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Everything posted by STFUitsRichy

  1. m working on starting a new clan if youd like to likn up man!
  2. Looking for some people to start a clan wth, or looking to join a clan. as of now my K/D is 0.98 and Im an SR-55 Wetwork Lv 5. Hit me up and lets play some Halo
  3. Thank you for the release dates! so good to know whats gong on!
  4. The min Covies were fun at first but really sucked when you had to fight them lol
  5. We could only wish, but I doubt t will happen. I really wish they would brng back firefight.
  6. Of course we were on Legendary. Made those minis insane man lol!
  7. Well been a long night on the forum. Good night 343 forum people :)

  8. That actually a really cool idea! d want my to be lke Samuel Jackson!
  9. So me and my friends where playing spartan ops last night liike we always do. it was kinda laggy like always (sorry 343 but your spartan ops serves kinda suck). but it got espically bad when we hit Ep 3 Ch 2. It was totally fine when we first started. But then weird stuff started happening.... Frst thing that happened is we all got trashed by the Elites and it spawned us in the very back of the complex map by the bushes. Well as we were getting wrecked by the frst wave and getting are death rate up one Ryan sawned outside the map, dont ask home I dont know. But as me and Kilo died we spawed wth ryan... Outside and under the map. Well we were presistent to get back on the map instead of quiting and evantually did after about 20 mins of fiighting threw the glitch. We felt proud, very proud indead. But then the all round weirdest thing happened after we finished the current wave of grunts and Elites. The next wave was mini! at first we thought they gltched to nothing and that they were just floating guns, but when we zoomed in on the guns we saw mini Grunts and Elites that werent even big enough to hit with bullets! We were determined to beat this lvl at all cost we had double Xp going so we didnt want to waste it! but long story short after mass amount of frags and stickys we finally beat the spartan op! so my question to everyone that reads this, has this ever happened to you? Mini Covies or glitching of the map of the spartan op?
  10. I have thank you so much everyone, Ive actually grown to love the forum and the people that are a part of it! thank you al;l so much for the help!
  11. Hello everyone! My names Richy and just wanted to welcome any new people to the forum and or Halo 4. Loooking for new people to play with and talk to so if anyones ntrested n beating some campiagn mission or some spartan ops just give me a hollar, m always williing to help people out the best I can!
  12. Screw this XP cap -_-

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. STFUitsRichy


      Yeah I know but it was so disapointing :(

    3. Azaxx


      I know it would suck. But hey, doesn't mean you can't stop playing and get good stats :)

    4. STFUitsRichy
  13. Honestly dont know what to think of Halo 4

  14. Honestly dont know what to think of Halo 4

  15. Dont know where I was suppose to post this so Im posting it here haha. BOLD is yet again accepting players into are family. For details on entry please post a comment here with your gamer tag or message us directly at are gamer tags. Hope to hear to see you all in the arena Clan Leaders/ Gamertag Richy ( STFUitsRichy ) Jeanie ( TekilyaOnDaRoks )
  16. sweet thank you so much, how do I find the clan page?
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