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Everything posted by Greassy

  1. will do! i should be on soon depending on when i get home. see ya then
  2. getting close to 130 :/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fishy


      I'm not doing it for the rank. I could care less for rank, I'm doing it because dominating is my style.

    3. Greassy


      yeah idc about the rank i just play for fun

    4. Greassy


      same reason why i played halo 3 loved the gameplay


  3. i agree, i am more about winning then kills. i always wanted to keep a good k/d and i had about a 1.27. and i started playing capture the flag a lot more and just wanted to win, i would score 3 times a game. and now my k/d is a 1.23 and you know what idc because i just want to win! wish i could get a group of people together that would play with me and just win lol. any takers?
  4. trust me you won't get "free" maps. you will get the dlc when it comes out
  5. JEEP because i love my jeep
  6. Team SWAT like it was in halo 3..... in halo 3 SWAT was amazing!
  7. Flood and SWAT are the best to get the best to get first strike in. IMO
  8. mine sits at 16,490 sadly was around 30,000 when my friend hacked one of my games for me that led me to a reset oh well im starting my way back up
  9. it does suck knowing you get the pipe when you are the driver.. me and my friend always do the same thing he guns and i drive, we are a team. i always end up assisting him in around 30 kills a game. wish us drivers would get more credit then just a wheelman :/
  10. i really like chiefs armour in halo 4! 343 did a great job!!
  11. this is a fan site, also 343 has announced that they are releasing 2 specializations a week starting next week! this game is for fun not to show how high of a rank someone is. levels don't mean anything as long as you are enjoying the game
  12. yes wish the kill feed told you how you died really miss that.
  13. halo 4s campaign was amazing. ok so on that note i love halo 4 great campaign good multiplayer. spartan ops is ok. and now reach. reachs campaign was ok multiplayer sucked and firefight was ok. so reach is nothing like halo, i feel that 4 is slowly moving back to halo. REMEMBER THIS IS MY OPINION
  14. yeah what ^ he said. you're disc must be scratched leaving it to not loading the map
  15. i figured it was that but i heard that they had a "system" that does it not by reports. well thats what i heard on waypoint forums. the funny thing is he only uses his headset when im playing with him and he only talks to me. but what ever i didnt get banned for its fine with me i was jw lol
  16. so the other day i was arguing with a guy after a game and then 30 minutes later my friend who was in the party with me got banned for a week. how do they come up with these things? all he does is talk to me during the games, not quite sure on how he ended up getting banned. has this happened to anyone?
  17. i took 2 weeks off and came back and it took me a few games to get back into it but after that im back to going 18 - 5. games like that. funny story i played on my other account that is a level 3, i played a game of BTIS and went 29-2 lol it just depend on who they pair you up with. i wish you the best of luck!
  18. i wish they would come back with 1-50 just because some losers have to derank and sell account shouldnt ruin it for the people who want it. simple fix to deranking and selling, if they are deranking ban them. if they sell the account find out where it was last downloaded if it does not match the last location then ban the account. not hard to fix those issues but its up to 343 to fix them, bungie never seemed to care about it that much i guess. even tho i know they banned a friend of mine because he was a loser who deranked!
  19. i could see it after dew xp is over
  20. mostly BR but when it comes to a big map always the DMR
  21. if its any crap like halotracker i will pass.... i was a 45 on halo 3 and it says on that im a 26. LOL yeah i don't think so. it would make so much more sense to put it into the game and make playlists around it. don't underestimate someone by there stats SMH @ halo tracker
  22. why punish? i mean i quit for 3 reasons. get put into a match that my team is getting destroyed. getting really pissed off(getting a mantis and gets destroyed by teammates) last when i am looking at my last matches stats and they throw me into a game that fast and its a crappy map. maybe not be good reasons for you but its great reasons for me. and not only that i have had the game lag out at least 50 times so the system would be garbage
  23. Time for some #Halo4 #Roadto117

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