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Halo6 Follower

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Everything posted by Halo6 Follower

  1. Tell Halo5 follower that i was here and that i shall take up the dragon's offer and will run for president next election. Have faith, for i am coming. -Keko Cat.

  2. Firstly let me get off and say this: This is really old. Like 3 months old. I'm sure a majority of you have already seen this. If not, however, then here you go! Enjoy! Thoughts? I personally think the animation is a little...Erm, what's the right word... ..'Off'. But that may just be me. Are you looking forward to a GotG TV series? Did you enjoy the movie? If not, then why? Thanks for reading. -H5f
  3. I'm on the top, what does that mean...? Anywho, thanks for the nominations I guess. Let's make next month even better!
  4. It's a trap! BeckoningZebra is the only cure, he will bring balance to the Forums!
  5. You're damn right purple is the best colour. Congratulations mate, you deserve it!
  6. Hey guys, just a heads up that i'm going away until Friday. My friend is having his birthday party thingo. I'll catch you all then. Have a good time in Australia Connor, watch out for the Drop Bears...

    1. Ranger Intel
    2. Mr Kittens and Gibberish

      Mr Kittens and Gibberish

      Have Fun! Because Fun is Fun, and everybody loves to have Fun so have Fun!

  7. I never got around to playing The Wolf Among Us. I've heard only good things about it, though. I was a bit disappointed to see that Shadow of Mordor wasn't there at first, but after you explained that you haven't played it yet, i forgave you. Great article as always Edward. I would recommend picking it up and trying it out.
  8. If you don't talk to your cat about catnip, then who will?

    1. Delpen9


      Athletes take priority. Sorry.

  9. Spookkkkyyyyy Scccarryyy Skeeellleeettooonnnss!!

  10. Kane rewards those who are loyal... Congratulations!
  11. Congratulations on Dedicated mate! You deserve it! Keep up the great work.

  12. A little bit late, but happy 3 year site birthday!

    1. Ash


      Aww, thank you ♥

  13. Welcome to the best website in existence. You will have a fantastic time here! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
  14. Have you got room for one more? Can i put in Archangel again? No changes, just the same as before if that's fine. Cheers.
  15. Happy Birthday mate. Hope you have a good one :D

  16. Welcome to the best website ever. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
  17. Well everyone that time of the year is nearly upon us, Christmas!! Unfortunately this also brings around holidays and time away from internet and this amazing Forum. So it is with a heavy heart that I must leave this Forum for roughly 2 and a half weeks to travel to visit relatives. But fret not! I shall be back on or around the 7th of January. I would like to wish everyone a fantastic Christmas, a great boxing day, and an amazing new start into 2015. I hope everyone gets what they want from the Christmas Tree. Catch everyone in the new year! H5F ,_ _ |\\_,-~/ / _ _ | ,--. ( @ @ ) / ,-' \ _t_/-._( ( / `. \ | _ \ | \ \ , / | || |-_\__ / ((_/`(____,-'
  18. Yeah these Forums are a lot better then Waypoint. In fact, i'd be willing to say that this Forum is the best on the whole web!!
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