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    The south

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Brute Chieftain

Brute Chieftain (6/19)



  1. i had an odd glitch happen where i'd fall through the map but i can't remember what mission and where. just restarted and was fine.
  2. i love spawning with sticky grenades, makes my life easier When in doubt throw a sticky grenade out
  3. wait a minute the mongoose nooooooo i love to take random joy rides with that, but really on a serious note. it is very useful for CTF and no just no also did you really just say the energy sword is overpowered? yep i'm done
  4. most missions i can beat in around 10 minutes on episode 6 but with a team of people who either don't play or just keep dying they can take up to 30 minutes gets pretty crazy when i have almost 60 kills and they barley have 15
  5. mine is Carbine or BR Camo Plasma Pistol Plasma grenade Fast Track Explosives
  6. Greassy


    jez i like flood :/ guess the op doesn't lol
  7. i want the elites and grunts to speak English again, no dmr, no ordnance, no armor abilities, weapons spawn on maps as with power ups. this is all my opinion because that was how i liked halo
  8. mixed feelings about it, easy for people to boost and it was fun in halo 3. hmmmm i voted yes just because i liked it in 3 and got a 45 in it
  9. try uninstalling the specializations and re installing them, then clear you're system cache. good luck
  10. yeah i beat all 5 and it was a lot better then the previous episodes. IMO
  11. not sure why you can't play the rest. i downloaded them at 7 am the day they came out and played all 5. so no clue why you can't, maybe delete and reinstall
  12. i like the ones where you are running toward them and you tackle them and stab them in the face! but other then that i really don't assassinatie, i always get the pipe. either my teammates steal it or i get killed because they take forever
  13. i have only had it happen once, i was calling a sniper for my friend to take and our teammate came and stole it. i mean i didn't really care but my friend was quite mad
  14. when it comes to swat the DMR is very easy to use. that is why i don't play it anymore because its just un far compared to the br. IMO but only on some maps
  15. yeah im a 129 right now and would like there to be more but i play the game for fun not ranks... well i take that back if it was 1-50 i would play for rank/fun like halo 3
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