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    New Orleans
  • Interests
    Guitar, Bass, Skateboarding, Xbox.

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. 4 is 3 with sprint. i dont miss moving at a snails pace
  2. Its 1st person, wtf cares. Go to the mall or somthing.
  3. Yeah, I'm stuck too, these level restrictions and xp caps are stupid. Why punish the people that want to play your game and not playing cod or some bs like everyone else. Makes real fkin sense right?
  4. I liked in Reach that a team effort with mid ranged weapons could destroy veichles and make a difference in spawn camping wraiths and scorpions. It also adds more value to the strategic decisions and personalities of the veichular pilots. You don't always have the time or opportunities to manage power weapons or line up those special shots, especially with the guass hogs.
  5. The DMR practice and grinding in Reach is just going to make the sweep shotting muscle memory from 3 twice as deadly. In CQC the BR will be more effective.
  6. Firefight was boring. It was a challenge in ODST, but in Reach it just put me to sleep.
  7. Waiting like everyone else.

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