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Halo6 Follower

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Everything posted by Halo6 Follower

  1. Oh, you will enjoy your time here...Trust me. Reflecting on that, it actually sounded creepy lol. Oh well, i wont edit it out. Welcome to the best website on the internet If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Enjoy your stay.
  2. Great post as always Doge. And it was great to see such an awesome member get interviewed I hope you get purple soon mate! It is the best colour, after all Can't wait for the next interview!
  3. Hello Forumers. I was browsing book depository the other day and noticed something that caught my eye. A placeholder for the new Halo Encyclopedia! I took a quick screenshot and placed it below so everyone can see. I really hope it works :\ Analysis time! Less pages then the last one, but not by a large margin. Hardback! Special Edition - Possibly an exclusive dusk jacket or maybe a Halo 5 poster? Who knows? No image yet, but i'll keep looking to see if one goes up. Note that you will have to convert the AUD into whatever currency you are familiar with. What does everyone think? Are you going to buy this new encyclopedia? I know i will Source: http://www.bookdepository.com/Halo-Encyclopedia/9781405348874
  4. I have both and can be usually found switching between the two at once.
  5. What's the go with including guns and gear from the DLC? Is this allowed? *Looks at the Elite Riot Gear sitting in the corner of the room*
  6. Awesome stream today mate! Hope to see you soon!!

  7. Good luck with track season mate. Don't forgot to duck in every now and then.
  8. Thanks for the information and the continual updates GSD. I've been planning to build a computer for some years now with my dad but we've never gotten around to it. When I do though, with or without my dads help, I'll definitely use this guide.
  9. Wow...I don't know what to say to this other then the fact that forgot to make an entry for one of the greatest members on the site, you! I'm not a great writer like you so i'll make this quick otherwise i'll end up embarrassing myself. Fishy: Fantastic member, writer and friend to us all. I'm really happy to see you back in the shoutbox and active again. It's great to sit down and read one of your Warlord chapters after a busy day at school. I am not sure why you stream, but I do know why I watch them and the answer is simple: Because it's awesome fun to see you playing games and to provide assistance when you need it. (And laugh when you die) Please never stop streaming games. I hope you never leave, or think about it, again. here's to another 4 years to a fantastic member!
  10. Woo! Congrats Yoshi! This was only a matter of time.
  11. Is the red cross representative of the Templars from Assassin's Creed?
  12. Are you planning to record some footage of some gameplay/free roaming for those of us that don't have Minecraft, but still want to participate in some way?
  13. What an awesome post for an awesome member Thanks for the little nod, soon i will have amassed a cat army! Enjoy the rest of the month in pink, you deserve it
  14. Congratulations on 1 year mate! Let's see you make 2 years!! Thanks for the kind words, they really mean a lot. *Prepares catzooka*
  15. Fantastic as always Drizzy_Doge. Looking forward to further interviews Keep em coming!
  16. I don't think I congratulated you on 100 days online so congratulations mate!!!

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Heh, I didn't even notice. But thanks.

  17. Thanks for the nominations guys :3 Congratulations to everyone else that made it on the list, and if you didn't don't fret! There is always next Month! Thanks again
  18. I think it's interesting how each member has a different idea of what the Shoutbox looks like if it were real life... Actually that'll make a cool thread.

  19. I received No Land Beyond on the last Nightfall I completed. I was thinking of fully upgrading it and then writing a review of it. Maybe it isn't that bad fully upgraded (Maybe..:/) Other then that, great idea Edward Looking forward for future Xur updates.
  20. *trying to read the text on the pillar thing* Great article as always Edward, i am looking forward to Halo 5 and it seems so far to be shaping up quite well. Keep the news coming
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