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Halo6 Follower

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Everything posted by Halo6 Follower

  1. Fantastic as always Drizzy! Thanks for the read. I'm looking forward to the next one.
  2. Thanks JXZAW for the new Signature! What does everyone think about it?

  3. Hmmmm, i don't think i would go to mars just due to the risk of dying. (boring, aren't i?)
  4. This is a really good Idea Connor, i'll be happy to come along. (Make sure it's during the holidays please lol)
  5. Last week of Rowing!! (Imagine the end of Star Wars episode 6, that's how i feel)

  6. Massive Congratulations to you both! I felt that it was only a matter of time before these promotions were going to happen. Once again, congratulations. H5 f.
  7. Awesome Work Edward! I will be able to come to the Mass Effect 3 and The ODST event. Can't wait, thanks for making these.
  8. watching Clone Wars Season 6 in Australia! It's amazing.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Caboose The Ace
    3. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      it is! i sat down and watched all of them in one sitting lol

    4. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      same here Vitamin! Gryffin, why can't you watch them?!?

  9. Welcome back mate, i don't think i know you but i could be wrong lol. Glad to see you decided to come back, and i hope to see you in the Shout box!
  10. It's the 7th in Kangaroo Land, where's Clone Wars Season 7?

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      i meant Season six lol, i am too excited and typed the wrong number :/

  11. Fantastic wrap up as always Drizzy Dan(ce)! I missed the Forum vs Ninja event looking forward to the next one H5 f
  12. welcome to the community mate, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask . I love your name, as well lol.

  13. Welcome to the Forum Mate! if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

  14. i never got into BOII but i have to say that those weapon skins are really awesome! Might just buy the game 2nd hand to use them
  15. I am a massive fan of Dark Souls and will definitely get the Black Armour edition because i'm saving my money for Halo 5 legendary Edition
  16. Going to have to say Game of Thrones, because that is the best show ever! (Apart from Clone Wars )
  17. wow, nice find mate! Can't wait for Half Life 3! HALFLIEF3 CUNFIERMEDD!!!!!11ONE guys!!
  18. awesome, that's actually really cool. Thanks Glitch, i'm impressed.
  19. Is it just me, or is this longer then the average Interview size? Great Job as always Drizzy_Dance(ce)! Looking forward to the next one.
  20. Gave those Machinima guys a piece of my mind. Please like guys and defend Edward: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ka8ys7PTa2E

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      yeah, exactly. Oh well at least they might stop it for future videos

    3. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      I have no idea what we're defending Edward from


      Not like he got attacked or anything.

    4. yotsuba_420


      Unfortunately it's people like Machinima and ChampgChong that get an extremely large amount of views just through the mockery of people's efforts.

  21. Massive congratulations Spyro! Member of the Month was well deserved! Enjoy your Month in pink.
  22. Just watched Robo Cop. Must say for it's time it's a fantastic movie!

    1. The Stig

      The Stig

      The Old one and the new one are great! I live near Detroit (well a couple hour drive away from it) and I love having a movie based on it! The new movie has a different twist on the story and incredible special effects and a-lot more action, but the original film was a masterpiece. That's why they Remade it in the first place! :D

    2. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      I'm going to have to watch the new one now!

  23. From the album: My Cat

    This is Keko watching the Clockwork Orange by Stanley Kubrick, he got bored and went to sleep because that is what cats do...
  24. Halo6 Follower

    IMG 0390 (2)

    From the album: My Cat

    This is him running for Prime Minister. He received 3 votes; Me and my parents. Despite having to meow to get his messages across, believe that he will get the position next election.
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