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Halo6 Follower

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Everything posted by Halo6 Follower

  1. Yeah, thanks for the updates Onso! We really appreciate them!
  2. I finally got around to this! So the idea behind this video is to not only give you guys an awesome viewing pleasure of Keko the EB Games Special Edition of Skyrim, but to also provide feedback for future unboxing videos. If for some reason you cannot load this video, then not only do you have my deepest sympathy, but also a little list of what is included in it. You shall receive: -The game (As you'll hope) -An amazing steelbook -A debossed notebook - Awesome clothy map - and for little lithograph cards/thingywingys. Overall this is a great game, as we all know, and the addition of the notebook and steelbook make this edition a great addition to any collector. ( Yes, even Taneleer Tivan) Apparently this edition was only available in Aus/NZ? Can someone please confirm that? So yeah, after watching that video, what do you think can be improved? More Keko? I shall try to be a little clearer and louder next time. Thanks for watching! Happy Birthday Bnus!!!
  3. Hey there mate, welcome to the best website ever made. Seriously. If you are looking for groups to play with then I recommend looking around here: http://www.343industries.org/forum/forum/141-game-invitations/Or even starting up your own thread. If you have any question, like Drizzy said above, please do not hesitate to ask. And enjoy your stay!
  4. There appears to be a few different races in the trailer, maybe the different races will have bonuses and negatives? It's a bit worrying the first 'Collectors Edition' of the game comes with guns. I imagine the emotes will work a lot like Dark Souls' or perhaps Destiny. I hope it's like Dark Souls, that game had great emotes. I just want a collectors edition with a big statue or something lol, not DLC weapons. Good post Connor!
  5. So everyone has probably already seen this, but if not: Boba Fett looks awesome.
  6. I hope that there is a collectors edition released for BattleFront with some statue and steelbook or something, that'll be really sweet. Great idea Onso!
  7. Ohhhh booii, dat starting. Loved it! Can't wait for the next episode.
  8. Welcome to the best website ever created my man. Seriously. No joke. I may be biased. I hope you enjoy your stay, looking forward to seeing you in the Shoutbox!
  9. Huh. I..Umm... Ok. I like cats too :3
  10. Jeez Bacon, Fishy is just trying to helpful. I found this article very helpful, thank you for sharing Fishy.
  11. Hey there mate, welcome to the forums! I'm sure you will enjoy your time here, I know I have. If you have any questions regarding anything please don't hesitate to ask. In regards to your Halo 5 question: I highly doubt that it would release on the 360/PS3. Just due to the graphics in the beta, i'm not sure the 360 could properly run the game. I hope that made sense :\. Cya around! Make sure to obtain 5 posts so you can use the Shoutbox. Keep in mind that Offbeat Items, Introductions/Goodbyes, and the Clan Recruitment/Advertising sections of the forum do not count towards your post total! :3
  12. Running The Armamentarium on a nightfall with arc burn and spamming lightning grenades is so much fun! I would recommend this chest piece to any Titan, it is really useful for both PvP and PvE. Great post Yang! Can't wait for your next Xur thread thingy wingy,
  13. Congratulations Batman! Welcome to the best usergroup
  14. You can do it Batman! Use the Force! Or you know, bat Force, or something.

  15. Dude. Answer four all the way. Radical. Rush Ridge! In all seriousness, i loved the little animations and hope they stay.
  16. Happy Birthday mate! If there were notifications for these things then this would have come sooner. Actually that's not a bad idea, an option to receive specific member's Birthday in the form of a notification. Hope you have a great day/morning/crazytimezone!

  17. Ohh nice. I'll see if i can pose some of my MegaBloks! Nice posing!
  18. Ohhh i love it!! Can't wait for more Fishy! Please keep em coming.
  19. I'm back! Sorry about that. Had to help Keko with some stuff. Space pirates threatening important trade routes etc etc. On the bright side, Keko did find me an Easter egg that was 420 grams. We had a chuckle over that. How was everyones Easter?

    1. Azaxx


      Horrible, I can't eat chocolate.

  20. Something has come up and i shall not be back until Monday. Sorry guys, have a great Easter. Don't get sick from all of the chocolate.

    1. Melody


      See ya, hope everything is okay. :)

    2. Fishy


      Hope all goes well, thanks for letting us know.

  21. Woo! Congratulations Ash! Enjoy your month in pink! This was well deserved
  22. This arrived today. http://i.imgur.com/oPkfE83.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ShadowFiend216


      How ironic you would post this. Look at my status update....

    3. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      xD I would buy Galaxy of the Guardians.

    4. ShadowFiend216
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