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Everything posted by FaTaL

  1. I Appreciate the views! =] I am working towards another capture card so I can get into Video Editing and Montages.
  2. They are implementing better game types, this game has so much planned for it; it's not even funny! Give it time, you will get what you want. 343i and Microsoft listen to their fans.
  3. The maps are pretty sweet. I do, however, have a problem with certain maps and their game types. Complex, CTF, is very one sided as far as Offense and Defense. The team who's flag spawns on the open side of the map will have a huge advantage. They can defend a flag that is in a huge open space, and their offense is all inside the buildings, up until you score.
  4. FaTaL

    Blood Gultch?

    Blood Gulch is such an old map, as much as I loved playing the map it is time for new maps.
  5. You are in a foreign country. Big Team Battle is definitely notorious for lagging, which is why i never played it. It has been a lagged game type since it was released.
  6. a 1 liter is worth 4 or 6, that is the best deal IMO.
  7. Guardian still doesn't touch Lockout, the true map. Re-make Lockout
  8. This post is a waste of readers time...This is the 50 thousandth post about it.. QUIT if you hate it so much!
  9. This game has JUST been release for god's sake. If you don't like it then stop playing for a little while. They have big plans for this game and it will change over time. Obviously everyone has a few issues with this game; it being the 5th Halo released, 4th online comparable, it has high expectations. But, even though we have issues with the game we go on and adapt to the new play style and wait in hopes for a change. These threads are too common. We actually have a STICKY for this type of thread.
  10. I use the AR. It works wonders in close quarters.
  11. I am fortunate enough to not have ever played Halo Reach!
  12. FaTaL


    I am almost sure that their is a penalty for quitting. I will look into it though.
  13. Wow, advertisements? If you are connected to Xbox Live and you can not connect to Halo servers; the Halo servers are down, or the servers are not accessable to every person at this time.
  14. There is a way to manually set youyr Static IP, Subnet mask and so on if you call your internet provider and ask for the details that will manually connect you to the server. Check your firewall and make sure it is not blocking the connection. I would turn it off then try to connect, make adjustments accordingly. You could always refresh your internet by right clicking your network settings and refreshing it. (I can't remember the exact name of the menu item you click). Are you using a router? If so, what kind? Depending on your Internet service provider or Router brand, on the back it should give you a number that looks sort of like an IP that you can use for internet issues and reconnecting,etc. (Ex.
  15. Hey everyone, I have really felt the urge to play custom games more and more for the sure competetiveness and the ability to play any game type we may agree on at the time along with any given map we feel like playing; Including my favorite, and not matchmaking eligible maps. GRR. Anyways, I realise the ability to go to GameBattles and set up parties but anyone who has every tried that can tell you that GameBattle's party setup is not very active. So, I decided to ask you guys what you thought about some sort of way to have arranged parties are certain times on any given day for the community to get together, compete and have fun. It would help us grow as a family oriented type of forum and we could see who has some nice talent in certain areas. Tournaments would be fun as well! Any ideas of how we may be able to arrange this or get this going?! Message me, Reply here or add me on XBL: FaTaL TnB, to reply! VERY SORRY, I OVERLOOKED THE "CUSTOM GAME NIGHTS" THREAD!!!" Please move this, moderators
  16. Drunken Pirate Pamela Anderson on a Warthog turret.
  17. Please stop making threads about wanting double team put back in, we all want it; We all KNOW!! Here is the only proof you need, so let this be officially the end of the "Team Doubles" Thread. https://twitter.com/bsangel/status/267189157674250240
  18. I honestly do not want to be "that guy," but this thread has been made AND locked so many times that it is getting old. You should have done some digging before you posted this, because you would have found that a 343i Community Manager has released information of Team Doubles being released in the coming of weeks.
  19. Your idea for a suicide bomber is nothing less than freaking amazing and a good laugh added to it! consider this my next assault strategy!
  20. Double team is on it's way according to the 343 Community Manager on the official halo waypoint forums.
  21. I also want to know about that last signature, I do sigs as well and I have been planning to get into some different types of tools and out of the brushes for a little bit. Is that last sig done with pen and gradiant with some glow and color altering?
  22. That makes is more strategic! and be happy it is like that, used to we would use a strategy that would include parking a vehicle (usually a warthog if not a tank) over our defending flag and it would make it so when you went to hit "X" to pick up the flag you would instead enter the vehicle. You would have to either move the vehicle or blow it up to get to it which bought the defending team time to get to you! BOO YA!
  23. I have made a similar signature in your first picture. The Last picture in your post is SICK!
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