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Halo6 Follower

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Everything posted by Halo6 Follower

  1. Guess what guys! There's a surprise visit to Grandmas house in 1 hour!! I'll be back on the 3rd, Wishing everyone a very happy new Year My new resolution is to get Trusted. What's yours?

  2. I really like the 2nd Statue, the Spartan with the Scout armor. Could it be Sarah Palmer? Or is it?? Do you know where i can buy it from?
  3. Welcome to the Forums mate. If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to ask. See you in the Shoutbox.
  4. I currently have no Halo figures, but just heaps of the Mega Bloks from 3 years ago lol, nowhere near as good looking as some of the other figures there are out there. In terms of what i want made into a Miniature is the Elite Honor guard from Halo 2. Do you remember the cutscene where the Elite Swipes away the Grunt from the Prophet? I think a diorama from that scene would be really cool, it could feature the elites' staff/glaive in an upwards motion because it has made contact with the Grunt. The Grunt could be also seen reeling backwards with a cut in his face, oozing out the blue blood onto the floor. Behind that Grunt, there would be a few others and a Jackal revolting against the Honor Guard with their fists in the air etc... what do you think? Do you like this idea?
  5. Thinking of making a AC4 clan named "343ICommunityForums" What do you guys think, and if it does happen, who would be interested in joining?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      *put this quick message... i just woke up, don't judge me....


    3. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      I have AC IV on 360 i don't know anyone else on forums that do the ones who have it own it on PS4

    4. Halo6 Follower
  6. Hey everyone, so i was scrolling through my emails from Halo Way Point today and came across a trailer for the Halo 4 Game of the Year Edition. I instantly thought "Sweet! More Halo goodness" However it soon dawned on me that it was not a game add on, but a new game entirely... My opinion about this is this: I Think that the inclusion of a War Pass as well as championship DLC is a bit of an overkill. Now don't get me wrong, i love Halo 4, but after spending $130 (Aus) on the Limited Edition Pre Order i feel kind of ripped off. Overall the Game of The Year Edition is a good investment if you haven't Pre ordered yet. However, i feel a bit ripped off. Anyway, enough of my ranting, what is your opinion? Halo 4 Game of the Year Edition: (is is advised you watch the video before commenting, thanks) View full article
  7. Hey everyone, so i was scrolling through my emails from Halo Way Point today and came across a trailer for the Halo 4 Game of the Year Edition. I instantly thought "Sweet! More Halo goodness" However it soon dawned on me that it was not a game add on, but a new game entirely... My opinion about this is this: I Think that the inclusion of a War Pass as well as championship DLC is a bit of an overkill. Now don't get me wrong, i love Halo 4, but after spending $130 (Aus) on the Limited Edition Pre Order i feel kind of ripped off. Overall the Game of The Year Edition is a good investment if you haven't Pre ordered yet. However, i feel a bit ripped off. Anyway, enough of my ranting, what is your opinion? Halo 4 Game of the Year Edition: (is is advised you watch the video before commenting, thanks)
  8. back from grandmas. Yay! What did everyone get for Christmas?

  9. Hey guys. I'm going to my Grandmas house for about 6 days :/. I wish everyone a very merry Christmas, and i'll catch you all on the 26 or 27.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cooliest


      Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!

    3. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Christmas be merry, and grandmas house be jolly. :3

    4. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Christmas be merry, and grandmas house be jolly. :3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      yeah, i agree. I would pay maybe $200-$250 but not $400.

    3. Cooliest


      that doesnt make any sense... there is no way that is the actual price...

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      ...Yeah, only way I'd buy that is if it came with a functional Titan.

  10. Hey guys. I'm going away for three days until the 18th of December. Hope you guys have a good time while i'm gone, and don't miss me too much :P

    1. BeckoningZebra1


      Be Safe, see ya when you get back

  11. I'm in the same boat as Gryffin; Time Zones hampering our time together. However this did not stop me from witnessing your moderating prowess on more then one occasion. There is no doubt that your Moderating skills will be missed. And i'll see you in the Shout Box as a yellow now (timezone willing, of course). Thank you dearly for your services to this Community.
  12. Already on Holidays 1. Purple on this site 2. preorder TitanFall 3. Battlefield 4 Premium Edition 4. Money (as always)
  13. Congratulations Dog, i know that you will make a massive impact to the community in this position. Good luck
  14. Just rummaging through my Xbox games and found: Halo Ghost avatar prop (The one you can get only if you preorded Halo 4 from EB Games or something) Male Recruit MK 4 armor All of my Xbox Live trials have expired i think, because the codes aren't working, i'll see if i can fix them and let you know if i do.
  15. Would it be cheesy to say that it was my destiny to buy Destiny?

    1. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m

      Ananke. Dunno what it is... look it up. ;)

    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Hmmm... Only if it's gooda.

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