I start this topic out of curiosity. We all know from past Halo's that cheating has been inevitable.
Halo 2: Started with split second blue screen stand-by, then to fire wall standby leaving you in blue screen for as long as they wanted, then Modding, then bridging, then Hard modding.
Halo 3: Had some Stand-by if the person knew how to do it. You could mod the files, but never seen mods online.
Halo Reach: Never played
Halo 4: Here we stand today, the server situation is the same as ever which leads me to believe cheating is a real risk. They tried to fix stand-by a while back by dropping the person if they showed too much lag, but this system has been beaten before. Modding is a very real possibility. I know for a fact you can mod Halo 4 offline and with that being said I know it is only a matter of time before someone figures out how to mod online.
Any thoughts on cheating? Have you been suspicious of someone cheating you in Halo 4?