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Kyle Sloderbeck

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. It goes off of your score for each game. Just totals it up so the more play time the better off you are imo.
  2. Its outtttt! http://halocheats.com/blog/halo-4-infinity-challenge-slayer-is-out-now/
  3. I agree with all 3. Give us a 1-50 in game system and I think you will find the competitive players are done criticizing a good game. This game has sooooo much potential and I believe it can be the best Halo yet. I think I stand for most of the competitive players that prefer competition with rewards compared to unlocking virtual armor. To each his own and I think the ranking system would at least get the competitive players off 343's back.
  4. I think it's a great game and has more potential than any other Halo game. If I join in the middle of a game and my team is getting spawn trapped I do rage a little bit. Bring back a 1-50 system and give me something that I really need to work for and I will be a long time Halo 4 player. I only complain because the game IS NOT competitive at all. I remember going into a matchmaking game in previous Halo's where a mic was necessary and communication was key to winning. Do they really think a ranking system on WAYPOINT is going to make anyone competitive?
  5. 1-50 Ranking System. (DO NOT fix or remove something that is not broken.) NOT on WayPoint. (Does Jay Wilson work here?) If people continue to say boosting will be a problem, I would like you to take a look at the game as it currently is.
  6. Would love to but it doesn't give the option to remove post or change it to a new forum.
  7. The website is www.halocheats.com and www.facebook.com/halocheats We are looking for around 10 editors to create posts and edit them. It isn't exactly as it sounds. We would like it to be a Halo community overall and not designated to hardcore cheating. Once we establish ourselves and start receiving a little more traffic we would like to create a general website for cheats or gaming. Any experience with WordPress and the editor dashboard would be preferred but we will take just about anyone that would like to help. For more information or to request an editor role please email me at [email protected]
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