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Everything posted by FaTaL

  1. Infinity Slayer is definitely fun. The instant respawns are amazing since I do not have to wait for the respawn timer to go down to get back to my team. I however, do not like the kill cam. I liked the ability of being in a hidden area where it would usually take people a few deaths to finally get an idea where the shots are coming from. Now it is all shoot and move, their are no "Good" positions. Which is not bad, but it still puts a damper on hidden areas and strategical strike points.
  2. The spartan laser does respawn, it just takes a while.
  3. I played Halo CE, I also played over 20,000 GAMES in Halo 2 not to mention the amount I played in Halo 3. You should just go take your game back for the sake of the Halo community. No one wants to hear your ranting about 343 copying CoD, NO ONE. The points system is the best system to use in order to implement unlock-able items and such. If you have a better way to do this then by all means please put it out their genius. You can not disgrace a game for trying to be the best. In all honesty, I don't want Halo 4 to be like all the other Halo's because I guarantee you I would probably get bored a lot quicker than playing this one. I do wish Halo 2 was still playable on a server just to bring back old times but Halo 4 did a great job. There were video game reviews out MONTHS before Halo 4's release. There were GAME PLAY videos out WEEKS before the release of Halo 4..I knew all about the points system, ordinance drops, etc. long before the game was even released and yet you still bought it, and still are complaining about it. Return it for your money back and by all means go get the "Real" CoD.
  4. You state you were a 50 before the ranks reset the FIRST time. No sir, you were not. It would take about 15 games to rank from 15-16 until they reset the ranks the first time. After that it was easy to level, 1 game for 3 levels. My highest rank was in team slayer, legit level 45. I played this game so much and the legit player circle was so small at that level I would literally play that same teams over and over again. So, If you guys are really telling the truth then I must know some of you from back in the day. Also I was a 37 in Skirmish. I literally only played 1 legit team several times over 2 days because no one played it at that high of a level. A legit 50 was unheard of. It was possible, but rarely did anyone get it because people were so scared of getting modded that they wouldn't start the game without having host boxes first. Ranks after the update were a joke. If you didn't play back when getting your "Horns" was the thing then you missed out.
  5. I made this Super bounce video back about 6 years ago. This video was for the strategical superbounces in the maps. Whatcha think!?
  6. If Halo 2 returns, and it is online compatible, I WILL QUIT HALO 4 AND PLAY HALO 2!
  7. FaTaL

    Boosting *sigh*

    Well, here you have it folks. Boosting is still in the game even without the real ranks out yet. This is good news though in my opinion. Now I do not feel so uptight about my K/D due to the boosters getting 5000/1000 K/Ds in boosting games. You will never be able to recognize who is legit and who isn't. But! Like I always said back in Halo 2, let's own us some high levels .
  8. Solution: Don't die... I am not sure is "despawning" is the right word either, how about "disappearing," lol. It is a rather annoying factor to the game I agree. But, we must go on!
  9. How much free space is on you xbox?
  10. FaTaL

    Oddball Problem

    I think I know what glitch you are talking about now. There is a place in the back side of Complex on the bottom level of the building kind of where sniper spawns (Back side = Water to your left when you spawn) where people with the oddball can crouch and jump into a space what looks like in between two floors. There is no way to reach this person unless you know the glitch as well.
  11. Just let it be known that if you ever need multi-kill medals, such as the challenge going on now..SWAT is the place to go.I have had 4 overkills in 1 game. and MULTIPLE double kills+.
  12. So you have done it 2 times..that is nothing compared to the almost 10 kills you could get back when it was actually a Noob Combo. I have had many people try to use it on me MANY times and it has NEVER EVER worked. As long as the player is skilled enough to strafe, this combo is blown.
  13. This is a little deal I like to do in order to see who all is on the same page as me, as well as to express my opinion including the pros and cons of each vehicle I use or is most widely used in matchmaking. The BANSHEE! - The Banshee is pretty sweet, it has the newly added banshee bombs you can toggle to by hitting "Y" as well as the old style plasma turret bullets as a default weapon selection. The banshee bomb is THE BOMB as far as damage is concerned. Guaranteed one shot drop on any normal shielded spartan on the playing field. The Banshee's default weapon seems a little weaker but I am not certain if it is weak or if it has just been a while since I have used one. The banshee also has changed the was it flips and spins to get out of danger and dodge whatever may be coming its way. I still enjoy the ability to barrel roll left and right, but the back flips don't do the banshee much justice in low flying situations like the older banshees used to. They just sorta..flip, unlike the older models that would flip and take you a little higher to evade being boarded and what not. The Warthog - The warthog is still the same old warthog we are used to seeing based on superficial appearance. If you look inside the dashboard where the little signal bars used to indicate the power/speed the warthog was at, it is now replaced with some high tech sensors which gives it that cosmetic bonus. As far as the weapons go, The turret Warthog has a little issue with the aiming. As compared to older warthogs, this new version takes more bullets to kill someone and it is much harder to lock in on an opponent with your circle reticule. As much as I would like to "like" this warthog..it is nothing more than a super sized mongoose to me; just for transportation! However! I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to see the Gauss hog make an appearance on Halo 4. I know they have put in a new Warthog in the campaign what shoots a laser such as like the one the Spartan Laser cannon shoots. The Laser Warthog is neat and fun, but not the same as out old friendly Gauss Hog . (Has anyone tested the Warthog's ability to destroy Ghosts in a head on collision kind of like before in Halo 2 and 3?) The Ghost - Well, not much to say here folks, the ghost is it's normal self if I had anything to say about it. Shoots the same, strafes side to side like usual, boosting ability, front end lift with the pressing and holding of "A" boosting...It is nice, but nothing fancy. The Mantis - Oh boy, I felt like a little kid about in a candy shop when I first spawned on Ragnarok and seen this bad boy!! It looked so..BADASS, if you will. This Vehicle is Halo's Optimus Prime with the right user behind the controls. The Mantis is not too weak, but it is penetrable with many weapons. Obviously the Plasma Pistol can halt it for a few moments, 7 sniper bullets will take it down as well, but hey..If you waste 7 sniper ammo on trying to kill me (and perhaps even more due to the mantis pulling back for shield recharge or maybe missing a few shots) then go for it buddy! The Mantis has the ability to use 3 types of attacks: Single Rocket launches, Charged up multi-shot rocket attack and the right handed mini-gun. These two weapons are great if not just for killing, but creating a diversion as well. This vehicle is fairly new and the only thing I wish I could change about it is the ability to have a Jet Pack for jumping abilities. That would be SWEET. That is all for right now guys, this was just a little piece of my mind thus far! I will update this thread as I come up with new additions to each vehicle. Tell me what you all think of each vehicle, which is your favorite, which vehicle is Over Powered in your opinion or Which vehicle you could live without ever seeing again! -FaTaL
  14. The noob combo is pretty much out of the game, and here is why: The ammo in the Plasma Pistol is consumed heavily while charged, It will only shoot 3-4 times if you factor in the charging and the blast itself, You can not switch weapons fast enough like you could in Halo 2, and your reticules take way to long to show up when weapons are switched. NOOB COMBO = NO MAS!
  15. SWAT has already been added to the playlist. Have you not been reading up on it? I have no doubt that team doubles will be added sometime soon as well.
  16. FaTaL

    FaTaL's Review

    Yes, I am sorry. Thank you for the correction. The perk system seems pretty even as far as which perks you choose with which weapons and so on. It is nice to have the option to have more than 1 Load out. I use the weapons perk which allows the use of two primary weapons (DMR and Assault rifle). The perk system definitely surprised me with how well it has been implemented. The weapons on the map aren't my favorite part of the game, but they seem fair. I do think they made the needler a little more powerful or accurate. I think the incineration cannon is definitely WAY overpowered, which spawns on a few of the maps (Solace?). But, all in all it seems as if 343 has definitely made it fair for either team to get to their weapon spawn to make the match as even as possible. Another weapon I think is Overpowered is the charged bolt shot and the shotgun for sure. We need to get the distance of the blast tuned down a little and it will be perfect. Has anyone else noticed you can not lunge anymore? =[ I always fall for that and it fails every time. Haha, you are right about all of these and thank you for posting them on this thread. They are very good strategies, although I will admit I figured all of this out the instant I figured you could throw the ball . But, once again, thank you for pointing this out!
  17. Froz, They HAVE a ranking system in place. The experience you are gaining is just to encourage different styles of play using different weapons and such. The ranks are hidden for now. Which is why when you go into a MM game you don't run over everyone every single time. The matches are pretty equal in my opinion. Just because their is no number doesn't mean it is not their. Had you read the 343 article, it tells you the MM ranks are hidden and will be visible VIA waypoint in the future. I liked the old ranks too, but not enough to make me mad.
  18. Lol, can we at least get your Gamer Tag so we can see what is going on?
  19. Who cares who voted for this junk..The reality of the matter is, their is still 300,000+ people online that beg to differ. This game is better than Halo 3, Halo:ODST and Halo: Reach. If it is that bad for you then just quit. 343 has done an amazing job and not to mention this game had so much hype and expectation that everyone knew it had no possible way to meet the standards set. BUT, 343 still did an amazing job. As far as that poll goes, IGN did a full review on the game..they scored is a 9.8/10. Most every major game developing company can base their net sales off of the score IGN gives a game.
  20. Then Why spam the forums with your useless posts? Ok, on to the question. You and your brother may have split the cost but it doesn't change the fact that you still only bought 1 of the items. They don't/shouldn't make exception for things like this.
  21. First of all, If you are referencing to ranks back in Halo 3 and calling this game a joke as far as competitiveness then you must not be an old school Halo 2 player. When Halo 3 was released I reached level 50 by myself in Team Doubles in only 3 losses and a total of 8 hours of play time. Take into account I used to play back in Halo 2 when you had to win 4-5 games to rank up from 9 to 10 and getting to level 16 was a pretty good feat. I will agree on the late game joining being a little unfair, or even the uneven teams at the beginning of the game. But, as far as competitiveness of the game..I believe they have evened out the playing field. Halo 3 was way too easy, Halo 4 is definitely harder due to the OP DMR in every aspect. I personally prefer their to be no armor abilities at all, but no complaint really. But, do not get too frustrated yet because I assure you 343 will listen to the masses of players and fix many problems with the online gaming. Not to mention they have already implemented a hidden ranking system that will become visible in the later future. -FaTaL
  22. First of all, this does not justify anyone's opinion that I have ran into. Yes the Experience Cap does get annoying, but you are playing with double experience points making it 2x faster to gain that cap limit of experience. I will tell everyone right now that I do not play with double experience and I played a legit 8-10 hours with my friends last night and NEVER hit the experience cap. This Cap is much greater than we all know. Wait until you use up all your double experience and you will see what I mean. For a "Casual" player you should have no problem with the cap. Another thing I would like to add. Anyone who quits this game because experience is cut off is clearly not a true Halo fan and doesn't play this game for the fun and competitiveness within it. Before Halo 3, there was no experience like we earn now-a-days. We gained experience in levels, had no armors to unlock, no weapon skins or abilities to unlock..we played for competition and to beat the other team. Shame on anyone who "Quits" after experience cap. If you feel like you should be rewarded for playing this game then maybe you should try out for the MLG or GameBattles tournaments. I almost wish this game had no rewards like it does now just because of this. If you are going to quit due to unobtainable experience, then Halo 4 is better off with out you. FYI: You kind of ruined your "Casual" Statement with all the other stuff you put in here. Sounds to me like you do play only for rank and you don't want to be left behind by your friends. The experience isn't going anywhere, so take your time and chill out. You have multiple years to reach max level.
  23. They are still on the launch play list with the exception of the recently added SWAT. It is in my own belief that 343 wants to keep people playing this game and keep the interest level as high as can be. With the release of several new maps coming near the middle of December I expect to see some game types added with them if they haven't already added some before that time. But, I also believe that they may do like the previous games did in order to obtain optimum sales by only allowing players with the DLC to play certain game types. Keep in mind this is not from any reliable source, this is just what I predict.
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