By no means were halo & 3's ranking systems perfect (mostly due to boosting) but it sure was a lot more competitve and gave players a "live or die" incentive to play and to win it didn't matter if you did the best in the game if your team lost you gained nothing or went down.This made it crucial for teams to work together and everyone would have to work together and COMMUNICATE in game if they wanted to win, believe it or not people acutally went into match-making and USED THEIR MIC!!! It gave people a drive to achieve that coveted 50 rank, and would give you a feeling of "awe" when you saw a general or 50. Matching people with opponents of their similar skill level is a crucial aspect of any game that hopes to be competitive. And for casual gamers their is a social playlist that was all sorts of fun it had plenty of game modes from zombies to rocket race I remember my friends comming over and playing these sort of gametypes the mix between the variety bungie and halo 3 gave was just a expeirence yet to be matched by ANY game since. Yes, playlist boosting was a disadvantage in this sort of ranking system but after dealing with Reach and whatever this Spartan Credit garbage is It's safe to say I'll trade 1 out of every 20 games finding a booster on my team as compared to what we are forced to put up with now. I have no desire to "grind" out levels if I wanted to that Id go buy CoD. And for all of you saying Halo 4 is trying to appeal to everyone Let me tell you HALO 2 & 3 APPEALED TO EVERYONE WHY FIX SOMETHING THAT ANIT BROKE? Halo is what started the xbox live phenomenon and should be held to a higher standard than what it is now, as a lifelong halo fan I am truly dissapointed in what halo has become but yet I still hold on to some senile hope that 343 will make this game work and it starts with the multiplayer I didn't mean to go on this long lol but I feel strongly about this game and the halo franchise and general and only want whats best for the game with that said this is just an opinion of some old halo player who still holds on to his dreams and memories of "The Good O'l Days"
P.S. Campaign was pretty good