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Halo6 Follower

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Everything posted by Halo6 Follower

  1. A Spartan II because they are awesome! Weapons: Katana (duh) Silenced SMG Sniper Rifle.
  2. signed up as well. But i will use the CF for my main attention
  3. 75 likes... 3/4 to the big 100.

  4. To be fully honest your art work above is amazing! I think the only thing that it is missing is the ship itself in the background. If you can do that then i think your book title would be better then some of the Halo novels out there... It's also good to see another Australian on these Forums, if you need any help please don't hesitate to ask.
  5. Thanks for the wishes Maru. Now the only thing that needs to be covered is your signature... Seriously, that gave me nightmares.
  6. Happy Birthday Elite! I hope the Reapers give you sometime off to celebrate it.

  7. Happy Birthday Hippie!

    1. Hippie


      Thank you for the birthday wishes. If you havent noticed I dont get on much. But thats because Zelda always has the Laptop. lol

    2. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      lol. I guess i will just have to talk to you over Xbox live then.

  8. Would anyone be interested in helping me finish the two missions: Midnight and Infinity on Legendary tomorrow?

    1. Great Mist 40
    2. Great Mist 40

      Great Mist 40

      Never saying bro again. Ever.

  9. Going away on holidays for a week. I'll see everyone on the 25th. Wishing the Community Forums good luck at the Ninja VS Forum Event as well. Cya all soon.

  10. Massive congratulations too all 3 of you! The shoutbox looks like a rainbow now .
  11. Being mopped by High level players... it's never felt so bad.

  12. Being mopped by High level players... it's never felt so bad.

    1. Cooliest


      Bwahahaha that's funny because right below you... ranger said....

  13. I agree with Drizzy. The Limited Halo 4 controller was 80 dollars (AUS) when it first came out. So if customized next gen controllers are 65 dollars... i think that's a great price.
  14. Bnus, you can go to Theater mode and see if that Ninjas VS Forums games are still there? Some game play from that would make a good video. Keep the camera on me and you may be able to release your first 'top 10 fails' video lol.
  15. 69 likes :/

    1. MCPO Mayh3m
    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Mayhem = problem solved.

    3. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      bummer :(



      not complaining or anything lol.

  16. Who's pumped for Star Wars Battlefront 3!! I hope they include Clone Marshall Commander Cody as a playable character and Rishi Outpost as a map!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BeckoningZebra1


      It's still the game we've been waiting almost 8 years for

    3. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      ah battlefront so many good memories in those games, i can't wait for the new one, it's gonna be sweet

    4. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      I got BF2 on my vita so I aways have BF on the go. :D

  17. *takes out GMT to AEST converter, grumbles for a bit... works out that i can go* I'll be able to attend the US one maybe, depends if the Converter was right or not lol.
  18. I think that the Arbiter in Halo 5 would definitely make up for the lack of him in halo 4. For me, a Halo without the Arbiter is no Halo at all, and hopefully 343 soon realize that as well.
  19. Should i get the Bullseye map pack thingo? What do you guys think, is it worth it?

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      alright, i won't get it. Thanks for the help Edward.

    2. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      yeah its pointless getting one of them the champions bundle adds skins and stuff but yeah I agree with Edward

  20. Going to have to say AC4, just for the sheer amount of things you can do in it. Second will have to be AC2 for the storyline and those damn Feathers, i mean i hated those!!
  21. Massive congratulations Onsokumaru. (sorry if i spell that wrong, it's hard to spell :/) This was only a matter of time with all of the effort you have been putting in to these Forums. Can't wait until the next Ninja vs Forum .
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