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Everything posted by Surveillance

  1. I like the angle you chose for my character. HaloGeek, the Communist Revolutionary! ...who just wants a position in the government.
  2. Hi guys! I did I cover a John Powell's Test Drive from How to Train your Dragon. I apologize for any mistakes! Especially on the duel octaves. This magnificent transcription comes from fellow pianist and the very talented, German, Sebastian Wolff. Anyways! Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Re6EOLlPkX8
  3. I don't need a car.
  4. I'm tired of it. The Illuminati is gone. It was a Bavarian political party that was disbanded in the late 18th Century. *Gets stabbed in the back*
  5. This is not helpful at all. Why did you post this?
  6. Edited for privacy reasons. I kindly ask all quotes containing my picture be removed.
  7. Leave the shoutbox alone and let it flow. If it dies that means people are usually preoccupied with other things. The shoutbox will come back on when it does.
  8. I know. The numbers are obviously not completely correct, but it is a well rounded estimate.
  9. If the exact numbers are correct(632.000.000), then..... Exactly 10.533.333 copies were sold. In a day.
  10. I do not wish to be added. Take me off, please.
  11. You missed me on the list, but I don't care because I don't want your apologies and you don't want my forgiveness, for which I have none. But I will say that I simply hope that you become a better member through your time here, and I sincerely want to see that day. Good luck, Masked Man.
  12. Although you never know... Russia was never good with rights of life. :3
  13. Uh... I really don't know what to say. They're lizards used for scientific experimentation. I'm more concerned about our life support systems for space ._.
  14. As in the words of Baird from Gears of War 3. Dom: I hate corpsers. It's all the legs you know? Baird: Well, that's because humans are hard-wired to react to things that scuttle....
  15. Wow. Once again. Although I'm interested in why they didn't take down the SOE servers as well. They could have easily done it.
  16. YES FINALLY! Another mainlander! Welcome to the forum!
  17. I was extremely surprised. SURPRISED that it didn't come light years sooner! CONGRATULATIONS ALL OF YOU!
  18. Why is the United States so monolingual? In non-English speaking countries including my own, we dedicate a lot of time to learning English. Although that may just be why. Is the US monolingual because they see themselves at the top of the pyramid and other languages aren't required because they speak the lingua franca? Or is there a different reason?
  19. I can do the sixteenth.... most likely. GT: Purpl3 Krayon
  20. Off-Topic: Most definitely. But it wasn't just in Russia. Ukraine, Belarus, and all of the other republics hated Soviet rule. Food was cheap, but there were shortages. Collective farming didn't work and produced bad harvests. One wrong word could send an entire family to prison; everything was watched. The Secret Police new about everything, so there was no privacy. There were long lines for food, even just bread and milk. There were obviously no private businesses, and pretty much nobody could leave the country. People were forced into new houses and had belongings taken away from them. Almost everyone was poor. That is only starting on the terrible life. Despite all this, nobody was homeless, there was no political instability, and everyone had a job. However those three things weren't really enough to make it nice. In the Soviet Union there were 6 occupations: Dead, Prison, Working, Military, Communist Party Supporter, or Government. Most people were the first four. So yes, your average person hated living there. ---- On-Topic: I guess. Not sure. I didn't mention his allegiance. He is at the mercy of Caboose now.
  21. It isn't. The USSR is gone. But it was the closest we ever got to Communism, and my character is the living Manifestation of Communism.
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