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Halo6 Follower

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Everything posted by Halo6 Follower

  1. 3 months until Fallout 4! Woo hoo!

  2. Good to see this thread making a return. @Drizzy_Dan @@igottsondabrain That is a good point, and one that 343 overlooked. My suggestion would to try and find it on Youtube and see if one of the videos has CC. But apart from that I don't know sorry mate.
  3. Huh, Fishy has never been MoM before? What madness is this? Anywho, congratulations Fishy. This was really well deserved! Hope to see you in the shoutbox with your pink
  4. 3 years? Wow, time flies when you are having fun I guess. I want to wish you luck in your future endeavors, and always remember that you have friends here if you ever need the help, or just a chat. Great little poem, I'm tempted to print it off and keep it on my desk. No jokes. I will certainly miss your news everyday. All the best mate. Don't leave for too long! Remember to watch Guardians of the Galaxy often! It's very relaxing May the Force be with you. Follower. I miss him already
  5. But...But... Awww. All the best Fishy, cya soon mate. Have a good one.
  6. Day 484 without seeing Drizzy Doge making a return.

  7. Congratulations to everyone who made the list! And to you too, Ledgend!
  8. This is really awesome! Love the idea Twin. Would you mind posting some pizza here, postage is only 9000 dollars or whatever lol Keep the food coming!!
  9. 28/10/2015 is the expected date for the Art of Halo 5 (Hardcover)

    1. Jack Of Harts

      Jack Of Harts

      Shame it's not 28/12.

    2. Drizzy_Dan


      It's going to be fantastic

  10. Ebonhart? Sounds like Jack's alliance. Lol. Geddit? Good read Caboose, a bit biased, but good read.
  11. A Fallout 4 Loot Crate is going to be featured soon. If you are a fan, this is an awesome idea. So far all we know is that it includes "Rare and exclusive Fallout wearables and collectibles. I'll try my best to make an update when it is available for purchase.

    1. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      "Loot crate, making Kids hoarders since 2014"

    2. Guts
  12. I'm with Fishy! Please stick around, you are missed!
  13. All the best with it mate. Cya soon!
  14. Congratulations Ash! I wish you luck in your moderating duties!
  15. This T-Shirt arrived today! Very awesome: https://i.imgur.com/8zjTnLd.jpg

  16. It's entirely up too you. Watch some gamplay videos. Maybe download the free demo, that's probably the best bet.
  17. I should level up my rank with him... Thanks for the post EK! Love the idea!
  18. Dawn of War trading cards are now in play. So far i just think it's Soul Storm, but could be wrong.

  19. Going to have to quickly duck to Grandma's house over the next few days. I shall be back Friday, AEST. And then we can play some TESO *looks at Edward, Spyro and TD* Cya all soon! Keep it clean.

  20. Happy Birthday to one of the best member on the site! Spyro, may the Nine Divines bless you this day. I would recommend a viewing of GotG, or maybe several! May Twam, The Almighty, guide you upon your endeavours forever, Dragon.

    1. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      May the Nine guide your path Spyro! TO MY BLADE SUCKA! :D

    2. Spyro


      So that I may pry it from your cold, dead, racist hands. Best birthday present ever, thanks Caboose. Thanks for Australia! :D

    3. Spyro


      *Thanks for the wishes Australia. xD

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