you can't go on planned out rampages on maps you know by heart like the other games, you have to have skill, and be able to adapt to unpredictable situations?
  2. MLG is a joke anyways lol , they always act so cocky, and god forbid a "casual" player ( because apparently video games are serious business) beats them, they insult you and claim whatever they can to make themselves feel better lol The people saying that Halo and MLG "Shaped" each other , slow your roll haha, even if the game is losing players, it isn't because of the least played playlist in any Halo game lol
  3. Thorne, seems like he's got the most potential story wise
  4. there ya go, fixed it for ya
  5. They lied to you, It's a push of a button function to generate codes. One of my friends is an Assistant Manager at one of my local stores, and generating pre-order codes from the register is LITERALLY one of the easiest things they do on a daily basis, they have a specific option on the registers to do it in case the code doesn't print on the sales receipt.
  6. nope, didn't get one either....sick.... EDIT:ok never mind I got it now
  7. I like the kids bragging about who's parents are richer lol, makes for good laughs. but yeah the FOTUS looks kinda...unique... but I guess its more of a status symbol than anything else so thats cool
  8. Are you sure that game was the one it happened in? Some people just mute the entire playerlist from the start so they don't hear them, and if your in enough games with people who do that you'll get the banned. did you play any games after that one? I was under the impression the bans go into effect fairly quickly, but I could be wrong.
  9. I always assumed the Spartan-I's where Leonidas and the his warriors. Hence why calling the new bunch Spartan II's made so much sense. Like they're the spiritual successors
  10. yet he's dead accurate for 90% of the people here...
  11. The way I see it is, If people really dislike the game soooooo much, then don't play it lol, nobody forcing you too. Stop whining and go enjoy some Black Ops 2
  12. yeah the whole magic deal is a bit too out of place for the technology heavy universe Halo is, I wish 343i would say his gloves have anti-gravity technology or something plausible/fitting like that, rather than make it seem that he's magically telekinetic... I didn't realize Didact was gonna go all Harry potter on my a**
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