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Halo6 Follower

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Everything posted by Halo6 Follower

  1. Hey there mate, welcome to the best site on the World Wide Web. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
  2. Destiny Limited Edition obtained, now all i need to do is play it... Wish me luck, Guardians.

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      yeah, picked it up about 6 hours ago. The advantage of Australia :P

  3. Hey man congratulations! Hope to see you in the SB soon, almost School Holidays again. Love the profile music!

  4. Massive congratulations mate, we should be the ones thanking you for staying with us, and making the Forums a better place for all. Have fun with your member title. :DD
  5. Wow, i leave for a couple of weeks and look what happens. Massive congratulations to everyone! It was only a matter of time!!
  6. Just a quick post because i'm suppose to not be here, but my vehicle is as follows: Vehicle: Wolverine Camo/Colouring: Maybe just the basic Halo Wars brown, i loved that camo. Emblem: The Wolverine has kill marks covering the weapon/anti-air part of the vehicle. Upgrades: Just one; the Dual Launcher upgrade from Halo Wars. Is this ok? See everyone soon! Cheers, Halo5 follower.
  7. Well guys with the school holidays over and school starting back it is time for my parents to block this website again :(. So i won't be back for roughly 10 weeks, i will try to find some time to pop in every now and then but don't count on it. I will be on the Skype chat every now and then, so i will see some of you there. Until the next school holidays, i hope everyone has a fantastic day/night/morning! Halo5 follower out!

  8. Well guys with the school holidays over and school starting back it is time for my parents to block this website again :(. So i won't be back for roughly 10 weeks, i will try to find some time to pop in every now and then but don't count on it. I will be on the Skype chat every now and then, so i will see some of you there. Until the next school holidays, i hope everyone has a fantastic day/night/morning! Halo5 follower out!

  9. Great idea, Director. I'll sign up as soon as I can.
  10. Light Rifle What's yours?
  11. Shame to see you leaving TMM, but if you think it is for the best then maybe you are right. Can't wait to see you back here soon, and all the best with future tasks and the like. Kind Regards, Halo5 follower.
  12. Happy Birthday mate! Have a great day

    1. SternuS


      Thanks!! I'll surely have a great day :D

  13. Nothing yet to my knowledge. But i agree, i would love to see a special edition of the MCC.
  14. guessing this is dead now, hey? Damn. I was wanting to make a ranger character with Elite Riot Gear and Anti-Material Rifle... Oh well. Give us a yell if you ever decide to revive it
  15. Preorded the Limited Edition of Destiny! Now i wait...

    1. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      I'm gonna wait for the beta before I pre order

    2. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      What do you think, are you going to preorder it now?

  16. oh right i get it now lol. Nice one. *waves hand* Move along.
  17. The picture that was was posted is taken from Episode 4 (or 1, depending how old you are lol). I was merely awarding Peanut 10 Internet Points for using a picture from this great film.
  18. What's on my mind?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Helix Amell

      Helix Amell

      I was on the right lines though :3

    3. Helix Amell

      Helix Amell

      A cookie cat


    4. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      ^ i would eat a cookie cat :3

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