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Halo6 Follower

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Everything posted by Halo6 Follower

  1. Happy Birthday dude! I hope Twam blesses your day!

    1. Spyro


      Thanks man, means a lot. :)


  2. Glad you loved it! It was a really great campaign. Now to wait for Halo 5...
  3. Keko says not to worry, he doesn't have his sight set on this world... Thanks for the kind words Yang! Have an amazing month in pink!!
  4. Yang hasn't been MoM before? Whaaa? Huge congratulations mate! Enjoy your month!
  5. Thank you for making an AEST friendly event, I do appreciate that. As a result I will be joining this one, although if the date is changed any later, I won't be able to make it. Thanks for the event Onso! Looking forward to it!
  6. Spyro and I are both in the Blackwater Blade Campaign I think. Good idea!
  7. I like to look at it like the packs in the Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer.
  8. Hey there mate! Firstly, I hate to tell you this but we aren't 343I, just a community Forum. But with that aside, i'm really glad that you have decided to give the Xbox a go, and especially loved Halo. It is a very expansive game that only gets better the longer you play it. Feel free too stick around here and ask any questions you may have, and welcome to community!
  9. Never seen this chain of restaurants before. So what exactly does it serve, just steak?
  10. Woot! Great to see you back dude! Hope all is well. Catch ya in the shoutbox! Rush Ridge
  11. That energy bayonet looks really amazing. Can't wait to get that! Another great post mate, thanks for sharing!
  12. Edward :3 Massive congratulations on 3 years Edward! And thank you for the kind words above! They mean a lot to me! That purple though.... *sob* Let's make it 4 years!
  13. I'm the same with Spyro, although I'm a much lower level. But I can currently make heavy armour for those lower level than I am. So shoot me a message if Spyro isn't on. Although your first port of call should be Spyro, because he is better at the game than I xD Werewolf sounds good, Spyro!
  14. Hunters in the Dark is a great read. 10/10 would recommend.

  15. Hey there dude! Welcome to the best web site ever! No joke. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
  16. Woo! Glad to see that we have our own guild. Looking forward towards future playdates!
  17. Thanks for the honour of being on this list again! It's truly amazing! Keep up the good work Metalzone! I'm sure you can get on the list next month! Congratulations to everyone that got on and who received an honourable mention.
  18. I think it's just available through the REQ system sorry mate. Although it is possible to use REQ items when you die and spawn in with a weapon. eg: I die to Peanut above shooting me, upon the respawn screen I can select the Battlerifle and it will use one of my REQ cards. Hopefully this makes sense.
  19. Hey there mate, Happy Birthday! Hope you have an amazing day playing games and fragging newbs. Cya in the shoutbox!

  20. "What a weird title" I hear you say. But no, i'm not crazy, this is the starting of an odd idea that I thought of. So you may not know this, but I am currently moving house. Not far away, literally a 5 minute drive, actually. And while I was packing up my priceless artifacts and Guardians of the Galaxy posters, I though to myself: "I need to get a glass cabinet to store all of these in" And then the idea came to me. "I have little mementos from different websites, but nothing from the website that has had the most impact on me." And i'm not talking about the Rocket Raccoon subreddit, or even the Star Wars one. I'm talking about this website here, the Forums. And that got me thinking again. I love signed things, we all love Halo, and I also love Steelbooks. See where this is going? I propose that we circulate a Halo 4 steelbook between Forum members. With each one of us signing it, and posting a picture of you with it (You don't need to be in this photo, if you don't want to) and from there you pass it on to the next person on the list. Now your personal address is not needed here, unless you trust the person sending the steelbook to you. Instead I recommend getting a PO box, or using an already existing one within the family. Or if you prefer you may send your address to me, and I will only send it to the person sending it to you. But we can work out the address issues later and with more clarity. The general purpose of this thread is to get an idea of numbers, and who would actually be willing to partake in this. I'll send it around to the US first, as the majority of the member base is there, and it will reduce postage between people. An album of these images will be collected and showed on a monthly basis. So for now, all you need you to do is just comment if you would like to take part in this, and have your signature on the steelbook or any other questions or ideas you may have. (Your signature can just be your user name here if you want, this is preferred as this allows other members to know who signed it) Thanks for reading!
  21. 6 years of Steam service today. Joined it in year 5 xD

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