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Ramo 'Talusee

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Everything posted by Ramo 'Talusee

  1. Your telling me you would like to watch a colony of ants march from one of the map to the other, waltz into the base, and walk off with your sandwich? If you could see ants on IDK Valhalla do that, then you would be happy with Halo 4's graphics? 343 made a FPS game not a simulator
  2. Making the weapons look sci fi is really bad especially for a sci fi game. I mean how dare they make futuristic and more believable renditions of the weapons we saw in the past games (and in the past). How dare they assume the UNSC would actually not modify weapons like the BR so the UNSC Marines can actually stand a chance to the new and old threats they face! Shame on you 343 shame on you!
  3. Well Cortana told Chief in the end "Most of me is still back there." and she did spend some time with the Librarian so it is possible the Librarian did some alterations to her as she did with Chief. So maybe, with the help from Doctor Hasley, Chief may find a way to bring Cortana back/retrieve her but that is assuming that she isn't 100% dead
  4. Agreed. The xbox will never read that mission due to the laser burn but if you get someone else's and save it in your hard drive it will play your disc perfectly despite the damage. BTW hope you learned not to let your sister touch things that cost money and to download your games in your hard drive just in case.
  5. Chief is two times bigger than the Spartan 4s in that scene. The "I thought you would be taller" comment wouldn't really effect a hardened super soldier trained since early childhood to protect earth and all her colonies and Doctor Hasley herself siad Chief isn't a military asset nor are the Spartan 2s. The Spartan Armor weighs ALOT and if you noticed Chief didn't just sit there and let some guys untie his boots and remove his gloves, they used machinery to remove the armor. So with all that I'm assuming the Chief removed his armor in front of the other Spartans because (duh duh duh duh!) That is probably one of the a couple areas in the ship where they have the machinery to remove that armor of his.
  6. Here's an Idea, remove the scramble all together and enhance how well the player is hidden when the ability is activated. In my opinion Active Camo is so you can get the jump on someone and having the motion sensor jammed only alerts people of your presence in the area.
  7. Jesus the AI in Halo 4 are smart lil buggers, flanking and rushing at all the right moments. Fire team crimson needs back up!

  8. Let me specify, the music for Halo 4 sounds nothing like anything that should be in a Halo game (IMO) The scenes look derp, foreground sometimes looks like blurred clay and the background looks like it was filmed with a potato.

  9. Halo 4 precision weapon food chain (start out weapons) Light Rifle1 DMR2 Covenant Carbine3 Battle rifle, dead last
  10. Halo has a much deeper and interesting story than the last couple COD games have had (LOLOLOL LETS KILL RUSSIANS!) and Black Ops 2 so far looks like Copy,Paste, Photoshop for the win. Halo 4 wins because of the story, the changes (FOR THE BETTER), and the gameplay.
  11. It is a fools gambit, not pursuing the annihilation of mankind. (Halo 4)

  12. As far as gameplay goes, the helmet does nothing except make your corpse seem all the more handsome. On a more logical sense, upgrades are upgrades for a reason. Given the vast amount of money the UNSC would have put into the research, testing, and etc. for Spartan Armor, It would make NO SENSE for a Spartan to be given old armor just because they think it's cool. Upgrades are Upgrades for a reason. Also if yous can get your precious mark worthless in for gameplay why can't those that like the elites get to play as elites in custom games. JS. :/
  13. Maybe it'll the Brute's stick grenande or something similiar? Or maybe another human grenade made more from Forerunner technology?
  14. Just when the Gamer community was about to face the biggest COD threat ever...Master Cheif awakes...and Halo returns!

  15. Not sure if anyone mentioned this but doesn't Halo 4 have Kill cams AND Betrayal cams so you can see whether or not the 'traitor' did so on accident or actually was trying to kill you? And if you don't like getting betrayed in Halo why don't you 1)stick to COD, 2)deal with it, and or 3) PLAY WITH FRIENDS? Sure friends have been known to still kill you, but it's normally ten times funnier than a random doing it and usually an acident like you jumping in the way of their warthog, etc.
  16. Just remembered. No Elites in Halo 4 Multiplayer. Bummed out

    1. DesertSpartan
    2. Ramo 'Talusee

      Ramo 'Talusee

      Im going to miss standing at attention as an Honor Guardsmen, in Clan Meetings and all the other fun components of being an elite.

  17. Wonder how effective and what 343 will consider discrimination. Plenty of times, players mock the sect of the community that favors the Sangheili over the spartarn and vice versa. I do respect their sentiment and see there intent as noble but I'd hate to see people getting banned over something as dum as calling someone a Spartard
  18. 343 scores another victory in the name of the fanbase!
  19. Master Chief mounted a hunter in Halo 4 FUD. Epicness

    1. Zaguroth


      Uhm... Wording there is a little weird... Plus it's something that some might see as a spoiler if they're waiting until Halo 4 comes out to watch them...

    2. Spyro


      thanks for the spoiler jerk.

  20. Difference between seeing the number and it being there but you dont see is bragging rights and wow factor but mostly bragging rights. The visual adds a goal and a competitive edge and of course the competitive gamers will always be competitive but we just like seeing how good we are. Like Casual gamers we love playing games but we like being able to say "List of Hyper Lethal Vectors. Master Chief...Noble 6... and now Me.". P.S. exaggerated percentage is exaggerated
  21. Probably just 343 showing off the energy sword and the Elite's strength to all people new to the Halo series. Also since the Covies have a fondness for despising all of mankind, it's possible they hate all things mankind makes/does and so why the Elite sliced the statue.
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