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Everything posted by DIRTY_PUNK

  1. People just don't understand that skill isn't to SHOW OFF, CODDish progression is for that "look me is 15th prestige". I loved the skill based system because it allowed me to get better and play fair matchups ! Without worrying to play 8 hours a day to unlock a decent looking outfit... Skill is meant to push you trough improve your knowledge of the game mechanics, to better your 4-shotting skill or no-scopes and most importantly grenades and map knowledge! I' m not a 50 I am a 32, I got there from being a 16... It's not only progressing, is pushing you to get better end enjoy yourself better
  2. I have to say i saw my older brother play halo when i was like 8... And I always dreamed about that cool armored guy called Master Chief. Now I am 16, and I have been playing Halo 3 for like... 3 years now, i happened to play Reach because i bought it and I didn't enjoy it, maybe only the zombie mode. Something was missing to me. I mean the balance, the coolness you felt because you won "just because you PLAYED better" on a fair matchup. I have a modest 32 skill which isnt all that bad, but i was 16 three or four months ago... I actually got better. As i told before I am not a 50, i personally hate legit 50s because they kick your ass every damn time right after you turn around a corner: but they EARNED it. i want to earn it, to play fairly with the best players, I love competitive play because it's fun, but you dont waste your time: you have to learn and correct your errors. And in Halo 3 you could do that! And you could play in social, which was a lot of fun ( running around on a mongoose trying to slay ppl with a shotgun...). You could both have fun and play competitive... I mean what the hell was wrong with it! Seriuosly without true skill Halo is less Halo... And more standardized FPS. And without true skill I'm buying just because i have friends to enjoy it with... but after 3 months I will desperatly search for matches on Halo 3 again... As always... An average Halo 3 player.
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