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Onslaught X

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    The 3rd Circle.

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    Onslaught EXE

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. Wait, so I'm confused. Is the ranking system gonna be like Reach or is there going to be no visuals at all? Like, will you be able to have the "Eclipse" rank symbol or the "Corporal Grade 2" rank symbol by your name? Or is it going to be like Gears of War 1 was...because that's rather boring.
  2. Interesting. I can't decide whether or not I wanna start multiplayer or Campaign first.
  3. I prefer Reach's level progression setup over Halo 3's. Not to say I prefer it over 3, however... It's a lot funner and more motivating to not be terrified of losing your 50 with every single game you enter.
  4. Seriously man, google is your friend. And so is common sense.
  5. Honestly I'd be fine with Lockout making a comeback. To this very day that is still one of my favorite maps. I also kinda miss the forge days in Foundry and Rat's Nest. And please, no more forge maps. Just remake the damn levels 343.
  6. This is kind of disappointing to me. A lot of the fun derived from the online multiplayer is being able to show off the spoils of your victory, and to have a visual rank to work towards. I don't know why in the hell they would decide to remove such a prominent aspect of the franchise completely. Just seems kind of like a slap in the face to all the people who take enjoyment in the competitive side of the community. How old is this video? Hopefully they will soon realize that taking out visual ranking completely is a bad idea, and maybe patch it in or something.
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