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Halo6 Follower

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Everything posted by Halo6 Follower

  1. Check out the Halo 5 "visualizer". Make sure to write and leave a message and view the previous messages! It's really awesome. http://visualizer.halowaypoint.com/

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SENJV2_XuLM&feature=em-uploademail Youtube link for inconvenience. :3 EDIT: Convenience, not inconvenience. My bad.
  3. Happy Birthday dude! Have an amazing day! May Twam smile on you all day.

    1. Drizzy_Dan


      He personally sent wished me a happy birthday on Skype. I was actually very honored. Thanks H5f.

    2. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      o.o That is awesome, a great honour indeed!!

  4. Why is Broken Circle's spine white, it looks really out of place compared to the other books. :'(

    1. JoeStone42


      maybe too... Tell them apart from others?

  5. How many hours have you obtained in TESO now? And is the new DLC great? Praise Twam
  6. As Res said, it depends on your controller scheme. If you play on default then the right and left bumpers will descend and ascend respectively However, for me at least, A descends and X ascends. Hope these work!
  7. Loving the tags, and great to see this topic up again Spyro! Thanks I would like to nominate Totally Not a Druid lol. Cheers!
  8. As a massive Warhammer 40K fan I am surprised that I haven't already picked up Fleet Battles, despite seeing it in store a lot. Like Bacon said, i'll have to check the finances after Halo and Fallout release. Great idea Doge! I'll make sure to "follow" this topic (Geddit?) Looking forward to more updates
  9. Keko, GotG, a yeti... What more could you want?
  10. Great idea Rocket! (And to the mod team as well, i'm sure this was discussed with everyone??) As an Australian I know the curse and blessings of getting games a tad bit earlier than the majority of members, and I also know that spoilers suck (I got Halo 4 spoiled for me the day after its release, at school. It was very annoying). So i'll make sure to not even discuss the game until it releases in the US. Question though: An unboxing of the LCE would be fine right? There will be 0 spoilers. (As I wouldn't have played the game yet) Just thought I will check before I do an unboxing and post it here. Thanks! Thanks for the effort put in, Mods. As Bnus said, it must truly suck to get spoiled yourself while protecting others.
  11. Friendly reminder that the first episode of the Guardians of the Galaxy TV show is now available, it is titled "Road to Knowhere." It is very good (the quality surprised me) so if you think you might like it, give it a shot.

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Huh, just found out it's non-canon to the MCU. Still, I'll give it a watch when I can. Should be an interesting alternate story.

  12. Damn this was posted fast, making me look bad. I think my MoM post was a little late. xD But anyway, congratulations on making MoM! Keko appreciates the support, and I am going great!
  13. Thanks for the update Vin! They all look pretty awesome, not too sure about Breaker though. Loving the look of the Argus one though. (Still doesn't beat Helioskrill though)
  14. I'll most definitely check it out! Thanks for the news CK!
  15. Woo we were rescued Another great read Fishy! Keep them coming!
  16. Congratulations to everyone who made the list! It's hard to believe that this month is almost over. Seems like the other day the last top 10 was released. Where does the time go?
  17. Have to go to Grandma's house. Be back in 24 hours.

  18. Welcome to the best site ever. Seriously. It's great here, you will love it! As P34nut said, if you have any questions at all please don't hesitate to ask. Can't wait to see you in the shoutbox mate!
  19. I must say Fishy, it was an amazing experience talking and chatting to you on Xbox, the Shoutbox and other devices. I have fond memories of your Old vs New events, they were something beyond this world. And deeply regret missing the last one (blame timezones). I seriously can't wait for the next one. I also wish you the best of luck for all of your future endeavours as well mate. And thanks heaps for the kind words above, they really mean a lot! Also, above all else don't forget that you have friends here, and always will. And if you ever need to talk you know where to find me. All the best mate, hope you aren't too inactive around here, you'll be missed. :3
  20. OMT (Oh My Twam) It could be anyone next? Who do we trust? What if Caboose has already killed everyone and we just don't know it yet? The questions! They are overwhelming!
  21. Talked to you in the shoutbox for a bit, and i'm very happy to have you here with us in this awesome community! Enjoy your stay mate, and please don't hesitate to ask any questions!
  22. Going on a Biology field study for a few days. Be back on the Friday (AEST) Hope everyone has a great few days!

    1. Spyro


      You'll be missed. ;-;

    2. Silent Orbis
    3. Akali


      Neither me or Keko gave you permission to go >_<

  23. Oh no, my armour! *sob* Awesome read as always Fishy! Great way of introduction as well for EK's character! Cannot wait for the next chapter
  24. This post caught me off guard. Was not expecting to be reading something about AoE tonight lol. Anyway, I couldn't agree more. I am a long time fan of the genre, and would love to see it get another title. Although for now it looks like we may just have to wait for Halo Wars 2. Which I am ok with. But yeah, a new AoE would be amazing.
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