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Gage MacPherson

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  1. IF ANYONE WITH ANY KIND OF EVEN REMOTE AUTHORITY AT 343 SEE'S THIS, PLEASE READ. A lot of people, including me, are huge lovers of airbourne vehicles in the Halo series, I used them ALOT in the forge. they can transport us and our teamates from place to place, or provide air support for our troops on the ground, they are a HUGE help. i especially loved the Falcon, and the Hornet was cool. I've been watching Machinima's Halo 4 Early Access Live Stream on Youtube, and they went through the entire forge vehicle list, there wasnt a single UNSC airbourne vehicle in the list. that made me sad lol. I have NO IDEA why you would want to take them out, people love them, plus the Covanent get the Banshee, so its only fair that we get an air vehicle. (i also hate the Banshee). So unless your just waiting for the release and keeping it a suprise, PLEASE add one into the game!!! P.S. - if you put the Falcon in the game, you should really make the turret on the front usable, it was in the campaign, and not in the forge, which kind sucked. but anyway please consider, and anyone else who agrees, post some more and help us convince 343 to let us have airbourne vehicles in the forge!
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