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Halo6 Follower

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Everything posted by Halo6 Follower

  1. Happy Birthday mate! I hope you have a great day. Cya in the Shoutbox!

  2. Happy Birthday man! Hope to see you around in the Shoutbox some time soon!

  3. Just a heads up, but the video is set to 'private'
  4. Damn, well time well spent. It looks fantastic. You should be proud!
  5. Wowzers. How long did this take to make, it's amazing?!?!!
  6. Five Nights at Freddy's 2.... Woot!!

    1. HIWBC


      Freddy's ready bwahahahah ;).

    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Five Nights ad Freddy's 5.

    3. Delpen9


      I'm watching PewDiePie

  7. Aww, i'll never get to beat you in a 1v1 lol (or at least try) Anyway, enjoy the PS4 Biggles! I know a lot of my friends love theirs.
  8. Well everyone is entitled to their own opinion, sure it might be a bad idea or might not work. But it's still an idea and should discussed in a proper manner, instead of just shooting down the idea straight away, despite how odd the idea is. But don't get the wrong idea, I respectfully disagree with the idea that sprint should be removed from H5. I liked it in H4. I'm just glad that it isn't an armour ability anymore lol.
  9. The Force Awakens has been confirmed to be the new name for the new Star Wars film. Thoughts? Are you guys going to go to the midnight release when/if there is one?

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Isn't the Force already... awake? Or can it die?


      I'm wondering if this has anything to do with The Force Unleashed.

    2. depressant
    3. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      My alarm gets enough beating for waking me up, anything else won't receive this mercy.

  10. Welcome back!! Cya in the Shoutbox!
  11. The 'Recent Topic' tab changed!!

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      By the nine divines!

    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      That's crazy...you're crazy.

    3. Delpen9


      It's better this way.

  12. The 'Recent Topic' tab changed!!

  13. Halo 4 had the option for subtitles so hopefully TMCC will. Welcome to Forums mate!
  14. Well guys it looks like that time of the year has arrived again. I’ll make this short as no one likes to read a massive blob of text. So yesterday was my two year site birthday, and I was I under the impression that it’s tradition to do a little write up on this day. There’s only one problem: I really don’t know what to put in a two year anniversary thread. Having a look at the other example posts the usual trend is thanking a group of members for being great friends etc. I feel that if I did that I would be here for a good six or so hours because everyone here is amazing. I guess that’s all I have to say really, just thanks for being an awesome community and stay awesome no matter what happens! Cya all in the Shoutbox. :3 ,_ _ |\\_,-~/ / _ _ | ,--. ( @ @ ) / ,-' \ _t_/-._( ( / `. \ | _ \ | \ \ , / | || |-_\__ / ((_/`(____,-'
  15. 2 year anniversary today! Woot!

  16. "Nice animatronic bear." *Insert Toreador March Here* But all jokes aside about your malicious murders and shocking jumpscares, this event is a for a very important cause. I tried to participate in this last year, but the school is pretty strict regarding facial hair. I'll ask around if it would be possible to participate in Movember, but no promises.
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