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midnight walker

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. Dang I can't take it. I want this game now. On an unrelated note, I like to play with my underwear.
  2. Great vid, but your talking to fast, slow it down a bit. You made a lot of great points and had some good info. Thanks dude.
  3. IDK but I can tell you that I wish forge was not in the game. They could have made more guns or maps with there dev tools instead of giving people a mode that 95% of players will not use.
  4. Xbox 720 FTW. Xbox 8 is cool but could throw some people off.
  5. LOL yea you have to preorder and buy H4 from every diffrent store to get all armour and skins. That would be dumb and not worth it.
  6. I am glad they took elites out of MP. Always thought they looked retarded. You know now that I think about it, all covenant look goofy.
  7. Yes, true DS would be great but thats to good te be true in a halo game. But who knows maybe halo 5 on 720.
  8. Its more like reach in terms of loadouts but its more complex and even if you don't like the reach setup you still might like this one. The loadouts are kind of setup like COD.
  9. That broadsword looks sweet. I hope we can fly that beast.
  10. The armour looks cool but the chest and legs only look slightly diffrent. I think the armour is nicer then reach tho. Reach's armour looked like crap.
  11. Could you please tell us what COD has stolen from halo. I hate when people make a statment like this without giving us an example. I mean don't jusy say that, tell us how.
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